Chapter Twenty Nine

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Friday Night Smackdown



The drive to Smackdown was pretty uneventful. I spent the past couple of days in my room going over the incident with Ethan. I kept coming back to the conclusion that I deserved that slap. I knew that he had a temper and I still kept pushing his buttons.

I was currently sat in the locker room waiting for Matt, Jeff, and Lita to get to the arena. I kept telling them that I didn't feel great everytime someone came to my hotel room. I was lost in my own little world so I didn't hear anyone come into the locker room. I jumped about a foot in the air when someone touched my shoulder. I turned and saw jeff standing there with a concerned look on his face. I smiled at him before I stood up and gave him a hug.

"Hey, you scared me." I said with a light laugh.

"Hey, sorry I thought you heard me come in." Jeff said sitting down on the bench.

"Its okay, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him. I noticed he wasn't in his usual happy mood.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jeff asked after a moment of silence.

"No, of course not. why would you think that?" I asked him, a concerned look plastered across my face.

"You've just been avoiding me since we left Vegas and I can't help buy wonder if I did something wrong." Jeff said looking at his hands that were placed in his lap. I got up and kneeled ingrown of him so I was at his eye level.

"You have done nothing wrong. I promise. You are so perfect that I don't think you could ever do anything wrong." I told him placing my hand on top of his.

"Then why are you avoiding me? I know you weren't sick. Something happened in Vegas." He said as he stood up and started pacing around the locker room. I sighed as I stood up and sat back on the bench.

"I'm not avoiding you, I just got myself into a situation in Vegas that I could have avoided and I've been beating myself up over it." I told him. He soon stopped pacing and decided to lean on the wall right across from me.

"What situation?" He asked staring at me.

"If I tell you, you can't over react. I have it under control." I said glacing at him

"I won't overreact." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Okay, so I lied when I ran into you in the lobby. I didn't run into a door." I told him as I stared at my lap.

"I kinda figured. What happend?" He asked his voice softening.

So, it's not a big deal, bit I kinda ran into Ethan on the street, we said some unkind things and he slapped me. Like I said not a big deal." I told him finally looking at him. Jeff was quite for a moment before he spoke.

"Not a big deal? He put his hands on you, how can you think its not a big deal?" He asked as he finally sat next to me.

"I've dealt with much worse. As sweet as he was, he also had a temper. I was on the receiving end of that many times. He just always made sure that I knew I deserved it." I told him while turning to look at him. Jeff grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"Its not okay, he should have never put his hands on you." Jeff said

"I know, but its what I'm use to, he was the only boy I ever dated, so I was under the impression that relationships were like that." I told him.

"Well, that's not how this is gonna work" Jeff said gesturing between the two of us. "I'm your boyfriend, you have to tell me when your ex is harassing you so I can put him back in his place. That's my job." He finished never letting go of my hand. We were quite for a moment before I spoke.

"Why do you wanna be with me?" I asked him.

"Because when I first saw you, I knew you were beautiful. But that's not what got my attention, it was your smile. The way it lit up the room. And then I got to know you. You are the kindest person I've ever met. And then I saw this fire in your eyes. Af first I thought it was to prove you belonged here, but then I saw that the fire was to prove everyone whoever doubted you wrong. And all that combined is the reason I knew right away that you are the girl for me." He said staring into my eyes the entire time. "Why?" He asked.

"Because I needed to know what you saw in me. Everytime I look at you I fall even more for you and that scares me." I told him.

"Its okay to be scared as long as you don't run." He told me.

"I'm done running, I think I found a safe place to land." I told him before kissing him. I spend all this time worried that as soon as Jeff hears about my past that he's gonna run. But he just surprises me each time. We broke apart just as the door was opening. Matt walked in with Lita behind him. Lita was holding a box in her hands.

"What's with the box?" I asked her.

"Its for you." Lita said as she placed it in my lap. I looked at the label.

"Its from my mom." I said as I picked it up and looked at said box.

"What is it?" Matt asked.

"Don't know, seems heavy. So it must be her disappointment in me." I said as I opened the box. Inside was a letter and a bunch of my belongings. I quickly read the letter before I tore it up and threw it into the box.

"What did she say?" Lita asked.

"To keep it brief she told me that g im not welcome back at her house. Apparently she's been watching whats going on with me and Trish and thinks that I'm the one at fault. Basically I got disowned and she sent me the rest of my stuff from her house." I told them closing the box and placing it under the bench.

"What a bitch" Lita said.

"Its okay she's been trying to get rid of me since I was 16. I'm not even surprised." I told them "so what matches do you have tonight?"  I asked.

"None actually." Matt said looking at me.

"Altight, then let's hit the road." I said with a smile. I honestly wasn't surprised by what my mom did. It was pretty typical of her. Plus I didn't need her I had the family I chose and that's all I need.


And here's the next chapter!

Let me know what you think!

And as always feedback is appreciated!

Until next time lovelies

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