Chapter Twenty One

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Monday night


After the show was done I went to grab my bags. We had decided that it was probably best if I travel with Matt, Jeff, and Lita. I rolled my bags to the parking garage as quickly as I could. When I reached the car Jeff was just finishing loading his bags in the trunk. He offered to load mine as well, which I accepted and thanked him for. I got into the backseat right behind Lita who was driving. Matt was in the passenger seat and Jeff got in beside me. As soon as we were all situated Lita took off. A heavy silence hung in the air, no one knowing what to say. The radio himmed quietly in the background as we passed the city. We quickly reached the freeway, it was then that someone spoke.

"Kailee, can I ask you something?" Matt asked from the front seat.

"Sure" I answered hesitantly.

"Who's Ethan?" He asked and suddenly it felt like the air left my lungs.

"You don't need to answer that." Lita said smacking Matt's arm. I just stayed silent for the a few moments before I answered him.

"Ethan was the first boy I ever loved." I told them. Everyone stayed quite so I continued on:

"Atleast I thought I loved him. I met Ethan when I was 16, he was 18 at the time. He was everything a girl could want. He was handsome, tall, seemed like a real gentleman. I honestly never thought that I would have a chance with him, every girl wanted him. I met him when I was waitressing at a local diner. He said all the right things and I was stupid enough to believe him." I stopped to take a deep breath before continuing.

"Ethan and I started hanging out after that. We grew close fairly quickly and before I knew it he asked me out on a date. He was the first boy to ever ask me out and honestly I was surprised. We went on a couple of dates before anything happened. He was my first kiss, first date, first relationship. He was my first for almost everything. So fast forward a bit, Ethan and I had  been together for about six months when he asked if I was ready to do the last thing on my list of things I hadn't done. He wanted to have sex and I was tempted to say yes, but I am so glad I told him no." I paused again before continuing.

"After that night he got really distant from me. I figured he was just mad at me for telling him No but he would never admit it. So fast forward another month and I would barely see him and one night I came home and my mom told me that he came over and was upstairs waiting for me. When I got upstairs he wasn't in my room so I went to ask Trish if she knew where he was. Only I didn't have to ask her because he was right on top of her. They were both almost completely naked. He looked at me and laughed and she just smirked at me." I had to pause to choke back the tears that were wanting to fall. After I composed myself I continued the story.

"So I asked them what was going on and Ethan proceeded to tell me that he had a bet going with a few people in town about being able to sleep with me. He told me that the whole thing had been a bet, that he never cared about me. I asked them what was going on between the two of them. He told me they had been seeing each other for almost a year, it later came out that Trish had known about the bet the entire time. So I quickly turned from the room and left. I had never been so humiliated in my life because I was the girl who believed that anyone could actually want me." I finished the story wiping away a tear from my eye that had fallen. Lita was in the front seat with glassy eyes, this was the second time she had heard the story. Matt and Jeff had looks of anger on their faces.

"Like I've told you before Kailee, you deserve so much better than him." Lita said her grip tightening on the wheel.

"Its not the fact that he did that to me, its the fact that Trish knew the entire time. And instead of warning her sister as to what was happening she just kept sleeping with him. I found out that on their one year anniversary he proposed to her and she said No, because she wasn't ready to settle down." I told them another tear rolling down my cheek.

"I can't believe that she would do that to you. She always seemed like a down to earth person when I talked to her. But I guess she's really Satan." Jeff said speaking up for the first time.

"My therapist thought I was lying when I told her too because she didn't think a sister could be that heartless. That therapist was the only reason I ever talked to her again. It took some time but eventually I was able to be in the same room with her and we got close again until all this new crop started up." I told them all wishing for this car ride to be over. Jeff moved over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders before pulling me into his chest. Being there in his arms was a feeling of comfort I never really knew.

"Thank you for telling us" Jeff said softly.

"It was time you knew, not talking about it gives the situation control of my life. And I have lost too much time and possible happiness because of both of them." I said feeling the fatigue flowing through my body.

"Now I wanna kill her, honestly." Matt said from the passenger seat. A chuckle went through the car but the heaviness still hung in the air.

"I'll get my revenge in a few weeks, even if the match kills me." I told them fading fast.

"It work kill you, but you might come out with a few battle scars." Jeff said drawing random shapes on my arm.

"I'll just add them to my collection." Was the last thing I said before I fell into a deep sleep.

"How can someone do that? And to do it to her own sister. It just makes me sick" Matt said looking at the map trying to figure out how far the hotel was.

"Yeah Trish is a piece of work." Lita said switching lanes.

"Its just sick. I mean when I first met her she seemed like this ray of sunshine, thats what drew me to her. But the more I got to know her I found out that she had this fire in her soul. But when the fire fades that's when the darkness comes out and you can see the pain that hides in her eyes. And through all that she still tries to smile and make everyone else happy. The fact that anyone could hurt her makes me wanna kill someone." Jeff said looking down at the sleeping girl in his chest.

"I swear I better be the first one invited to your guys wedding." Matt said smiling at his younger brother.

"Were just friends." Jeff said lying to himself and everyone else in that car.

"If I looked at my friends the way you look at her I'd be in a lot of trouble with my man." Lita said smiling at the younger Hardy. Jeff just kept smiling at the younger girl that he had in his arms.


Here's the next part! And now you have a bit more of  a backstory as to what happened with Kailee and Ethan.

So what do you think of Ethan?

Thoughts on Kailee's past?

Let me know what you think of the story so far.

Until next time lovelies!

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