Chapter Twenty Five

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Saturday Morning

"Again" I said through gasps of air as I wiped sweat from my forehead.

"We've already done this five times." Lita said through gasps of her own.

"And I'll do it a hundred times. If I mess this up, that's it. That will be the end of the match." I told her as I put my hands up, ready to lock up.

"You need to take a break or you'll never make it to the match on Monday." Lita said as she grabbed a bottle of water. I put my hands down and waited for her.

"I don't need a break, I need to get this move down." I told her grabbing the bottle from her hands and taking a drink of my own.

"Okay, let's just think this through, what do you think is going wrong with this move?" Lita asked leaning against the ropes of the ring we were in.

"Honestly I thought I wasn't getting enough air but now I think my feet aren't far enough apart." I told her looking at the top rope visualizing the move we'd spent the better part of the morning perfecting.

"Okay, then let's try it again with your feet in a better position." Lita said throwing rhe now empty water bottle out of the ring. I nodded in agreement before I climbed to the top rope. I placed my feet further apart and felt more steady than I had before.

"So, I wanna stand so I can keep my eyes on the opponent, I need to twist my body so that when I land I'm facing the turnbuckle I was just on." I told Lita trying to explain what I was seeing in my head. Lita nodded her head understanding what I was visualizing.

"So when you land do you I wanna end up on your back or abdomin?" She asked trying to figure out the best way to execute the move.

"Abdomin" I told her as I stood up straight on the top rope.

"Okay, so when you jump try getting enough air so you can twist your body into the position you want." Lita told me. I nodded my head before attempting what she said. I twisted my body the best I could before landing belly first on the mat. I was in the exact position I had wanted.

"How was that?" I asked her as I stood up from the mat.

"Honestly, I wish I had come up with it instead of you." Lita said nudging my shoulder. I smiled at her before climbing out of the ring, Lita followed suit.

"Well, seeing as I've kept you from your loving boyfriend for so long, I guess we can call it quits for today." I told her with a smile as I picked up my gym bag.

"Well, we both know I'm not the only one with a loving boyfriend here, I heard all about the kiss at smackdown." Lita said poking my shoulder with her pointer finger.

"Hey, we haven't even been on a date, it was just a kiss." I said smiling at the thought of last night.

"Oh please, I know for a fact that if it were up to Jeff you two would have been dating months ago already." Lita said as we walked out of the gym and towards the hotel.

"Stop" I told her with a smile on my face as blush crept up my cheeks.

"Just promise me you'll give him a chance. I know its hard to trust, but he really is a good kid. He's just made bad decisions in the past." Lita told me as we reached the hotel, it was only a few buildings from the gym.

"I will I promise, and as for his past when he's ready to tell me I'll listen to him, he was kind enough to listen to all my problems and not judge me, least I could do is return the kindness." I toldbher as we waited for the elevator.

"I swear you and Jeff have the same heart. I guess the more others hurt you the kinder your heart is." Lita said as she pushed the button for the fifth floor. We were silent until the elevator opened on the selected floor. Lita and I stepped out, we said quick goodbyes before heading in opposite directions. I reached my room and quickly let myself in. I was staying with Maria, but she said she was gonna stay in her boyfriends room instead. I put my things down before sitting on my bed. I sat there for a few minutes before I started pulling off my shoes. Just as I put my shoes back in my gym bag there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door without looking through the peep hole. I smiled when I saw who was there.

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