It's nice to have a friend

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This is a new start for Jo. A new life, with a new name and most importantly no more abuse. Running away from Paul has probably been the best decision she has made in the last couple years. And now she's here in Seattle. With new possibilities and an amazing job opportunity.

Jo started her internship at Seattle Grace Mercy West about two weeks ago and she loves it. Helping and healing people is what she always wanted to do since she can think. She gets along really well with the other interns of her class, you could even say they became her friends. She can talk to them, hangs out with them and goes to Joe's, the bar across the street from the hospital, to end some long work days. She can finally breathe. But there's this one thing that's still hanging over her like a dark cloud. Something she hasn't told anyone yet and tries to hide as well as possible, but she's not sure how much longer she could.


She's so mad. How in the world could this mother abandon her sweet little baby boy like this, without even thinking twice? Also how could she call him messed up? Sure he has a heart disease but that's very much treatable. A few weeks in the hospital, probably a few surgeries but in the end he'll be a healthy baby boy. Jo doesn't get it how someone could do something like this. It just- it makes her so mad. She's actually quite thankful Doctor Karev got her off of the patient's mother, if not she probably would have killed her.


Jo hears the door opening and heavy footsteps walking towards where she's sitting on the concrete bench behind the cafeteria.

"Why aren't you in the tunnels? Interns always hang out in the tunnels. This place smells like fish." Doctor Karev says as he walks closer, "Look I don't know what your deal is but you can't go around insulting patients."

"She was abandoning her baby."

"Then let the cops handle it. It's not your job, Princess-"

"Stop calling me Princess." Jo starts, taking a big breath before she continues, "My mother left me at a fire station when I was two weeks old. I got bummed around foster homes til I was 16, when I took matters into my own hands and started living out of a car. I parked it behind the gym of my high school so I could sneak in and use the showers before class. And my teacher, Miss Schmitt, she let me do my laundry there for free. And yeah, I got into good schools because I worked my ass off. And when I walked across that stage of graduation, I never had one cheery section filled with my richy rich family, I had one person, Miss Schmitt, that's it. She's the one who gave me this watch when I got the job. Her son works for the company." Jo ends her monologue, waiting for the pity to come from her boss but it doesn't.

"It is a nice watch." Alex answers simply as he sits down beside her.

Jo's surprised by his reaction, cause normally she'll get a pitiful look and a tab on the back, as if it would magically erase her sad past, but not this time.

"Thanks." She mumbles.

They sit there in silence for a few minutes until Jo finds her voice again.

"I'm sorry for lashing out. I- this girl abandoning her baby, it just hit a little too close to home. Also I could never imagine doing that to my baby." She tries to explain quietly.

"Me neither. But he's gonna get a good foster home or a nice couple that will adopt him. He's not gonna grow up like we did." Alex tries to assure her.

"We?" She asks surprised, looking over to him.

"Yeah I've been in foster care too for some time. My dad is a junkie, my mom has schizophrenia. You can imagine how great my childhood was. My daily routine was school, fighting my dad off of my mom, stopping her from running after my baby brother with knifes and hiding my siblings in closets to protect them. And I wasn't even ten back then." He shrugs as if it's the most common thing in the world.

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