Chapter 25 (Epilogue)

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Third POV

(Four Years Later)

Audrey strolled down the aisle 'way and onto the stairs, to the stage. There, her headmaster introduced her with her own diploma that she has been waiting for all her life. Other than Louis. 

"Congratulations, I hope the best for you," he smiles. 

She smiled back and shook his hands. Once he gave her the framed diploma, she turned to the audience and smiled. Out in the distance, she saw her family. Jay took a picture of her before she walked down the stairs and back into her seat. 

Her head turned to face back to the audience and saw her family once again. Jay, Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins stood together and smiled back at her. But, right next to them was her friends - best friends.

Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam stood and waved at her. When she turned her head back to face the stage, the headmaster was almost done with the handing out. 

She couldn't believe all the things that had happened ever since she left the house. She was finally graduating, and she had a carrer ahead of her. But most of all, she was ready to face her true best friend: Louis. 

The only thing is that she didn't see him stand near or next to the boys or family. It disappointed her, but she must've thought it was for the best for him. Probably, he was out with his new girlfriend if he had gotten one, or something like that. He might've not even known about the ceremony. 

"I introduce you, to our 2016 graduates!" the headmaster exclaims into the microphone. 

Suddenly, everyone stood up and threw their caps in the air. Her friends squealed in joy as they hugged Audrey tightly. 

"This won't be the end! We all promise," Haliee says as she hugged Audrey and Salbi again. They all nodded in agreement and departed from each other. 

Audrey ran towards her family and hugged her mum and her sisters. They were her family now, and that made her feel even better to even call them that. 

"Congratulations!" Jay exclaimed as she hugged her tightly. 

When they pulled away, she looked over her sisters and hugged them together. 

"Can I see it?" Daisy asks. She smiled and gave it to the little one. 

"There are some people that came," Jay smiles.

The four boys crept up behind her and hugged her from behind. When they pulled away, she turned around to look at them. 

Her jaw dropped when she saw them smiling at her. It's been about four years since she's seen them in person. They never had the time to meet up again, which means, neither did Louis. 

She hugged them one by one until Zayn said, "It's finally good to see you again." Her head nodded in agreement and hugged them altogether. 

"Well, come on now! Let's get to the restaurant to celebrate!" Jay says. They were about to walk towards the car, but Niall stopped Audrey. 

"Wait here," he whispers to her. He winked at her before leaving her. 

Her head turned in all directions, waiting for the surprise or what was going to happen. She sighed deeply and forgot about what Niall said. Instead, she started walking towards the same direction that they headed, until hands grabbed her waist - turning her around. Her eyes met with gray ones, but then turned into blue as soon as it saw her. 

"Beautiful," the man whispers. 

"Boo bear," she giggles lightly; hugging the man tight. 

"It's been forever," Louis breathes. She nodded before getting even more comfortable in his chest. 

They pulled away and stared at each other lovingly. He didn't even get to say goodbye to her or protest in her decisions, which made his heart beat even faster at the thought of seeing her. 

"How've you been?" he finally asks. 

"Alright. How about you?" 

"Terribly heartbroken. You shouldn't have walked out of me like that! And to make matters worse, you didn't even keep contact with me! That's just rude, y'know?" he smiles. 

"I'm sorry," she whispers. 

"Look, the night of the party - when we kissed - did you feel anything?" he asks. She hesitantly nodded her head, bringing Louis' confidence up. 

"Please, don't get mad at me. I don't want to lose our friendship. But I..I-"

Louis shutted her up by slamming his lips onto hers. With full force, he kissed her like the night of the party. She stood frozen, but melted into the kiss within seconds. Her hands slowly went up to his neck and pulled his lips more onto hers. Louis' hands gripped her waist, pushing their bodies closer to each other.

They parted barley; their lips still grazing on each other's; their foreheads still close. Both of them met eye-to-eye and smiled. 

"I love you," she whispered on his lips. 

"I'm in love with you," he whispers back. 

He pulled away fully and took out a small, red velvet box. She gasped when he opened it. A golden ring with an infinity sign sat in there, glistening with the words 'Forever' engraved on it. 

"It's not an engagement ring, but it's a promise ring. Because I am never leaving you ever again, and neither will you," Louis says. 

"So," she states, "I'm officially yours?" 

"Forever," Louis smiles as he placed it on her ring finger. 

They kissed on last time before heading towards the car where they told about the news. 

A massive thank you to all of you! Seriously, I cannot thank you enough. Before this, 'Falling Again' was my first story that I've written here, and then this sequel to it makes it unbelieveable! I'm amazed at what you guys do for me, and I'm happy for being here. So, this goes all for you, and I hope you really do read all my fan fics and works in the future! 

~Audrey(: xx

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