Sleepover At The Hospital

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Alex is just about to close little Max, who he has been operating on for the last five hours, when he spots his wife sitting in the galery.
Looking up towards her their gazes meet and he smiles widely under his mask, before he points to her left. Getting his hint she stands up and walks towards the speaker.

"Hey beautiful. I'm just about to close. Do you need anything?" He asks through the intercom, still looking up towards her.

"Yeah no, just wanted to see when you're done." She smiles while pushing the button on the speaker, suddenly grabbing her stomach with her other hand, scrunching her face in pain.

"Dude, what the hell? Talk to me!" Alex voice changes as soon as he sees the pain on his wife's face.

After breathing through it, Jo stands up straight again, pushing the button she let go through out the pain to answer her husband.

"I'm in labor." She answers casually, shaking her head while laughing.

"What? O- ahm ok. Helm! Get over here, you can close. And do the post-ops, please. And I'm off for today, so no one pages me." He orders hectic, already ripping his mask, gown and gloves of but before he walks into the scrub room he turns towards Jo again.

"And you. Sit down, I'm coming!" He orders, pointing towards her; he then turns around and quickly unscrubbs.


Tossing his used towel into the bin, the door of the scrub room opens and Jo walks in.

"Damn it Jo! I told you to stay in the freaking gallery! I was just about to-" Alex starts as soon as he sees his wife standing in the door but gets interrupted immediately.

"First of all Mister, I'm not a puppet and we are not in 1947 where you can tell me what to do and what not. Secondly, my water just broke up there so I thought walking towards labor and delivery, while you take ages to unscrubb, could be a good idea." She winks at her husband, bending forward as soon as she's finished. Putting one hand on her belly as the other one gripps into the door handle.
Alex immediately clicks into worried dad mode and rushes towards Jo, wrapping his arms around her to stabilize her through the contraction. Whispering into her ear to breath.
As soon as the contraction subsides Jo lets go of the door handle and puts her hands on Alex's cheeks to kiss him.

"Let's go have a baby." She smiles, kissing him one last time before she unravels out of his grip and starts walking out of the room. "Are you coming? Or should I get a wheelchair for you." She chuckels, starring at a frozen Alex. "Alex!" She calls with a hit on his chest.

"Are you sure you are in labor? You are laughing and smiling way too much. It really creeps me out." He answers as he finally follows Jo out of the scrub room towards the elevators.

"I don't know if my wet pants are enough of a sign that I'm in labor, jerk but I like creeping you out." She answers playfully, grapping his hand and pulling him into the elevator.


On the labor and delivery floor Alex and Jo get admitted into a room and Jo changes out of her scrubs into one of those incredibly sexy hospital gowns. They are now waiting for Carina DeLuca to do Jo's first check-up.

"Hey guy." Carina greets Alex and Jo with a smile as she walks into the room. "I heard another Karev decided to maybe join us today. Let's see how far you are already." Putting on her gloves, Carina checks Jo and looks at them surprised as she finishes her check-up. "Looks like you are already at seven centimeters. It shouldn't be too long until you meet your little bambina." Carina smiles at the two and leaves them again.

"Seven? Since when are you in labor?" Alex askes surprised, looking at his wife in disbelief.

"This morning. I don't know, maybe nine." Jo admits, trying to stand up from the bed but Alex stops her.

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