Chapter Fifteen

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"So, let me get this straight. You two only started dating to win a bet backstage?" I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Once we had all left the hotel we ended up in the park. Matt, Jeff, Lita and I were all sitting on the grass in a shaded area. In the spirit of enjoying the beautiful weather we just went around telling stories and jokes. Matt had just told Jeff and I how he and Lita had started dating.

"Hey, laugh all you want i won 100 bucks on that bet. And I got a girlfriend so I win." Matt said with a shrug.

"You only made 100 on the bet? I got 500 bucks." Lita said with a smile.

"How?" Matt asked with a shocked look on his face.

"I bet with the McMahon family." Lita said with a shrug.

"You little cheater." Matt said with a smirk on his face.

"No, I just know who to gamble with." Lita said laughing at the man.

"Talk about the weirdest love story ever." Jeff said from his spot on the grass. These were the moments I lived for. The conversations that seemed meaningless but at the end of the day, these are the moments to that matter.

"Do you ever think about what your life would be if you weren't a wrestler?" I asked the group

"Not really, I don't think I could do anything else." Jeff said

"Agreed" Matt said nodding his head, Lita did the same.

"Do you think about it Kailee?" Lita asked.

"Sometimes. I never really thought that I would make it to the WWE so I think about what my would have been had this never happened." I said soaking up the sun from my spot in the grass.

"What do you think you'd be doing?" Jeff asked looking at me.

"I would have went back to school for sure. Probably for nursing or teaching. Hopefully be married one day and have some kids. I mean thats my ultimate goal for the future, I want to be a mom." I said laying out what my idea for a perfect life would be.

"I agree with wanting kids. Not yet but in the future." Lita said laying on the grass next to me. We both were looking at the bright blue sky and white fluffy clouds.

"How many do you want?" I asked Turning my head slightly towards her.

"3, maybe 4 I want atleast one girl though thats for sure. What about you?" She asked turning her head towards me.

"Your gonna think I'm nuts but I want atleast 6." I told her. Matt had a look of shock on his face, same as Lita. Jeff on the other hand started choking on the air. Causing me to laugh.

"You want six kids?" Jeff asked once he gain his composure.

"Yeah, I want a big family." I said with a shrug.

"I could see it, I just don't think your little body could handle that many babies." Lita said with a smile chuckle. I smiled at the comment slightly agreeing with her. This day is exactly what I needed a day to just relax with the greatest people I've ever met.


Friday Night Smackdown



I walked into the arena on Friday with a smile on my face. After spending some quality time with my friends I felt much better. I rounded the corner but ran into someone. I looked at their face and the smile fall from mine.

"Hey" Trish said looking at me.

"Hi" I said crossing my arms over my chest. Trish let out a sigh.

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