Chapter 7

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I kept walking upstairs, hearing her squeal and laugh. I used to do that to her. 

Harry and her are cute, but it hurts. It hurts just to see them happy. 

Sure, it's rude to say that, but it's the truth. If I wasn't such a coward, I would've been Harry. 

I would be able to make her happy and show her all the love she needs. 

"Say you love it!" Harry laughs. I stood at the doorframe to see him on top of her.

"I…love….it!" She laughs in between. Harry smiled as he kissed her lips. 

Great. How can I not punch him right now?! 

"My first kiss?" She asks they pulled away. 

"I-I forgot! I-I'm sorry!" He squeals. Harry squealing? 

Damn. I just want to punch him. 

I faked laughed at them and said, "Weirdos." 

"But we're your weirdos!" Audrey yells after me. 

I walked into my room and looked through my twitter. 

"@Pinkie1D: Wait. I thought Audrey was dating @Louis_Tomlinson not @Harry_Styles. What a slut." Wow. People these days. 

"@Pinkie1D Don't call her a slut. She's my best friend and Harry's girlfriend. Who do you think you are? She's not a damn slut. Know her before you judge." I replied back.

Yes. I sassed her ass. And I don't care. 

Audrey is my best friend and I will protect her. 

"Louis!!" Harry screams, running inside my room. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"I need help. Audrey and I are going to a date later. I need a good outfit. And somewhere to bring her." He freaked out, sitting down next to me. 

I stayed quiet, looking at my phone, then back at him. 

"What?" He asks, taking away my phone. 

He read it. 

"The fuck?!" He whispered. 

"We can't let her use the internet now. She'll just use her Facebook. But nothing else. I can't risk her crying from all the hate she'll get from these people."

"I agree." He says as he handed back my phone. 

"So, are you going to help me and stay as my best friend?" He pouts. I laughed at him and nodded my head. 


"Great! Where should we have our date then?" He asks. 

As horrible as it sounds, I wanted to ruin his date and make him bring her to the worst place ever, but I couldn't do that to him. 

"Take her to a private boat at the harbor." I said. 

"What should i wear then?" 

"Whatever you think would be fine." I answered. He thanked me as he walked away. 

I went back on twitter. 

"@1DMofos: I say Audrey seems like a slut. I mean she dated @Louis_Tomlinson and now she's dating @Harry_Styles. Just…a slut." 

Again, all this hate on her when she did nothing. 

"@1DMofos She's not a damn slut. She did nothing and she's happy with @Harry_Styles. We never dated. It was a joke. Don't judge." I replied. 

I am going to sass all these haters until I've got enough. 


I walked out of my room finishing my sass episode. 

Audrey stood out of her door, smiling like an idiot. 

She was wearing a dress, looking straight at my eyes. 

"Hi Lou." She smiles as she closed the door behind me. 

"You and Harry going on your date?" I asked her.

"Yup! Can't wait." She smiles as she walked downstairs. 

I smiled at her. 

She looks pretty. 

She was super happy. 

That's the Audrey I've grown up with. 

"Hey." Harry says as he patted my back. 

"You ready for your date?" I asked him. He nodded, smiling weakly at me. 


"Terrified." He laughs. 

"Don't be. She's pretty. Just bring her back in one piece. And keep her away from ferocious fans." I said. He nodded as he walked downstairs. I walked back inside my room. 

"Nialler! Want to come over? Harry and Audrey are going out and I'm going to be lonely." 

"Well why not we go to a club instead?" I hear him laugh. 

Missing (Sequel to Falling Again)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora