Chapter 15

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A/N Just because you guys gave me 2 votes on Chapter 14. 

Louis' POV

* * * 4 days earlier * * * 

I sat on my bed, crying. 

It's been too long since I've seen her. Most likely, I'm the reason for her leaving. But I guess I'll never know.

"Boo, please come out." I hear Harry knocking on my door lightly. My hesitant body got up from my bed, and opened the door halfway to see his curls. 

"Please stop crying." He says lightly. I shook my head unable to resist my tears from falling. 

"You know she'll come back later."

"I want her back now." I say stubbornly like a child I am. 

I never liked being away from her. She's my best friend. And we're best friends till the end. Cliche, aren't I?

Harry opened the door all the way, and hugged me tightly. It reminded me of…her.

Suddenly, my tears fell, and I started sobbing myself on his shoulder. I knew his shirt would be stained from my tears, but I couldn't stopped. I've never missed her this much. But if I ever did, I knew I could've gone back to my house, back to see her, and spend as much time as I could with her. 

And now, I just couldn't. I don't know where she is, and Harry won't even tell me at all! 

"Sh…" I hear him say, softly caressing my back in comfort. His shivering body pulled me up, and I was being carried back to my bed.

He pulled the covers up to my shoulders and I grabbed onto it, cuddling with it as I cried. Harry got off the bed and out of my room as I laid here, crying to myself. 

When he came back, he had a gallon of ice cream with a spoon, and my favorite movies in his hands. A smirk formed against his face as he gave me the ice cream and putted on the movie. 

"You're going to feel much, much better after this." He says as 'Inbetweeners' started. 

All throughout the movie, I kept laughing and smiling with Harry. 

* * * * * 

I woke up to laughter. The whole house was full of laughter actually. 

My body got up from the bed and went out of my room. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where I saw...Harold. 

Fucking Harold!!!!!! 

I saw him and a girl. Her legs around his waist and her arms snaking around his torso. They were practically snogging each other. 

I ran out of the kitchen and into Harry's room, slamming the door behind me. I messed up all of his things. 

I flipped his bed over. 

Messed up his desk full of papers. 

Pulled out his clothes out from the closet. 

Basically, his whole room is now a mess because of me. 

I heard the door open wide, slamming on the wall. My body stood frozen as he stormed up at me. 

"What the fuck are you doing!?!" He screams, shoving me a few feet. 

I shoved him and screamed, "Tell me why I saw you and that girl snogging!!" 

He moved a few feet back too, and stood frozen, speechless. 

"Exactly. And when you told me that you genuinely love her, I thought it was true, but now, now I see you snogging that bitch!" 

"Rachel's not a bitch!" He retorded. 

I huffed past him and walked to the doorway, but stopped to turn back at him. 

"If Audrey finds out, I'm not taking cover for you. Go ahead and fuck Rachel all you want, but if I even hear you tell Audrey that you love her while you're fucking Rachel still, you're going to need to get nose surgery." I growled, and walked away from him. 

Damn Harry has to go fuck random chicks while I'm here loving his 'girlfriend' so much, and she has no damn clue. 

My life is awesome. 

Missing (Sequel to Falling Again)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin