Chapter 24

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I woke up as the car pulled up on the driveway. Beside me was Niall, eating his gummy worms and bears without sharing it. 

"Why can't I have some?" Zayn whines. 

"Because it's mine," Niall stated bluntly; showing off his food. Zayn rolled his eyes as Liam turned his head from the passenger seat to look at me. 

"Where are we?" I ask; my tone being full of grogginess. 

"Niall's flat," I hear Harry say. 

"Harry is just dropping us off here," Liam says as he got out of the car. I smiled at them as Zayn started whining. 

"I want one."

"Too bad," Niall teases. 

"They've been like that the whole time you were sleeping," Harry says as he drove off. 

* * * * *

When we got to the house, it was already 10. I groaned as I dragged the bags out of the car. 

"Tell me again why we went shopping?"

"Nope! Not going to fall for that one!" Harry exclaimed. I looked at him confused, but then remembered. 

I remembered that we went out because of Louis. 

"Come on love, let's just bring this inside and then we can go and watch a movie," Harry smiles as he opened the door for me. 

"We are staying here to watch the movie, right?"

"Whatever you say love," he chuckles as I heard him close the door behind him. 

"And where should I put this, Mr.Styles?" I giggle. 

"Upstairs in the loft would be good," he says. 

I huffed past him, dragging along the bags behind my tracks. When I reached the loft, I smiled and letted go of the bags. My hands took a picture frame in front of me as it traced small circles. 

The picture of a small boy smiled up at the camera as he was hugging a small girl. Their smiles were genuine, and their eyes glistened in glee. They were truly, genuinely, embracing each other's presence like it was the last day of their life. 

"You do know that's you and Lou, right?" I hear Harry say; disturbing my thoughts. 


"Yeah. He wouldn't let me move any pictures of you guys around this flat," Harry says again; hugging me from behind. His strong scent of cologne started reaching up to my face for me to smell him better. 

"Well that's sweet of him," I whisper as I setted it down. 

"Let's go downstairs," he huskily whispers in my ear; his plump lips brushing against my earlobe. I nodded as I started walking. But heavy footsteps ran towards me, and large hands grabbed me from behind. Harry carried me downstairs to the couch. 

"You shouldn't carry me, you know?"

"And why not?" he asks as he walks over to the kitchen. 

"Because I'm too fat. I don't want you breaking a bone because of my weight," I say as I turned myself around. 

He looked at me; stopping what he was doing, and standing frozen to my choice of words. 

"You hush now. You're not fat, you're perfect. The curves you see in the mirror are perfect because you're perfect. End of disscussion," he simply says. 

"When did you get all sassy?" I laugh. He shook his head in response as he placed the popcorn into the microwave. 

When he got back onto the couch with the bowl of popcorn in his hands, I started the movie that he placed in. 

Missing (Sequel to Falling Again)Where stories live. Discover now