Chapter 5

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A/N So I wrote this last night while I was crying. Don't ask. I was just on my low point. Anyways, I effin love you guys! BTW, Imma fail middle school! Haha. Chapter 5(: xx

(Sorry it's short)

His grin growed as he walked over to me. 


"Morning." I smiled at him. 

His eyes just looked at me lovingly. His mouth didn't say anything, but his eyes screamed thousand of words. 

"Well? Where's my carrots?" I laughed. 

"You know I never share my carrots." He smiles as he took a seat next to me. 

"Well you should know that sharing is caing. Be a good boy Lou."

"I'm good!" He smiles smugly. 

I rolled my eyes at him as I looked around the room. 

"Why are you and Harry fighting?" I ask him. 

"No reason." His grin disappearing. 

"Louis." I whined. He just shook his head. 

"If you won't tell me, I'm not talking to you the whole day!" I pouted. He just looks at me. 

"I'll give you carrots!" 

"How about a little hug? I know you love hugs!" He smiles at me. I turned my face away from him as his hand shook me. 

"Better food?" He whines. 

"Liam!" I yelled. His figure ran inside, panting as he looked at me and Louis. 

"What did he do to you?" 

"What?! Why are you taking her side!?" Louis screams. 

"Cause she's the one with the needles up her hands."

"Don't remind me." I laughed. 

"Why'd you holler?" He says, looking at Louis. 

"Get this dumbass out of my room if he isn't going to tell me why him and Harry are fighting." 

"Fine I will! Liam can I talk to her in private?" He asks politely at the brown haired boy. He smiled and walked out of the room. 

"So?" I ask him. He glared at me, but then his eyes turned back and looked at me lovingly again.

"Ever since you….or should I say the accident, Harry and I have been…distant? I don't know. Something just made us become like this or something." He says.

"And that's the truth?" 

He nodded as he caressed my hand. 

"Well that's very…weird. You guys shouldn't be fighting at all though." 

"Tell curly that!" He yells, standing up from his seat.

"Louis." I sternly said. He sat back down, his face buried in his hands. 

"I didn't start it!" He whines as his eyes looked back at me. 

"Oh and I started the fucking thing!?" I hear Harry yell. He was standing there, his face bright red.

"Well I'm pretty sure it wasn't my fault!" Louis yells, standing up and storming towards the curly haired boy. 

"Guys!" I yell. 

"You know what! You've got a lot of nerves just to talk to my girlfriend!" 

"She's my best friend! I introduced you guys in the first place! I've known her my whole life! While you? You're just walking around using girls as a fucking fling!" 

"But she isn't one!" 

"That's what you said about Emma and Caroline!" Louis snaps. 

"Guys!" I yelled again. 

"Get the fuck out of here. You shouldn't even be here with her." Harry spits.

"I've known her my whole life. It she wanted to know something about her life, I have to be there." 

"Then why haven't you told her anything yet!?" He yells. Louis eyes looked back at me, then back to Harry. 

"Because a certain little prick has to barge in before I could say anything." 

"GUYS!" I yell. Their heads finally looked at me. 

"What the fuck happened to you two!?" I yell. 

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