Chapter Sixteen

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Friday Night Smackdown



The walk to the entrance curtain seemed like it took forever but at the same time it was far too quick. When I reached the entrance curtain I began warming up. I had about ten minutes before my match started. I was stretching out my arms when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was.

"Hey, I literally just left the dressing room." I told Lita with a small smile.

"I know, but I just couldn't let you be alone before your first match. I just figured you might want some company." She said leaning against a nearby crate.

"Well thank you for the company I appreciate it." I told her as I continued stretching. We were quite for a minute before Trish came walking by with Torrie Wilson.



"Well would you look at that, its the slutty champion and the wannabe wrestler." Trish said with a smirk from infront of us. I rolled my eyes as Lita straighted up.

"Wow, real original Trish, think of that all on your own or did someone write it for you?" I asked from my spot. Trish turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You haven't even had a match and you walk act like your better than me? Your pathetic. Your not even in my league." Trish said getting in my face I just smiled at her.

"Why don't you get in that ring and we'll see how much better I am." I said the smile never leaving my face.

"Your on." She said through gritted teeth. She turned around to leave but suddenly turned back to me and slapped me across the face. I went to lunge at her but Lita held me back. Trish and Torrie went to the ring.

"You okay?" Lita asked me.

"I'm gonna kill her." I said with gritted teeth.



In ring:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Friday night smackdown! We are getting set for some divas action." Jerry said as the camera cut to Trish and Torrie in the ring. They were laughing about something.

Trish's music cut and the arena got quite for a few moments before Lita's theme started playing. I came walking out from behind the curtain with Lita following behind me. I stopped in the middle of the stage and raised my fist in the air. Lita stood next to me. I could hear the cheers over the music and couldn't help but smile. I started making my way down the ramp tagging fans hands as I went.

"Making her way to the ring, being accompanied by the women's champion Lita. From Toronto, Canada Lee Marie!" Lillan announced as I got in the ring. I went to the corner and got on the middle turnbuckle. I raised my fist in the air and smiled at the crowd. I jumped down and went to the corner away from Trish. I jogged in place as the music cut. Lita was on the apron next to me. The ref asked if we were ready to start Trish and I both nodded yes. He told Lita and Torrie to go to ringside which they did.

The ref rang the bell and the match started. Trish and I circled before we locked up. Trish was able to overpower me and push me into the ropes. The ref got to a count of four before she got off me.

"You can't compete with me! You're nothing!" Trish shouted from across the ring. I narrowed my eyes at her before I ran at her taking her down with a crossbody. I started slamming her with punches. She quickly flipped me over and started slamming my face with forearms. Trish then started slamming my nose with punches.

"Look at these two go! They absolutely hate eachother!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Trish looks like she's trying to break Lee's nose." JR said.

I pushed Trish off me and put myself between the ropes to get a breather. I could feel some blood coming from my nose. I wiped it away before I charged at Trish. I hit her with a couple of clotheslines before she fell. I quickly got to work on her leg. I dropped knees onto her shin before I started to bend it in uncomfortable directions. Trish screamed in pain as I kept doing it. I dragged her towards the center of the ring and set her up for a figure four leg lock. Trish screamed in pain as she tried to drag herself to the ropes. She finally made it and I was forced to let go. I backed up into the corner as the ref checked on Trish. When his back was turned Torrie came from behind me and slammed my arm into the post causing it to bend in an awkward position. I screamed in pain as Lita took Torrie down. I cradled my arm trying to get the pain to stop.

Trish took advantage of my obvious injury and started going after my right arm. Everything she dropped her knee onto my elbow I screamed in pain. After a few more knees to my arm she locked my arm in an armbar. I yelled in pain as I tried to feel for the ropes. I was able to get close enough to get my feet on the rope. The ref forced Trish to break the hold. We both backed into separate corners clearly exhausted. Trish stumbled out of the corner so did I. She went for a forearm but I ducked under it. I slammed my foot into her midsection and set her up for a suplex. I hit her with three suplexes in a row before  bridging into a cover.

"Is it just me or did that look like three amigos?" Jerry asked

"Shades of Eddie Guerrero! And the cover" JR said

The ref went to count the pin but it was only a two count. I sat in the ring trying to think of what to do next. I stood up and lined myself so I was standing with my back to Trish. I did a backflip causing my knees to hit her midsection and then proceeded to drop my knees on her midsection again as I rolled off her in a somersault. I backed into the corner and tried to catch my breath. Trish slowly got to her feet and mimicked my stance. She was holding her midsection in pain as I was cradling my arm. Trish staggered towards me and I did the same. She went to lock up but I kicked her in the midsection. She dropped to her knees. I nailed her with a kick under the chin causing her to fall to the mat. She slowly started to push herself up with her hands as I ran against the ropes. I used my foot to slam her head into the mat. I rolled her over and fell into the cover.




The bell rang and Lita's music played. I just kneeled in my ring letting it sink in that I had just won my first match. Lita slid in the ring to check on me I just looked at her with tears in my eyes. She hugged me as I winced in pain from the pressure on my arm. Lita helped me to my feet as the ref raised my good arm. I finally got out of the ring and walked backstage.


When I got back stage I finally let a few tears slip. Matt, Jeff, Eddie, Victoria, Triple H, and a few others were clapping for me. I walked up to Eddie and gave him a hug.

"Nice job mamacita! Glad to see my help payed off." Eddie said as I let him go.

"Thank you" I told him with a smile. Everyone else congratulated me and I thanked them. I then made my way to Matt, Jeff, and Lita. Matt was the first one to hug me being careful of my arm.

"Great match out there you beat the holy hell out of her" Matt said letting go of me. I laughed at his comment.

"She got me good too." I said gesturing to my arm and nose with the dried blood. I then turned to Jeff with a smile. He just shook his head with a small smile on his face, he then proceeded to wrap me in a hug. And in that moment I couldn't be happier or in more pain.

Alright here's the next chapter. Hope you liked it!

I'm still trying to think of a theme for Lee so I just had her come out with Lita.

Let me know what you all think

Until next time lovelies

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