Chapter Thirty Four

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Monday Night RAW



I had just arrived at the arena and was walking backstage to catering. Tonight I had a match against Trish and I was pumped up. This will be the third time we've faced each other since I've started having matches. Part of me wishes Trish would just apologize to me for the things she's said and done. I know I've said some hurtful things and I just wish that her and I could have a conversation without wanting to tear out each others throats. After what happened on Friday I honestly just wanted a hug from my sister even if she did hate me. I had already dropped of my things in Matt, Jeff, And Lita's locker room before I went to catering to get a bottle of water and some fruit. Triple H was at a table with a few other stars and motioned for me to come over, So I did.

"How are you doing kid?" Hunter asked me after I sat down at the table.

"I'm fine." I said with a small smile before I took a drink of my water.

"Are you sure? After what happened it's okay to admit you're not." Hunter said with A look of concern on his face.

"Listen, admitting that something like that effected you gives your attacker all the power, By admitting that I'm fine it takes the power away from him and gives it back to me. So yes, I'm sure I'm fine." I told him and anyone else who was listening to our conversation.

"Well I just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to talk about, You can come to me. I'll always be here to be a listening ear." Hunter said giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Now if you excuse me I have a match tonight and I do have to get ready." I said as I stood up from the table and excused myself. I really did just want to forget that Friday night had even happened. I wasn't gonna play victim when I was completely fine. Yes, It was a scary experience but I wasn't gonna let it stop me from being the person that I fought so hard to become. I quickly reached the locker room and went inside. No one was hear so I quickly changed into my ring gear which was a pink sports bar that had black and white accents that looked like claw marks in the center of my chest. I put on my matching shorts that were just a little longer than my underwear. My shorts were pink with black and silver accents on the sides. I put on my black leather jacket I had brought with me along with my black boots and knee pads. I was just about finished lacing my boots when Lita and Jeff walked in.

"Look at you. Ready to kick ass tonight?" Lita asked smiling at me.

"More than ready I just wanna get this over with." I said as I started stretching out my arms as I started to warm up.

"You've got this." Lita said as she squeezed my shoulder and left the room leaving only Jeff and I in the room.

"Your awfully quiet today. What's up with that?"  I said too Jeff as I finished stretching out my legs.

"It's nothing, Good luck out there." He said as he gave me a kiss on the lips and left the locker room. I thought it was strange but I let it go so I could focus on my match. I made my way to the entrance ramp because my match was suppose to be the first one of the night. I was there before Trish and the show entrance had just ended so I went out first. Step out my drowning pools blared through the arena before I stepped out from behind the curtain. 

Monday Night RAW


"Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Lee Marie!" Lillian Garcia Announced as I stood at the top of the ring with my fist raised in the air before I started making my way down the ramp.

"Lee Marie looks like she's ready for tonight. Look at that concentration on her face." Jim Ross said from the announcers booth.

"I agree with you there, She looks ready to kill." Jerry responded. I was standing on the middle turnbuckle when Trish's music hit and she came walking out with Torrie Wilson.

"Making her way to the ring, Being accompanied by Torrie Wilson. From Toronto, Ontario Canada. Trish Stratus!" Lillian announced as Trish made her way to the ring. I took off my jacket before I started jogging in place. Trish finished her entrance and her music cut. The ref quickly rang the bell. Trish and I started circling each other before I stopped and stuck my hand out for a handshake just trying to extend an olive branch. Trish quickly slapped my hand away and kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over and she quickly nailed me with a suplex. I landed on the mat with a loud thud and grabbed my back in pain.

"That was a rough landing." Jim said from the commentators desk.

Trish quickly rolled me onto my stomach and put me in a Boston crab. I screamed in pain as I reached for the ropes. When I was about to reach them Trish quickly dragged me back to the center of the ring. I continued to scream in pain as she applied more pressure. I was finally able to make it to the ropes and force her to break the hold. I was leaning against the ropes when I felt someone pull my hair so hard my neck bent so I was looking at the audience. Torrie released me before the ref could see what happened. I was coughing and holding my neck when Trish came over and picked me up by my hair. I quickly kicked her in the stomach to get her to release me. I started nailing her with chops as the audience started to 'woo' I had Trish backed up into the corner before I licked my hand and hit her with one more chop. Trish fell into a sitting position in the corner as I backed up into the corner diagonally across the ring from her. I ran at her and hit her with a bronco buster.

"Oh how I wish I could be Trish." Jerry said as he watched on.

I got up and and set up for a spear. Trish got to her feet and dodged at the last second sending me flying into the ring post shoulder first. Trish pulled me into the ring and rolled me up


2.. I kicked out. Trish hit the mat in frustration as I willed the pain in my shoulder to stop. Trish climbed up to the top rope and was perched up there. I quickly ran over and did a handstand on the bottom rope and wrapped my legs around her neck and set her flying across the ring. I ran over and stood next to her with my back facing her. I did a back flip so my knees landed on her midsection, then stood up and dropped my knees on her abdomen again before doing a somersault off of her. I stood up and positioned her by the ropes. I climbed up to the top rope and got ready to jump when someone started to shake the ropes causing me to fall. I fell on the mat shoulder first and screamed out in pain when I heard a loud pop come from said shoulder. Trish quickly picked me up and hit me with stratusfaction before pinning me.



3... "Here is your winner Trish Stratus" Lillian announced after the bell rang. Trish got her hand raised but decided she wasn't done with me. Suddenly I felt three sets of feet stomping on me repeatedly. I kept letting out small yells as they continued to beat me to a pulp. Lita's music hit and she came running out with a steal chair in hand and started hitting anyone who got in her way. She was able to clear the ring and helped me stand up. Trish, Torrie, And Victoria were smiling at us from the ramp. A trainer came running out to look at my shoulder since I was having trouble moving it.

"So, It looks like a dislocation. We're gonna have to pop it back into place." The trainer said but all I could do was glare at the ramp as they all laughed at me. I could feel my blood boiling so I got out of the ring and grabbed a kendo stick from under it before I charged up the ramp ready to bash their skulls in. Matt and Jeff came running out to hold me back. Trish laughed some more before she blew a kiss in my direction, but what was weird was that Jeff tensed up next to me when she did so. Before I could think anymore into it I felt myself getting lightheaded from the pain in my arm. I felt someone guiding me backstage before I could pass out.

"Okay this is gonna hurt" the trainer said before he posed my shoulder back into place. The pain was so bad that I started shaking after the scream I let out. I was gonna kill all of them even if it killed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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