Happiness (Part2)

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It's been a few months now since Jo's call and since Alex debated whether he should visit Seattle or not. He doesn't know if he should. There's something telling him he lost his right to go back there. To just wiggle himself back into the life's he left so abruptly. There's something holding him back.

He ended up with a very big Peds case that kept him busy at work for like a month. When he then finally decided to man up and get over his stupid feelings, the twins got sick with the flu for two weeks. And as soon as they were well again he got it himself and was down for another two weeks. He waited another week to not infect Jo but when he finally got a ticket and was waiting to go to Seattle his flight got canceled. The next flight he wanted to take got canceled too due to bad weather conditions and then there was a lot of work again at the hospital.

Maybe this was the universe telling him to just stay in Kansas and let Jo live the happy life she deserves. Maybe she was better off without him in her life. But the second they got a call from Izzie's mom, that she was admitted to the hospital and it wasn't looking good Alex took the opportunity to not chicken out again. They also took the twins visit their grandma possibly a last time and to show them where their parents once lived and maybe meet Mer and the kids.

A week later they landed in Seattle. After they left the plane and got their suitcases, they are now on their way to the exit. Mer offered to pick them up from the airport so they wouldn't have to take a cap. They start looking for Mer as soon as they leave the airport but neither her nor her car was waiting for them. Alex is just about to get his phone out, to call Meredith when he hears a voice calling his name from behind.
Before he even turns he already knows who to look for. He would recognize her voice through everything. It has always been and still is one of his absolute favorite sound. Finding her leaning against her car door, greeting him with a toothless smile, his glance immediately goes to her expanding bump, which looks so good on her. It's so perfect that he would like to capture this view in his brain forever. It's also so big, but what was he expecting from a seven months twins bump - he doesn't really know.

One of her hands is holding onto the car, the other one is in the pocket of her jacket, tightening the rim of the shirt she's wearing around her stomach. He knows women hate it when you say they have the pregnancy glow but Jo really has it and it fits her so incredibly well.
With a quick call he guides Izzie into Jo's direction, while he's already on his way towards his ex-wife, with his daughter and their suitcase.

"Hi." He greets Jo as he gets closer, not knowing if he should hug her or just do nothing. It's quite awkward. The last time they saw each other they were still husband and wife. He rememberes every second of their last morning together - they are burned into his brain forever.
They woke up, enjoyed the morning in each others arms, took a shower together, packed Alexs stuff in Jos car, he took her out for breakfast, they drove to the airport, they kissed each other goodbye and then he left for his flight.
Now standing here next to her again makes him feel like their goodbye has only been a week ago and she's here to pick him up to go home. But it's not, it's been almost seven month since their goodbye - he's bringing his family with him, she's carrying their babies and they act like they are total strangers.

"Hi." His thoughts get interrupt by his daughter excitingly greeting Jo, freeing her hand from her dad's to tightly hug Jo's leg.

"Oh- ahm hi." Jo greets the little girl a little surprised but immediately stroking her hair lovingly.

"And hello babies." Alexis greets Jo's bump as she carefully strokes it with one hand.

"Did you feel that? They're saying hi too." Jo smiles as she looks down at the little girl, taking her hand to put it where one of the babies is kicking.

"Like a little alien." Alexis giggles happily, looking from Jo to her dad with a cheeky smile on her face.

"I'm sorry." Alex apologizes, grapping his daughters hands. "Ok, enough Alexis, give Jo some space-"

"There you are. We lost you back there, suddenly you two were gone." Izzie finally reaches the group with Eli on her hand. "Oh I thought Mer wanted to pick us up." Izzie notes as she spots the woman next to Alex.

"Yeah, she got pulled into an emergency surgery and asked me to pick you up, since she won't let me stand in an OR longer than two hours." Jo jokes, trying to loosen the slightly tense atmosphere. "Oh right- I'm sorry, I'm Jo." She introduces herself, sticking her hand out towards Izzie with the best smile she can put on right now.

"Oh Jo like in Jo Jo." Izzie asks surprised pointing from Jo to Alex and Jo nods.

The whole situation is tense and rather awkward but thanks to the two smallest of the group the awkward silence gets interrupt as Alexis fights her dads hands off once again to start stroking Jos stomach again.

"Eli, come and feel. There are two babies inside." She calls her brother over, who's not so sure about it. He's always the more careful one and also rather shy. Other than his sister who's very outgoing and not afraid of strangers.

"Alexis! Stop that! It's not nice to touch people you don't know." Izzie disciplines her daughter, who's still stroking Jo's stomach.

"But mommy that's my friend Jo and she allowed me to say hello to the babies." Alexis explaines to her mother looking up to Jo, who smiles at her.

"It's fine. You would be surprised how many people touch my bumb every day out of nowhere." Jo assures Izzie, not missing Alex's face immediately turning sad.

"Mommy you know, I love babies." Alexis pleads.

"Yeah I know-"

"Ok. I think we should get going. We can keep talking in the car." Alex interrupts, starting to put the suitcases into the truck of Jo's Audi.

After convincing Jo to let him drive, so she could relax, they are now in the car. Alex in the driver's seat, Jo in the passenger seat, Izzie and the twins in the back.

"Jojo you know what?" Alexis continues her conversation with her new declared best friend Jo. "I wanna be a Peds doctor like my daddy when I'm big." She proudly announces, finally unwrapping her sucker all by herself, that Jo gave her and Eli.

"Wow. Really? That's so cool. Did he already teach you some cool stuff?" Jo asks, looking at Alexis while they talk.
The little girl nodds and puts the sucker in her mouth. Jo holds her hand out for Alexis to pass her the wrapping and puts it in the little trash bag in the center console. Alex's eyes watch her as she does so before Jo turns back to continue her conversation with Alexis. Alex's eyes stay at the little trash bag he put there almost a year ago for Jo to put her gum wrappers and tissues in.
It gives him this weird warm feeling inside to see that she didn't get rid of it yet.

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