Chapter Six

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"Okay Kailee, Can you move your neck at all?" The doctor asked me as he was doing his evaluation.

"Yeah, Its just really sore." I replied feeling the stiffness and pain in my neck.

"Okay, well the good news is there is nothing major wrong with your neck that I can see, so the pain and soreness should go away in a couple of days. Maybe try putting ice on it for a bit to see if that helps. Other than that you should be fine  so just take it easy." The doctor said taking off his gloves.

"What about training?" I asked.

"You should be fine to train, as long as your not constantly falling on your neck. You'll know when to stop your body will tell you." He continued "So you are free to go, feel better soon" he said Opening the door. I smiled and hopped off the bed walking into the hallway where Matt, Jeff, Lita, and Trish were waiting,

"What did he say?" Jeff asked jumping to his feet. Matt, Lita, and Trish followed in suit.

"Um.... he said that the pain and soreness should go away in a couple of days and that I should be careful until then. I can still train as long as I'm not constantly falling on my neck." I said explaining what the doctor told me.

"That's great" Matt said. Lita nodded her head in agreement. Trish stayed silent we were quite for a few moments until I spoke up.

"Why are you here Trish?" I asked turning towards her. She stayed quiet.

"Hmmm... that's weird I can't hear you" I said getting more and more pissed.

"you wanna know what I think?" She finally snapped.

"Oh please do enlighten me" I replied anger present in my voice.

"I think you don't belong here. You can't even take a spear without screwing it up. I think that your just a place holder. no one wants to see you, your just a face to distract people for the time being. I give you less than a year before your out of this company." she snapped at me.

"and you know what I think? I think you are a whiny little attention whore who can't stand that your little sister made it into the company without having to get a boob job. I mean there is a big difference here Trish I didn't need to sleep my way into this business ." After I finished the sentence I felt a sharp pain in my cheek from her slap. I was ready to end her bad neck and all.

"Alright come this way" Jeff said as he picked me up at my waist and carried me away. I heard Lita tearing Trish a new one as Jeff walked away. I kept kicking at him trying to get free so I could slam her head into a wall. after we were far enough away Jeff finally set me down.

"Okay look at me take a few deep breathes calm down" Jeff said holding my hands and looking into my eyes.

"Sorry" I said looking into his eyes.

"its okay just calm down" he said.

"I'm calm" I said after a few minutes. Jeff brought me into a hug making all my worry melt away. I mentally scolded myself for letting myself feel safe with him.

"she didn't mean it and I know that you didn't mean what you said" Jeff said to me as he ran his hand up and down my back. We were silent for a few minutes before I spoke.

"what if she did though?" I asked.

"what do you mean?" Jeff asked, slightly confused.

"What if she meant what she said? what if I am just a distraction? a Joke?" I asked getting more and more worked up as I thought about it. I let a tear fall down. This was a dream job for me. Not a way to get famous.

"Hey look at me" He said grabbing my chin and making me look at him "you are not a joke or a distraction. You are going to be a great wrestler. Give yourself some time. The company hired you because they see something in you. I believe in you." He was searching my eyes looking for something. He slowing started leaning in. I couldn't move. What was he doing. I had hoped he was just gonna hug me but no. Within a split second his lips were on mine. At first I didn't know how to react. I just stood their eyes wide in shock at what was happening. However the reality set in and I finally pushed him off me.

"No you do not get to do that" I yelled backing away from him.

"do what?" He asked confused. Was he not present for what just happened?

"Kiss me whenever you want, we just met I can't do this" I said turning around trying to get as far away from him and the arena as I could.

"Kailee wait-" he said grabbing my hand.

"no, don't touch me" I said ripping my hand out of his I started pacing back in forth trying to think of what to say.

"Just let me explain" Jeff pleeded with me.

"Shut up." I said with narrowed eyes. He took a small step back.

"This isn't my life. I'm not the girl that guys want. I'm not somebody's dream. I'm the girl that gets turned down by everyone. Trish is the one that everyone wants. And I mean who can blame them, she drop dead beautiful. I'm nothing compared to her or anyone for that matter. I know your just using me as a way to get to her but I am not a toy to be played with when you're board, or lonely. You need to get your head out of your ass and keep me out of your sick little game." I told him he went to speak but I just left. I was so sick of being the last choice. I knew Jeff liked Trish but it still hurt that someone I saw a friend just wanted to use me as a way to get her attention. I didn't know where I was going I just knew I wanted to be alone.

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