Chapter Nineteen

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Friday Night Smackdown



After the events of RAW I separated myself from the group. I decided to travel with Victoria since I was rooming with her. She was a very nice person, seemed very down to earth but she had terrible road rage. I decided to just set my stuff in the Divas locker room. I figured I was safe there because Trish had her own locker room. When I walked in Victoria and Stacey Keibler were the only ones there. I honestly don't even know why I came tonight, I can't wrestle and I doubt Matt and Jeff will let me go out with them if they have a match. None of us were mad at eachother but I just didn't want to be around them. All they're gonna say is 'We told you so'. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't hear Stacey walk up to me. So when she touched my shoulder I just about jumped out of my skin.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Stacey." She said with a sweet smile.

"No, its my bad. I was so lost in my own little world I didn't hear you walk up. Its nice to meet you Stacey, I'm Kailee." I told her with a small smile as I shook her hand.

"Its nice to meet you to. So how are you doing since RAW? Looked like you had a rough night." She asked sitting next to me on the bench.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a rough one. But I'm okay, I don't have a ton of pain at this point, I have more anger than anything." I told her with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You know, she says she's fine but she was bleeding all over our car after the show. If we would have gotten pulled over they would have thought I had tried to kill her." Victoria said from the other side of the locker room. I laughed as I flipped her off.

"Okay I was a little bloody, but it wasn't that bad." I said calling out her exaggeration. She just shrugged her shoulders and finished lacing up her boots.

"Well, I'm gonna go to catering, would you like to join me?" Stacey asked me as she stood up.

"Sure, sound like a plan." I said following her. We said a quick goodbye to Victoria before we made our way to catering. We made small talk on the walk. Stacey said 'Hi' to pretty much everyone we passed. We quickly reached catering and went to the food tables. Stacey seemed to grab one of everything and pile it on her plate. I just grabbed some fruit and veggies along with a bottle of water. I followed her to a table in the middle of the room. We sat down at started eating our food. Stacey glared at my plate before she spoke.


"Is that really all your gonna eat?" She asked gesturing to my plate.

"Yeah, I'm afraid if I eat anymore I'm gonna gain weight." I told her pushing a grape around my plate.

"But your already thin, why would you worry a out that?" She asked before taking a bite of her pizza.

"I don't have the best relationship with food or my body. So I just try to eat as little as I can." I said before I took a sip of my water.

"I don't understand." She said with a confused look on face.

"What she's trying to say is she use to be way bigger than she is right now. Like huge, i mean she's still fat but,, you should have seen her in high school. She looked like a blimp." Trish said from behind me. Her and Torrie Wilson were laughing at the comment. I tried to sink further down into my chair, wanting the ground to swallow me up. Everyone was quite in catering, you could probably hear a pin drop.

"Shut the hell up Trish." Lita said from the entrance of catering, Matt and Jeff were right behind her. They looked pissed off.

"Make me freak." Trish said back at Lita. Matt had his arm out to stop her from killing Trish.

"You know Trish, you walk around here a tear everybody down. You have since before I started here. Is your confidence really that low that you have to tear everyone else down?" Stacey asked frombher spot at our table.

"I'm just telling everyone the truth. She has always been fat and will always be fat. Fat, ugly, and pathetic." Trish said right next to my face. I stayed quite trying to not let  her work affect me infront of everyone. But she was right, if I even looked at the wrong food I gained 10 pounds.

"Trish, I mean it you better stop, or I will make sure you don't walk out of this arena." Lita said from the doorway still being held back.

"What? Its the truth. Right Lee? I mean I guess we could always ask Ethan, right?" Trish said right next to my ear. At the mention of his name I stood up from my chair and looked at her. I wouldn't cry infront of her, I wouldn't give her that satisfaction. So I quickly pushed past her and made my way out of catering. Lita suddenly lunged at Trish and took her down with a few punches before she was pulled off by Matt. Trish was being held back by Triple H. Eric bishoff appeared between the two of them.

"That's enough, if you two want at eachother you can do that in the ring. Not in here. Now both of you get out of here!" He shouted at both of them. They both walked off in different directions, but not before they shot eachother one more death glare.


I rounded a couple of corners before making it back to the women's locker room. I made sure the room was empty before I sat down and waited for the tears to come, but nothing did. I knew she was right but at the moment I didn't feel anything. I just sat their staring at the wall for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes. The silence was interrupted by a soft knock. I turned my head towards the door as Lita poked her head in. She came in and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a soft voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said giving her my best smile.

"You don't have to lie to me." She said

"I'm not, really I'm fine." I told her again even though it was the biggest lie I've ever told.


Here's the next chapter

Hope you like it

Let me know what you think

Until next time lovelies

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