Chapter Twenty Four

699 23 16

Friday Night Smackdown



Everything since Tuesday had been a blur. I ended up staying with Lita, Matt, and Jeff instead of going to my room. I honestly didn't wanna move, if I could've stayed in bed forever I would've. I was currently sat in the locker room staring at the wall when something on a nearby TV caught my attention.

"I need to make one thing clear, I am not scared of Lee Marie. In fact she's scared of me." Trish spoke on tv. Enraged by her comment I decided it was time to get off my ass and give her a piece if my mind. I made it to the entrance post in record time and grabbed a mic from one of the producers before I walked out onto the stage.


The crowd cheered when a appeared on the stage. Trish looked at me with a scowl etched across her lips and her eyes narrowed into slits. The look would normally be enough to make me cower in fear, but I had so many emotions coursing through my veins that I held my ground.

"So, let me get this straight. The reason you keep attacking me is because I'm the one that's scared of you?" I asked her with the mic held to my lips. Trish rolled her eyes before I continued:

"let me make myself perfectly clear. I'm not afraid of you, in fact I don't even want to deal with you. This whole thing is stupid but you had to go and take it too far. I would have just talked things out with you like an adult, but I am way past that point now. Should we let everyone one in on the big secret that you've been trying to keep hidden?" I asked her as I paced slightly on the stage.

"What secret?" She asked me while leaning on the ropes.

"Should we tell everyone why you hate me so much?" I asked her. The crowd all cheered around me.

"No, don't you dare." Trish spoke lowly, I paused for a moment thinking over all my options in my head.

"Suprise everybody, I'm the younger sister of Trish Stratus." I said as the crowd all broke out in chatter. Trish looked at me with such an amount of hatred.

"So, here's the deal. I'm gonna get my hands on you when we have our match in two weeks. And when I do get my hands on you, I'm gonna make you pay. Maybe I'll start by breaking your arm, or I could break a few ribs. I am gonna make you suffer for everything that you have put me through. And when that bell rings it will be me standing over your bloody and broken body." I told her as I walked halfways down the ramp.

"Oh please, you'll be lucky if you even make it five minutes into the match. Just face it, you won't beat me because I have more talent in my pinky finger than you have in your whole body." Trish said leaning towards me on the ropes.

"Talent? Is that what they're calling STD's now?" I asked her as the crowd let out an 'ohhhhhh'. One guy next to me screamed 'that means your a skank' and I laughed at the comment.

"Who do you think you are? You can't talk to me like that!" Trish shouted towards me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! How unprofessional of me! I didn't realize that you own this company. Lord knows that you think you own the woman's division. I'll let you in on a small piece of information though. Just because you sleep with the boss doesn't mean you become the boss." I told her before i threw my microphone down and started walking us the ramp.

"See like I said, she's scared of me. Tell me this Lee, if your so bad ass why don't you get in this ring and we can finish this tonigjt." Trish said. I turned around and looked at the ring as I thought about it. I suddenly shrugged my shoulders before I ran and slid into the ring. I quickly got up and took Trish down with a tackle. I started slamming her with punches to the jaw. She put her hands up and tried to block her face, but I just kept hammering away at her. She suddenly flipped us and she started slamming me with punches of her own. We were suddenly separated by various superstars each of us being held back. I was able to get free and tackle Trish again. I nailed her with a handful of punches before I was pulled off her again.

"I'll gonna kill you!" Trish shouted from across the ring.

"Do it, I dare you!" I yelled back at her. I was pulled from the ring and brought backstage.

"Hey, calm down." I heard a familiar voice in my ear. I instantly felt myself calm down.

"I'm good." I said after a minute. Jeff finally let me go. Jeff walked around from behind me to stand face to face with me.

"You okay?" He asked placing his hands on either side of my face, looking for any sign of injury.

"Yeah, I'm good." I told him leaning into his touch. We were suddenly interrupted by a new voice.

"You really just can't stand the fact that Trish always wins can you?" Ethan asked with a smirk on his face. I tensed at the sight of him, Jeff looked confused before it clicked who was talking to us.

"What do you want?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"Ouch, don't have any time for me anymore? I thought we had something special" Ethan said with a mocking tone as he took a step closer to me.

"We have nothing, never have and never will." I told him in a lower voice.

"Is that so?" He asked touching my face, I flinched at the contact. Jeff suddenly pulled me back so he was standing infront of me.

"Leave" Jeff said in a low tone.

"And if I don't what are you gonna do?" Ethan asked getting closer to Jeff.

"I've been to jail before, I'm not afraid to go back." Jeff said getting in Ethan's face. I put my hand in his as I tried to calm him down.

"Cmon Jeff he isn't worth it." I told him trying to pull him away.

"Don't worry, I was just leaving. Ill see you around Lee." Ethan said winking at me before walking off.


Jeff was still staring at the spot where Ethan once stood. His eyes fixed in a glare. I gave his hand a squeeze which finally got his attention. He looked at me and his face softened.

"So, you'd go back to jail for me?" I asked him with a soft smile trying to lighten the mood.

"In a heartbeat." He said moving closer to me. Staring into his eyes I finally let myself have something in that moment. I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck. I pulled his face down until our lips finally met. The kiss was everything I had wanted and hoped for. We finally broke away after a few moments and Jeff rested his forehead against mine.

"Stay out of jail. I need you here with me." I told him before our lips met once more.


And finally they kiss!

Trust me this story is far from over but what do you think so far?

As always feedback is appreciated

Until next time lovelies

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