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It's been a long day already and it's not even twelve. Sometimes Alex hates his new position as chief of surgery. Sure it's not entirely bad and he did it before but on days like this he would really like to just get back to being a peds surgeon. Because that's the thing he misses the most, just being a surgeon. He hates all those meetings and stuff. That's not why he became a surgeon. He wanted to be a surgeon to help people. To cut them open, fix them, sew them back up and make them feel better. That's what he wanted to do but now he's chief again and he barely sees the inside of an OR anymore. He has a million meetings a day and is maybe doing a consult, if there's time. He misses the OR, the blood, the adrenaline, also the kids, they always make his day so much better. So after a morning full of boring meetings, Alex is finally on his way back to his office. He desperately needs twenty minutes of silence.
Reaching his office he locks the door behind him and flops down on the couch. Closing his eyes, resting his head on the couch for five seconds, he feels his phone vibrating in the pocket of his lab coat.

"No!" He curses, while fishing it out. With a look on the display his bad mood is gone immediately, it's a message from his wife.

Man, he misses her too. He misses coming to his office and getting welcomed by his wife sleeping, on the couch. Or her saving him out of boring meetings with an emergency, which is eating donuts in a dark supply closet together. He misses already hearing her laugh before he rounds a corner. He misses her little kisses to cheer him up after a bad day. He misses her coming to his office, closing his laptop and sitting down on his lap, to talk about their days or to not talk at all.
But he is also quite happy that she finally agreed to take her maternity leave. They have three weeks left until they become parents to twins and Alex couldn't be more excited. He can't wait to hold his babies in his arms.
His thoughts get interrupt by another massage from his wife.

Why are you reading my message but don't answer?

Sorry got distracted by thinking about you.

Oh cut that crap. Answer my first question.

I'll be home by probably six. Should I stop by this new Indian place we wanted to try?

No. Your kids are craving pizza from this place Link showed us.

Ok, then pizza it is. How are the peanuts doing? Did they let you sleep?

Hahaha. NO!
They woke me up ten seconds after you walked out the door. Sometimes I hate them.

Don't say that, Princess. They love you.

They have a crappy way to show it. Once they're out, they are your problem. And I will take a vacation.

No you won't. Once they're here you will love them way to much to ever leave them.

Mmhh maybe.

We miss you.

I'm out here at six. I have some other super boring meetings after lunch and then I promised Mer to do a consult.

Should I text you through those meetings again to make them more fun for you? 😏🍆


Alright. When's your meeting? I'll snap some pictures to send you.


I know 😏 But last time was to much fun 😂🍆

There was nothing fun about you giving me an erection during a budget meeting! They thought I was rude because I didn't stand up to shake their hands when they left.

Jolex - One Shots Where stories live. Discover now