Chapter Twenty

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Monday Night RAW



As i walked through the halls of the arena I couldn't help but notice some of the weird looks I was getting from some of the other superstars. This is the way things had been since Trish's little show she put on for everybody in catering on Friday. I was still so numb to everything that I didn't even react anymore. There was no use in fighting because she was right. I reached the women's locker room and went inside. Nobody was in there which I was grateful for. I sat on the bench and just took in the silence for a moment before I got up went to change. I pulled on some light blue high waisted skinny jeans, a long sleeved black shirt with a cut out in the chest area, and a pair of black calf high boots. I touched up my makeup which was a simple smokey eye, eyeliner, blush, nude lipstick, and basic face makeup. I pulled my hair up onto a high ponytail before grabbing my clothes and leaving the bathroom.

When I got back into locker room Maria and Lillian Garcia were the only ones in there. I said a quick 'Hello' before I quickly left and headed towards catering. I quickly reached the room and grabbed myself a bottle of water before going to sit in the corner by myself. I just playing with the cap when I heard a chair move out infront of me. I didn't look up afraid of who it might be.

"Haven't seen you since Friday, how are you doing?" Jeff asked from infront of me. I finally looked up and met his eyeline.

"I'm fine." I said fidgeting with my hands.

"You don't have to lie to me." He said reaching out for my hand, I quickly moved my hands away.

"Like I said, I'm fine" I told him looking at the table. He let out a sigh.

"You know, you make it really hard sometimes. I'm just trying to be here for you and all you do is push me away. I just wanna help." Jeff said with a sad tone. I was quite for a moment before i spoke again.

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, I don't want your help?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest.

"And has it ever occurred to you that maybe you need someone's help even if you do t want it?" He asked looking at me.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked him finally meeting his eyes again.

"You serious think that we haven't noticed? Your distant, don't let anybody in, you barely eat anything, _our constantly at the gym,, and I bet that if I lifted up your shirt right now if be able to count most of your ribs." Jeff said folding his arms and leaning on the table.

"So, what are you saying?" I asked copying his actions.

"I'm saying you need help, because obviously you have something going on and you won't let anyone help you." Jeff said a worried look on his face.

"Screw you, Jeff. I'm fine and I don't need help. Not professionally and certainly not from you." I told him getting up from the table and walking away.

"I'm not done talking about this." Jeff said following me.

"There is nothing more to talk about." I told him with my back still to him as I was walking the hallways.

"Hey, look at me." He said grabbing my arm and turning me around to face him. I kept looking at the ground until he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Tell me whats going on in that head of yours." He said softly. I was going to answer him until we were interrupted by a producer.


"Vince McMahon sent me to find you. Said he wants to see you in his office right away." He said before he scurried away.

"We'll talk later, okay?" Jeff asked me

"Okay." I said quietly as he kissed my forehead and let go of my chin walking down a different hallway.



I was stood outside Mr. McMahon's door before I reached up to knock. I heard a deep voice say 'come in' before I entered the office. When I opened the door I saw two chairs I front of his desk. One was empty and the other one was occupied by a familiar head of blonde hair. I had to stop myself from ripping a chunk out of her hair out of her scalp.

"Please, have a seat Lee." Mr. McMahon said gesturing to the open seat. I slowly made my way to the open chair before I sat down. Trish looked at me with a disgusted look and I did the same to her.

"Now, I know you ladies are probably wondering why I've asked you both here, and its quite simple. You two have been at eachothers throats for awhile now. I don't know what happened and frankly I don't care, but we need to settle this." Vince said with his arms folded and placed on his desk.

"What do you have in mind, sir?" I asked him.

"Well it has been recently decided that RAW and Smackdown will each have unique rosters. So next month we are having a draft. Some spots on the roster will be decided in matches, which is where you come in. You two will face off in a no disqualification match in three weeks. The winner will stay on RAW and the loser will be going to Smackdown." Vince said, as soon as he says No Disqualification my mouth drops open. I was at a lose for words.

"I am not facing her in a no disqualification match." Trish says loudly pointing at me.

"What's the matter? Afraid I'm gonna break your face, like you did mine?" I asked her with my arms crossed. Trish went to say something before Vince interrupted her.

"Thats enough! Thats my final decision, now shut up and get out of my Office!" Vince exclaims at us as we leave the office. Trish sends me one more glare before she walks in the opposite direction.


Before I knew it I was stood outside of Lita, Matt, and Jeff's locker room. I quietly knocked on the door waiting for a response. I heard someone say 'come in' before I opened the door and walked in. All three of them looked up at me as I walked in.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hey hun, how's it going?" Lita asked me.

"Could be better, could be worse." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Just saw Vince's announcement, how are you feeling about a No Disqualification match?" Matt asked me.

"Honestly, I'm scared to death. I don't know the first thing about being in that type of match." I told them sitting on one of the benches.

"Well, lucky for you, yo I have a room full of experts that and ready to help you." Matt spoke again.

"I just don't know, Trish has the mental advantage and the experience advantage. I might be going into this match blind and that could lead to my demise." I told them and it was the truth. At the end of the day the odds were all in Trish's favor. I may have just agreed to a very public death.


Here's the new chapter. I hope that this is okay for you guys

Thank you all so much for 200+ votes

I can't believe that we're already on chapter twenty

As always let me know what you think

Until next time lovelies

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