Chapter Five

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I was standing between Jeff and Matt as they prepared for their match. I was about to say something when their theme song came on.

We walked through the curtain and onto the ramp. My breath caught in my throat as I looked around the arena. I couldn't help but let a smile stretch across my face. This is what I had been working for. I looked to the side and saw Jeff doing his little dance. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"On there way to the ring, accompanied by Lee Marie, the Tag Team of Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz" Lillian announced.

"Hey, JR have you ever heard of this Lee Marie?" Jerry asked at the commentary table.

"No, I haven't Jerry" Jim Ross replied

"Well, whoever she is, she's hot." Jerry said laughing.

"I have to agree with you on that one" Jim said joining in on Jerry's laughter.

"Hey, JR, If I go down there do you think she'll give me a hug?" Jerry asked.

"No, but she might hit you" JR said

"Don't threaten me with a good time" Jerry said chuckling.

I was in the ring with the Hardy's waiting for Steven Richards and Rest to make their entrances.

"Okay, now whatever you do, just don't get hurt, alright?" Jeff said looking at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" I told him with a small smile

"I know, I just don't wanna see you get hurt" Jeff said, worry clear in his ears and eyes.

"Don't worry I'm a big girl, I can protect myself. I tie my own shoes and everything" I said earning a laugh from Matt. Jeff just kept looking at me.

"Don't worry" I told him climbing out of the ring as Matt held the ropes open for me.

Matt Hardy and Steven Richards started the match. They went for a lock up and were about equal in strengths. Matt was able to get the upper hand and back Steven into our corner. Matt quickly tagged Jeff in. Jeff started kicking Steven in the gut, Jeff continued until the ref got to a count of four. Jeff backed up and ran at Richards hitting him with a low drop kick to the chest. Jeff tagged in Matt, Matt started nails Richards with punches. Richards finally started fighting back with some punches of his own. Richards bounced off the ropes and hit Matt with a drop kick. Richards was finally able to get the tag. Test came in and started pounding on Matt. Test had taken control of Matt in his corner. Jeff was stomping on the steel steps and I was pounding on the apron trying to get the fans to become louder. Matt was finally able to get in some defense and make it to our corner to tag in Jeff, test tagged in Richards. When test got out of the ring he started walking towards me.

"Who do you think you are? " Test yelled at me. I looked at his confused. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You don't get to cheer anyone on, you don't belong here." He yelled again getting in my face. Matt got off the apron and came to stand in between test and I.

"Really? I don't belong here? seems like I'm here and I have a job so I must belong here." I shouted with Matt trying to seperate us

"Why don't you say it to my face, you little bitch" Test said trying to get in my face.

"Get back in your corner test, unless you don't wanna finish this match." Matt said in a calm voice but also with a bit of attitude. I heard Test mutter a 'whatever' as he walked away. I watched as Matt climbed back on the apron.

Jeff tagged Matt in and was leaning against the barricade recovering. I looked at him and he gave me a thumbs up as he held his abdomin. After a few minutes he made it back to our corner. Matt gave Jeff a nod as if asking him something. I watched in amazement. Matt tagged Jeff in before they set up for poetry in motion. I cheered them on as Matt got on the apron. I gave him a high five. I was cheering Jeff on as he continued to dominate Steven Richards. I was so invested it the match I never saw Test get off the apron.

As I turned around to look at the crowns Test hit me with a massive spear. I landed on my neck at ringside when I got hit and it hurt to move.

"Like I said you don't belong here you stupid little bitch" Test yelled above me. What an ass

I heard someone shouting at me not to move, but I didn't listen to them. I shakily grabbed the barrier to the timekeepers area and pulled myself up. I was griping my neck with my right hand.

I heard a bell ring and The Hardyz theme play. I suddenly felt someone grab my hand, I jerked it away.

"Hey, it's okay, it's just me." Jeff said in a calm voice. "Matt went to go get the medical team." I would've nodded if it didn't hurt, so I just gave him a thumbs up.

"My first time on WWE tv and I almost get myself killed" I tell Jeff in a joking manner. He didn't laugh.

"Matt and I will kill him." Jeff said under his breath, anger very clear.

"I'm fine just a bit sore." I told him as I tried to get up.

"Don't move, if he broke something moving will make it worse." He said while running his thumb over my knuckles. I squeezed his hand to let him know I was okay.

Matt returned a few seconds later with the medical crew. I went to get up again but Jeff told me not to move.

"Okay, tell me what happened" The doctor said. I went to speak when Jeff cut me off.

"What do you mean what happened, did you not just see that?" Jeff yelled at the trainer. I squeezed his hand to tell him I was fine and to relax, but it didn't seem to be working.

"No I didn't" The doctor said softly

"She got speared by Test, but when she landed, she landed on her neck" Matt said calmly before his brother could go off on the doctor.

"Okay, tell me where it hurts" The doctor said turning to me

"I'm fine" I said holding the back of my neck

"No, your not, I saw how you landed, that wasn't normal" Jeff said still holding my hand that wasn't on my neck. I sighed

"So what hurts the most?" He asked again

"My neck" I said giving in. There was no use in fighting any of them because I wasn't gonna win.

"Do you think you can walk?" The doctor asked

"Yeah, I'm fine to walk" I said trying to get up again but the doctor stopped me.

"Okay, I need to put a neck brace on you before you move, just as a safety measure." The doctor said to me. All I told him was okay as one of his associates handed him said neck brace.

"You're gonna be okay" Jeff kept repeating to me but it sounded like it was more for his own benefit. I just kept praying that he was right.

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