Chapter One

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I was walking around backstage at RAW looking for my sister. I was also attempting to not get star struck every time I rounded a corner. I almost lost it when I looked down a hallway and saw Chyna, Eddie Guerrero, X-Pac, and triple H laughing at something Chris Benoit said.
Trish had just come back from a match she was managing for The Dudley boys. I was in one of the hallways when I saw Trish talking to The Rock. Well he was trying to talk to her and she was just picking at her nail beds barely listening to anything he said.
"Are you sure you aren't sweating because your standing next to me?" He asked gesturing to his body, ew, his ego getting the best of him.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's because I just had a match" Trish replied, rolling her eyes and proceeding to take a swig of her water, I decided to step up even though she didn't need my help.

"Hey Trish" I said making my presence known. I walked so I was standing next to her

"Hey Kailee" Trish said smiling at me

"Hold up, who are you?" The Rock asked checking me out. Again ew.

"Rock, this is my little sister Kailee, Kailee this is The Rock" Trish said rolling her eyes when she said his name. I had to stop myself from laughing when she did so. The rock grabbed my hand and proceeded to kiss the back of it. I gave him a disgusted look as I wiped my hand on my jeans. I heard Trish let out a small snort that she proceeded to cover up with a cough.

"Well, The Rock just wants to say that the both of you look FINE" He said looking at the both of us with a smirk on his lips. He must really be looking to get smacked.

"Well, I wasn't looking for your opinion, did you ask for his opinion?" I asked Trish as I turned to look at her a smile on my face.

"Defiantly not." Trish replies staring at someone behind The Rock. I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at. Only it wasn't a what it was a who.

"Who are you looking at?" He asked getting closer to me, I could feel his breathe on my face, but I stood my ground "The only person you should be looking at is The Rock" I stepped back so I could once again look behind him I had a small smile on my face. finally Rock turned around to see what I was looking at

"Well, if it isn't the face painted freak. What are you doing? Can't you see that The rock is busy" Rock said looking at Jeff Hardy. Jeff tilted his head to the side before he replied:

"That interesting Rock, Considering that the last time I saw you, you were getting your ass beat by Goldberg" Jeff said to Rock. I backed up so I was standing next to Trish. She was laughing lightly at the encounter in front of us.

"You know what The Rock was gonna go out there and call Bill Goldberg out but Guess what?, The Rock is gonna give you a match tonight. So go get all painted up you freak. And you beautiful ladies can watch." The Rock said walking away. But not before looking at Trish and I and winking. As he was walking away I made a gagging gesture.

"What a man whore" I said making Trish laugh, I joined in with her laughing

"Are you both okay?" Jeff asked coming over to both of us and proceeding to put a hand on Trish's shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at the action.

"Yeah, my baby sister protected me" Trish said smiling at me, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into her.

"Okay, I am not a baby, I am a two years younger than you" I said crossing my arms over my chest while I pretended to pout.

"Oh Jeff, this is my baby sister Kailee, Kailee this is Jeff hardy" Trish said introducing us. As if she had just realized that he was awkwardly leaning against the wall.

"We haven't met but Lita and Matt have told me all about you, Pleasure to meet you" He said giving me a toothy grin.

"Same to you" I said smiling back

"I have to go get ready for my match, I'll talk to you later" Jeff said giving Trish's shoulder one last squeeze before walking away, after Jeff was gone I turned to my sister with a wide smile on my face.

"I missed you" I shouted as I engulfed her in a hug. Trish was a bit taller than me so my face ended up in her chest. I was slowly running out of breath so I pulled myself away from her.

"What are you even doing here? I thought you were gonna be gone for at least another month" She asked with a wide smile that looked identical to mine on her face

"There was a change of plans, so I thought I would surprise my sister with some good news" I said still smiling wide at my sister. At this point my smile was starting to hurt my cheeks, but I was to happy to stop.

"What do you mean by 'surprise'?" Trish asked furrowing her eyebrows is confusion

"Well, your gonna be seeing me a whole lot more" I said unable to control my happiness as i started to bounce up and down I'm my spot.

"What do you mean? Are you telling me what I think your telling me?" Trish asked looking as happy as I was. She too was starting to bounce a thing we tended to do when we were happy. It was almost like our bodies couldn't contain the amount of happiness we felt.

"Well Trish, I'm the winner of RAW's Diva Search" I said smiling as Trish engulfed me in a hug and started screaming, right In my ear causing my eardrums to ring. Through the ringing I heard sets of multiple feet running in our direction.

"What's going on? Is someone hurt?" Mick Foley asked running to the hallway we were in with a couple superstars and divas right behind him.

"Yeah, everythings fine Mick" Trish said releasing me but not loosing her smile. My face was slightly red from all the attention.

"Why were you screaming then?" Mick asked confused and slightly out of breath.

"Oh, my sister here just gave me some amazing news, that's all" She said pointing to me while I waved at everyone. I still felt awkward.

"Oh, Kailee's your sister" Mick said realizing were related. I tilted my head trying to figure out how he didn't know we were related. We looked very similar and had the same last name, I just ignored it.

"Yep" I said popping the "P"

"Well, welcome to RAW, now please no more screaming, I'm trying to run a semi stable show" Mick said turning around to head back down the hall. The other superstars and divas had left already.

"What if someone tries to kidnap me?" I asked joking around with him.

"Trust me, they would bring you back" Trish said looking at me, a playful glint in her eyes,

"Well then, nice to see how much you love me" I said rolling my eyes at her. It was like we hadn't spent anytime apart and I loved it.

"I love you" She yelled at me as I started walking down the hallway towards the locker room. I was now in search of a red headed diva and her dork of a boyfriend. I turned towards her and yelled 'sure you don't' as I blew her a kiss. I turned back around and wasn't watching where I was going when suddenly I ran into somebody's chest. I looked up and saw that it was Jeff. I stepped back immediately.

"Oh sorry" I said backing up a bit more, a little embarrassed.

"Its fine" He assured me giving me a small smile. I tried to strike up a conversation.

"So are you ready for your match?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah, The Rock is all bark, no bite. So I'm good" he said with a small smile. Did he know how to stop smiling?

"When's your match?" I asked pushing myself off the wall.

"Its actually next so I should get going" he told me as he looked at the wall I followed his eyes to see what he was looking at and saw there was a clock there oh....

"Oh ok, Good luck out there" I said smiling and going to walk away, As i was walking away I heard him say 'Thanks' under his breath.

I'm sorry if this sucks

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