Chapter Two

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When your a weird person you tend to do weird things, and with me being the little weird one I am I tend to do a lot of weird things, I was currently in a hallways singing any random song that popped into my head while dancing like an idiot. I had attempted too look for Matt and Lita, but gave up when they weren't at catering or in the locker room. So I had resulted to this behaviour of singing and dancing.
Being the idiot I am though, I didn't realize I had an audience till I heard someone chuckle. I quickly whipped around, nearly giving myself whiplash and saw Lita and Matt Hardy standing there. When I saw Lita a huge smile broke out on my face.

"Lita, Catch me." I yelled running to her, she held her arms open as I proceeded to jump into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist causing both of us to go tumbling to the floor. We were both in a fit of laughs.

"I missed you, Lita." I shouted, a bit to close to her ear.

"Jesus Kailee, that was me ear!" She said laughing at my antics.

"I just wanted to make sure you could hear me." I said laughing and getting off her and helping her up. I turned to Matt and saw a soft smile on his face.

"Hi Matt." I said smiling at him. His smile dropped slightly.

"Thats all I get, you tackle her and tell her that you missed her and all I get is a 'hi matt' I see how it is." Matt said pretending to be hurt and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Alright you asked for it." I said backing up a little bit and running to him as he opened his arms, at the last second though he turned around when someone called his name, causing me to go crashing into his back. I fell with a loud thump, while holding my head.

"Not cool bro, not cool at all." I said while rubbing my head. "This is why I only greet Lita like that because at least she catches me" I said getting up off the ground.

"Well there was that one time I dropped you." Lita mumbled to herself causing me to shoot a glare at her. We had agreed to never talk about that again.

"Shit, Kailee I'm sorry but in my defence it's Jeff's fault." Matt said trying to help me off the ground. I pushed him away and got up on my own and proceeding to dust myself off.

"How is it my fault?" Jeff asked looking at his brother, he must have just gotten done with his match.

"You distracted me." Matt said in a defensive way.

"You could have waited to answer me, Instead of letting Kailee run into your back." Jeff said defending himself against his older brother

"He has a point, Matt." Lita said agreeing with the younger Hardy.

"What is this, gang up on Matt day?" He asked getting defensive.

"Let me check my calander." I said pretending to be looking at a calander "that's what I thought, everyday is gang up on Matt day." I said trying to be serious but I let out a small laugh at the end.
"You know what I take it back I'm glad you fell." Matt said joking with me

"Me too, it's colder down their, and I was kinda warm." I retorted back, not missing a beat.

"I hate you." Matt said walking away

"I love you too." I said still laughing

"Such a drama queen." Lita said walking away towards him.

"I love you lita. Call me when your ready for a real man!" I shouted at her loud enough so Matt could hear me. He proceeded to flip me off.

"Right back at ya." Lita said. Jeff was standing in his same spot watching with ammused eyes:

"What?" I asked letting out a small laugh, finally meeting his eyes.

What Hurts The Most (Jeff Hardy FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant