Emergency Contact (Part 2)

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After a sleepless four hour flight Alex doesn't even think about going to Mer's house first. He has to see her. He has to see her chart, see all the test they did, he has to see that there's still hope. Because even though he hasn't seen her in three years and hasn't been sure if coming here was the right decision, he can't let her die. He still cares so much about her, she's for sure still one of the most important persons in his life; that will probably never change. She made him to what he's today.
The drive to he hospital felt like hours, his thoughts racing through his brain, never letting him come to rest.
Sprinting into the hospital, he immediately makes his way to the ICU, calling Mer while he waits for the elevator to get him to the right level, but she's not answering, even though she promised to stay with Jo as long as he's on his way. So he askes a nurse for Jo's room and finally almost 24 hours after getting the call from Mer, he sees her. Lying in a hospital bed, in one of those awful gowns, connected to all those machines, eyes closed like she's just sleeping peacefully, still looking flawless as ever. She had been stabbed five times and barely survived a five hour emergency surgery but she still looks so perfect. Alex pushes his suitcase in corner of the room and pulls the chair closer to the bed. Grabbing her hand, he's immediately relieved that it's still warm.
An hour after he arrived Mer finally shows up to check on Jo and tries to convince Alex to come home with her but he's not going anywhere. Not anymore. He's done running, leaving people he loves. He will stay until she wakes up, no matter how long it will take.


Like all the mornings before Alex wakes up on the uncomfortable hospital chair today as well. Covered in this scratchy blanket that he got from one of the nurses, facing the wall, still holding Jo's hand in his. He's not quite awake yet when he feels a thumb stroking over his hand, playing with the wedding ring he never took of.

"Oh my God, Jo." He whispers immediately wide awake, turning towards her. Looking into her eyes for the first time after what felt like an eternity, he can finally breathe again. She's awake. She's alive and breathing. She can hate him, be angry, he would even let her punch him, he doesn't care, she's alive, nothing else matters.


After getting her checked out, they sit together and talk for hours. Alex tells her the whole story about his kids turning out not being his kids and he apologizes a million times.

"You know now that I'm awake you can finally go take a shower." Jo tastes him with a laugh.

"Are you saying that I stink?" He fakes a sulky face and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes Alex!" Jo laughs.

"Well three days of anxiety sweat do that to you. And you know who's fault that is." He shrunks his shoulders, holding back a smile.

"Oh now it's my fault that you stink like a thirteen year old teenager." Now Jo's the one playing sulky but laughs immediately. "No. But I'm serious, Alex. You should go take a shower, change your clothes, than you can come back. I promise I won't go anywhere." She jokes.

Convinced by her smile he agrees. Squeezeing her hand one last time before he stands up and grabs his suitcase. With a last glance at her he leaves.
As he leaves her room, he spottes Mer at the nurse desk so he walks towards her.

"Hey Mer. Could I go take a shower at your place?" He asks, interrupting her tipping on the tablet.

"Sure. My keys are in the attendings lounge. My car keys are there too, you can take it instead of calling a taxi- Are you even listening?" She follows Alex sign, seeing Link walking out of the elevator with a little boy and a girl on his hands, towards Jo's room. They disappear in said room, which makes Alex walk towards the room too, but he gets held back my Mer grabbing his arm.

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