Chapter Thirty Two

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When I look back at the best moments in my life many things come to mind. Like the first time I stepped into a ring, or the first time I remember holding a baby, Or my first real date with Jeff. This however was not one of those moments, In fact it felt like my own personal circle of hell. I felt my stomach turning as I feel to my knees in front of the toilet in my hotel room. I proceeded to feel everything that I had ever eaten exit my body in a not so flattering way. Every time I thought I was done more just seemed to come out until I was dry heaving. After we had left the arena something didn't feel right, but I thought maybe it had been nerves or something along those lines. So I had decided to eat something which was the wrong move. It had felt like time had altogether stopped moving as I sat there regretting every decision I had ever made. I was still hugging the toilet when Lita let herself in using her key for our room. Go figure, Lita and I finally get to room together and I end up with the plague. Maybe this was the universes way trying to keep us apart. Why? I'm not sure but right now it seems that way. I'm holding my stomach and groaning in pain when the door opens and Lita walks in.

"What the hell happened? I've only been gone for like an hour." Lita said as she closed the door to our room and came into the bathroom with me.

"I don't know I think the universe hates me or it could be the weird looking tacos that I ate." I said as I started to dry heave.

"Knock Knock." Matt said as he came walking into our room. "Your door was cracked open so I thought I would stop by" He continued as he looked at us in the bathroom. "I see now that might have been a bad idea." He finished as I started wretching again.

"No what would have gave you that idea?" I asked sarcastically through a sniffle.

"What's going on in here?" Jeff asked as he came into the room as well.

"Does no one know how to close a damn door?" I asked as I started emptying whatever was possibly left in my stomach.

"What happened?" Jeff asked trying his hardest to not be grossed out by the scene of me being bent over the toilet and Lita sitting behind me holding my hair and rubbing my back.

"Apparently the tacos I had didn't want to be eaten so they are currently kicking my ass." I said as i rested my head on the toilet seat. Probably not the most sanitary thing to do but the coolness felt good against my skin.

"Where did you even get tacos?" Lita asked continuing to rub my back.

"I thought they were complimentary when I found them in the fridge and I was just so hungry that I ignored the odd smell. I realize that was a mistake now." I said as I dry heaved into the toilet.

"In what world would a hotel give you complimentary tacos?" Jeff asked looking on in confusion

"You know, If i wanted to be judged for my choices in life I would just talk to my mother." I snapped at Jeff. "I'm sorry I tend to get a bit snappy when I don't feel good. I just hate being sick." I said as I flushed the toilet feeling as if there was nothing left in my stomach.

"Well I think we can all learn one thing from all of this." Matt said as he handed me a bottle of water.

"And what's that?" I asked as I took a drink of the water.

"Never trust hotel tacos." Matt said as he chuckled at his own joke.

"You know what? I hate you and I'm going to bed, so goodbye. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya." I said as I walked to my bed and waved goodbye.

"The fucking what?" Matt asked trough a high pitched laugh. I was laying face first down in my bed when I felt the bed dip down. I looked up to see Jeff sitting next to me he then pushed some of the hair at my face.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm gonna punch you." I said through a tired mumble.

"Like what?" Jeff asked as he kept looking at me.

"Like I'm the only person in the world." I said still mumbling.

"That's because you are my world." Jeff said as he kissed my forehead.

"See when you say things like that it makes me love you even more and right now I'm trying to hate you." I told him slightly more awake.

"Did you just say you love me?" Jeff asked with a stunned look on his face.

"No." I answered quickly.

"Yes, you did you love me." He said this time a little more excited.

"No I didn't" I said trying to take back what I had said. I do love him, but he isn't suppose to know that.

"You love me." Jeff kept repeating in a singsong voice as I buried my head in the pillows once again.

"I love you too." Jeff whispered in y ear. I whipped my head up to look at him.

"You do?" I asked

"I do I fall in love with you more and more everyday." Jeff said as he kissed me on the forehead. I sat there and grinned like an idiot.

I was in love with Jeff and he was In love with me.

But the funny thing about love people fall in and out of it so easily


Here we go a new part to this story. I'm hoping to finish it this year.

Is that a bit of foreshadowing as to what's gonna happen in this book

What do you guys wanna see? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time lovelies.

What Hurts The Most (Jeff Hardy FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora