Chapter 20

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OMFG! This is a long story! :O

Third POV

Louis drove them to the hospital as Harry called everyone informing them about the tragedy. 

Louis was the first to break the silence that overwhelmed the car ride. "Why did you shoot her?!" Louis screams at Harry. 

"You were the one who pulled the trigger!" Harry retorded. 

"I did not! You pointed the damn thing and pulled the trigger!"

"I did not!"

"You so did! Why did you even bring the devilish thing back to the flat anyways!?" Louis screams. 

"To kill you!" Harry huffs. 

Louis chuckled, and replied, "You wish you peasant!"

* * * * * 

They got inside the building where Liam, Zayn, and Niall sat waiting for their arrival. 

"What happened?!" Niall screams as he saw Louis' figure walk up to them. 

"This arse had to shoot her." Louis points at Harry. 

All eyes widened at Harry, waiting for his resonse. 

"I didn't want to! I...was aiming for you. But you made it difficult." Harry sighs. 

Everyone stood frozen. No one was able to make a sound. All they heard were the screaming coming from the room behind them. The doctors trying to get the bullet out of her stomach, trying to recover her damages. 

"You, WHAT?!" Zayn screams, breaking the silence.

He pinned Harry to the wall as he brought up a fist close to his face and his forearm on his neck. 

"What the fuck Harold! WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KILL LOUIS!?" 

All eyes were on Zayn and Harry. They stared at the fighting men, but never made a movement to stop. As Zayn was about to punch Harry, Niall pulled him off of Harry and hugged Zayn. He calmed down a bit and walked away from Harry.

"Why," Liam asks as his voice spoke with the showing of hatred, "why would you want to kill Louis?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Harry growls at Liam. They both glared at each other. Liam's mouth opened, but closed like he was a fish. 

Louis sat down with a heart full of sorrow. He was at the hospital again, waiting for the news about his best friend. Everything blackened around him as he stayed deep in his thoughts. The thoughts of his reoccuring memories. 

The two placed their ice skates on their feet as the winter air began to take London without warning. They both laughed at each other as they made their faces into a weird one. As their skates were finally on, they took the ice. 

Unfortuneately, Audrey hasn't experienced ice skating before. Her body fell onto the icy ground as she took her first step on the ice. Louis laughed at her non-stop as he gave her a hand for help. All eyes were on the two best friends, especially Audrey. She felt embarassed about being a 'noob' to this. 

So, with Louis being by her side, he helped her up, then skated along the ice. He then fell purposely on the ground, but with his whole bum slamming onto the ice. They both laughed as she helped him up. The whole time, Louis helped Audrey with her skating. 

As they returned back to the car, they couldn't stop laughing. Actual tears were falling from their eyes as the car was filled with laughter. 

"Guests for Audrey Martin?" a doctor asks as he walked out of her room. 

Louis stood up, and Harry approached the doctor. 

"That's me." Harry answers before Louis.

"She'll be in deep pain for a while. We tried our hardest to take the bullet out of her stomach. You, sir, are lucky to have her alive." he replied.

Harry nodding acknoledgingly at the doctor as he walked away. 

"Wait! Are we allowed to go inside?" Harry screams after the doctor. 

"Go right ahead lad!" he screams back as he walked towards his next patient.  

Harry walked inside the room first, Louis right behind his tracks. They both took a seat on either side of her bed, waiting for her eyes to open. Harry fixed his hair as Louis caressed her hand gently. A tear left Louis' eye as he heard the room fall into a deep silence, other than the machine beeping loudly. 

A groan was heard after 30 minutes. Her eyes finally opened to see a lock of curls and feathery hair. 

"Louis? Harry?" she asks groggily.

They mumbled in unison in response. Harry smiled at her as he saw her weary eyes. 

"Y-you shot me." she whispers. Harry's eyes went wide.

"I-I didn't mean to." he stutters. 

"Yes you did!" Louis shouts. 

"Did not!" 

"Did too!" Louis fought back. 

"I promise I didn't mean to." Harry whispers under his breath as he took her hand in his. 

A moment of silence fell into the room as she thought over everything. Everything that ever happened between the two. The fights, makeups, lust. Everything. 

"It's fine." she finally replies. Harry's dull eyes turned into a gleeful one. 

They both stared at each other as Louis sat there in shock. Without any reason, she forgave him. 

"W-why?" Harry finally stutters. 

"People makes mistakes, don't they?" Audrey asks. Harry nodded as Louis played with his fingers. 

"B-but I-I shot y-you." 

"It's not like it killed me."

"But it almost did." Louis retorded. 

"You see me alive and breathing, don't you?" she asks them. They both nodded in response.

"Then I'm alive. Nothing killed me." Audrey says with such confidence. 

"I thought it did." Louis mumbles.

"But it didn't. There's no need to worry." Audrey says as Louis stared at his feet. 

"I'm sorry for letting you go. And I'm sorry for cheating on you." Harry says. 

"Mistakes are mistakes."

"Can you take me back? Please?" Harry asks. 

"WHAT?!" Louis screams.

"Louis, calm d-"

"No!" he screams again. He ran out of the room to be met with Liam. 

"What's wrong?" Liam asks. Louis stopped to throw something on the ground. But Louis kept running without stopping for any reason. He dodged every person without any hesitation. 

Liam looked at the ground to see a note, crumbled into a mini ball. 

He picked it up to unfold the message. 

"I love you." 

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