Chapter 18

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A/N What i just noticed is that this is a long story! Hm...I guess we'll keep it like this.(:

BTW I'm skipping a scene just to finish my homework. Sorry.

I stood there shocked at what Harry whispered to me and pulled away. A fake smile appeared on my face, trying to convince him that I was happy. As my head turned, I saw Louis smiling at me, and his blue eyes having a hint of lust. That's not usual.

I walked up to him and said, "Thank you." 

He hugged me while Harry walked upstairs, winking at us. I rolled my eyes at him as Louis pulled away.

"So, do you want to just sleep in? Or do you want to go out?" He asks.

"I think I just want to rest. Maybe we can just go out tomorrow." I smiled as I walked upstairs. 

* * * * * 

 I got up from laughing. As I groaned from the loud noises, my door swung open and I was tackled on the ground. 

When I opened my eyes, I saw....eyes. Just pure, blue, crystallized eyes. 

"Louis, pass it over here! I'm open!" I scream as my best friend passes everyone other than this big guy. 

He turned and twisted, and as he tried kicking the ball towards me, he fell down on the mud. And with me breaking his fall for him. 

"Gosh, I'm so sorry babe!" 

"Just get off me you heavy ogre!" I squealed as I tried to push him off. 

"Never!" He squeals back as he kissed my cheeks. The little peck was just enough for the butterflies to rise up to my stomach. When he pulled away, his face was still close to mine, but all I could see was his flushed cheeks and his blue eyes. 

"You know I love you, right?" He asks. 

I giggled and nodded my head as he finally got off me.

"If we lose, I'm blaming this on you." I pushed him. 

"If we lose, I'll run around town in my underwear." He laughs. 

"I..I'm sorry. Harry was-was going to do something to me." He blushes. 

I giggled and looked at him again. 

"We lost." 

His face looked so dumbfounded. 

i giggled even more and replied, "We lost that football game. Remember? When you kissed me on the cheek and you ran around town in your-"

"Underwear." We say in unison as he finally gets off me. 

"Wait, how do you remember that?" He asks.

"Your eyes. I just had..uh...I guess you can say that a piece of my memory came back." 

"So you remember just that?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I say.

He picked me up bridal style and swung me around as he screamed in glee. 

"You remember! You remembered!!" 

"I remembered!" I screamed back happily.

Harry and a girl came in rushing.

"What happened?!" The girl screams.

"She remembered! She got at least one memory back!" Louis screams as he kisses my forehead. He dropped me down and I stared at Harry and the girl. 

"Oh, uh, Audrey, this is Rachel. Rachel, this is Audrey." He introduces us. I smiled at her and hugged her. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine." She says, her rich, posh accent showing. 

 We all stood there awkwardly until Louis screamed, bursting my eardrums for sure.

"The hell was that for?" I growled at him. 

"It was too quiet for me." He winks. 

I rolled my eyes at him as Harry and Rachel started out of my room. 

"So, you said you wanted to go out today?"

"Oh yeah, where are we going?" I asked him as I plopped down on my bed. 

"Movies." He smirks as he walks out of my room. 

I rolled my eyes at him and started to get ready.

* * * * * 

When the movie was over, we got into the limo and sat there in peace. 

"Love, want to know something?" Louis says, our hands brushing against each other. 

I giggled and placed my head in the crook of his neck. "Sure LouBear." 

"You've been my bestfriend for a long time and I know that I truly love you all this time. I've never felt like this for anyone else, but you're different. A good different. Because you give my butterflies, you make my world, and you're my bestfriend. And I just wanted to know if....if...."

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

He can tell me tomorrow...right?

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