Chapter Twelve

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Monday night raw

I let out a huff of air as I pulled my suitcase behind me towards the arena. After SmackDown we left for the next city, which happened to be New Orleans. I had spent the weekend either at the gym or in my room while everyone else was out partying on Bourbon street. I had barely slept because all I could hear was everybody parting till dawn. I tried to keep a positive attitude but nothing seemed to help.

I had reached the locker room in no time. When I opened the door everyone was there. They were all in a conversation so I walked in and set down my suitcase. Jeff was the first one to notice me.

"Hello there" Jeff said as he ruffled my hair. I slowly turned to look at him with a glare that could make the strongest man crumble, Jeff flinched at my expression.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Matt asked, I turned my glare to him.

"I hate this city." I said flatly turning back to my suitcase, hastily pulling out clothes.

"I'm guessing you didn't sleep." Lita stated taking in my behavior.

"Yeah, among other things." I mumbled under my breath.

"What else is going on?" Lita asks

"Nothing" I tell her grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom. I lock the door and turn to the mirror taking in my appearance. I had slight bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I sighed as I attempted to make it look better with some makeup. I did eyeliner, mascara, light blush, a nude lipstick, and basic face makeup. I put on my clothes for tonight which consisted of ripped up light blue skinny jeans, a hardy boys t shirt that i cut up along the sides and cropped, and a pair of calf high black boots. My hair was straightened with my bangs pinned up. I sighed when I looked at my reflection realizing it wouldn't get any better than this. I grabbed the dirty clothes and went back into the locker room where the boys were getting ready for a match.


Jeff was finishing taping up his hands when I walked in. Him and Matt both turned to look at me, Lita was already gone.

"So what's on the agenda tonight?" I asked putting my clothes away.

"I'm facing Edge tonight." Jeff said as he punched his hand to check the tape. He seemed happy with it as he stood up and turned to me. He had a slight smirk on his face when he saw my shirt.

"Okay sounds simple enough. We know wherever Edge is, Christian is as well." I acknowledged

"You can stay back here, don't Necessarily need you out there." Matt said as he stood next to Jeff. I looked at both men and smiled.

"But if I'm not out there who's gonna keep you boys in line?" I asked as walked towards them till I was half a step from the two.

"See you boys out there." I said as I gave a light pat to Jeff's cheek before I walked out of the door.

"She's something else." Matt said shaking his head and turning around to grab something from his suitcase.

"Yeah, that she is." Jeff said under his breath with a smile on his face, his eyes never leaving the door.


The Hardy boys music hit as we all walked out onto the ramp. Jeff started doing his little dance as I looked at Matt and raised an eyebrow before laughing at Jeff. We started walking down to the ring.

"Making his way to the ring, being accompanied by Matt Hardy and Lee Marie, from Cameron, North Carolina Jeff Hardy" Lillian announced as Jeff got on the middle turn buckle doing his taunt.

"We've been seeing the Hardy's are having some issues with Edge and Christian as of late." JR said from the announce table.

"That's very true. At first it seemed like this was all about the tag titles, but on Friday night things seemed to take a turn when there manager Lee Marie was approached by Edge. Edge would ask Lee to be his and Christian's manager. She would tell him no but that's when he got a little rough. People are saying that he did it to get under the Hardy's skin, and I have to say that I agree with them." Jerry said as the titantron showed a replay from Friday. Jeff looked at the screen with a hard glare. I squeezed his wrist to try and calm him down. He looked at me and his eyes softened until Edges theme played.

"I have to agree with you, Jeff seems really protective over that girl. I think Edge just wants to play games." Jim Ross said as Edge and Christian got in the ring. Edge looked at me and smirked as his music cut.

"Hey there little lady, why don't you come here and give me another kiss, I know you can't stop thinking about it." Edge said, the smirk never leaving his face. Matt had to hold Jeff back but it wasn't stopping him. I got in front of Jeff and grabbed both sides of his face forcing him to look at me, his eyes kept shooting back to edge.

"Hey look at me, he's just trying to get you angry so your distracted in the match. Remember I'm on your side. He's scared because he knows that your a better wrestler than him. So prove it." I told him before releasing his face and getting out of the ring. Matt gave him a pat on the back before following me out. The ref rang the bell and the two began to circle each other.

The two locked up and Edge was able to back Jeff into the ropes. Edge held him there until the ref got to a count of four. Edge backed up with his hands raised. Jeff rolled his neck before he locked up with Edge again. This time Jeff kicked Edge in the gut. Edge bent over in pain as Jeff ran the ropes before sliding and taking out his knee with a chop. Edge fell to the ground and Jeff started stomping on his leg. Jeff flipped Edge onto his stomach and locked him in a Boston crab.

"And Jeff Hardy can't seem to do anything wrong in this match. He's picked a target and stuck with it. Will Edge tap?" Jim said on commentary.

Edge had managed to pull himself to the ropes. When Jeff let go Edge rolled out of the ring and was now leaning on the barricade. Jeff ran to the opposite rope, he went for a suicide dive, but Edge moved out of the way causing Jeff to land on the barricade. I covered my mouth as my eyes widened in shock. Jeff's face was screwed in pain.

"What a hit! Will Edge be able to take control, we'll find out after this break." Jerry announced as the show went to commercial break.


When RAW came back on Edge had Jeff in a headlock in the center of the ring. Jeff looked like he was still in pain from the hit he took on the barricade.

"Welcome back to Monday Night RAW! Over the commercial break Edge took complete control of this match and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon." Jerry announced.

I was leaning on the apron watching closely. Edge picked Jeff up and hit him with a gut buster. Jeff held his abdomen in pain as he started coughing. Edge looked at me with a smirk.

"I'm gonna destroy him." Edge yelled to me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come on Jeff, you got this!" I shouted to Jeff as Matt and I were clapping trying to get the crowd behind us louder. Matt was stomping his feet on the steps to make more noise for Jeff. Jeff slowly started pulling himself up in the corner. Edge smirked before setting up for a spear. Once Jeff was fully standing Edge ran at him. Jeff moved out of the way causing Edge to hit the ring post shoulder first. When Edge stumbled out of the corner Jeff grabbed him and hit a Twist of Fate on him. Jeff dragged him towards a corner before climbing to the top rope. Jeff did his signature taunt before her hit Edge with a Swanton Bomb. He quickly fell into the cover.




The bell rang and the Hardy's theme blared through the arena. I slid into the ring and gave Jeff a hug as he was kneeling in the ring. He hugged me back with the one arm that wasn't around his abdomen. When Jeff and I broke apart Matt helped his brother to his feet. Matt then proceeded to raise Jeff's hand. We made our way out of the ring. Jeff was having a hard time walking so Matt took one side and I took the other as we helped Jeff down the ramp and Backstage.

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