Chapter Four

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When I walked into the arena on Friday for SmackDown I was a tad bit nervous. And by I tad I mean I was shaking. I haven't seen anyone since I dyed my hair so I was freaking out about what they would say. I'm not usually a person to worry about what others think so I don't understand why I'm so nervous about this. I had always had weird colours in my hair, just never this much colour at once. I was rounding the corner to Trish's dressing room when I bumped into a group of people; Matt, Lita, and Jeff. Here we go.

"Hey Kailee" Jeff said to me with a small smile.

"Hey" I said back with a tiny smile. I was beyond scared for anyone's reaction.

"What did you do to your hair?" Lita asked slowly as she grabbed a piece of the now blue hair.

"I-uhh.... I dyed it?" I said in a confused tone, unsure of what to say. I refused to meet her eyes.

"Why?" Matt asked confused.

"Well the purple streaks have been gone for awhile and I had some blue hair dye so I thought why not?" I said explaining myself.

"I like it" Jeff said as he too grabbed a strand of the blue.

"You do?" I asked with a small smile on my face. At least he approves.

"Yeah, now I'm not the only one with rainbow hair" Jeff said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, guess your right" I said, a small laugh escaped my lips.

"You should have done red. It would have looked so badass." Lita said I let myself breathe after I had her approval.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time. So what are you guys up to?" I asked.

"Nothing much, we were actually looking for you" Matt told me.

"Oh why?" I asked curiously as Lita was doing a small braid in my hair.

"Mick said he wants you to come out to our match tonight" Matt said gesturing to himself and Jeff. I was a bit taken back by that.

"How come?" I asked confused.

"Mick said that since we're the ones training you that you should start coming out to the ring with us. He thinks that seeing it from ringside will give you better insight as to what goes on during a match" Matt said recalling what Mick said.

"Oh, alright. Who are you facing tonight?" I asked. Stepping away from Lita after she finished the braid. She had a small frown on her face at the absence of my hair.

"Test and Steven Richards" Jeff said answering for Matt.

"Cool" I said nodding "then on that note, I'm gonna go get dressed" I said walking past them.

"Okay, oh just so you know, our match is in 40 minutes" Matt told me.

"Alright, well it doesn't take me long to get ready. So I'll meet up with you soon." I said walking away.

I walked to Trish's locker room so I could get ready. I walked in the locker room, Trish turned around when she heard the door open. She had a smile, but when she saw me her smile faded.

"What did you do?" She said slowly looking at my hair.

"I dyed my hair" I told her. She shouldn't have been surprised this was the way I reacted to change. I did something I had control over.

"Why would you do that?" She said angrily.

"Because It's my hair and I can do what I want." I told her walking over to my suitcase for traveling. I had dropped it off before Trish got here. I had expected her to be surprised about my hair but not angry. She was just like our mom, not fond of the bizarre colours.

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