Chapter 8

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A/N So what should I say? Forbidden Love just came at its ending, and I'm sad about it. It was amazing just to see it grow like that. I checked on Tuesday and it had 1000+ reads!!! Fangirling! No excuses, no shame.(: And for you guys, One Shots of Lilli and Zayn's adventures. More info on that later. And I'll have to get back on track with RERRL and this story. CLUBBING! We all remember what happened last time Louis went to a club, right? Hm…winging it so hard right now! So here it is(: xx

FYI Nialler can drive. He just couldn't get his driver's license yet because of the US tour and stuff. But he knows how to drive. It's a true fact!(:

I thought about what Niall said. Should I even go for the offer?

"Why the hell not?" I said. 

He cheered and squealed, "I'll tell the boys. Just get ready." 

I hung up on him and looked at my closet. Is there anything I can even use tonight?

Causal or go hard? 

I threw clothes all over the place as I tried looking for the right outfit.

"The hell am I going to use?!" I yelled, frantically looking around. 

I don't care if I sound like a teenage girl going on her first date. I just need to look good.


My foot tapped impatiently as I waited for Niall to get here. Once I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped off my seat to open the door. 

"The boys are being pricks and won't come with us." Niall says. I nodded as I grabbed my car keys. 

"Then I guess I won't be hammered tonight." I snickered as I opened my door. 

Niall just laughed as I started the engine. He turned the radio on and the voice I had to hear was, "Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you!!" 

I rolled my eyes at the thought of him and my best friend dating. 


"Hell yes!!!" Niall yells as he runs out of the car. I laughed at him as I closed my door. 

I walked inside the buzzing club, and got shoved around. Grand. 

"Are you free tonight?" I hear someone yell through the music, their words slurred. 

"Yes, but I don't go for drunk pricks like yourself." I answered back as I tried to make my way towards the bar. 

The man looked at me weirdly. 

"Just give me a shot of vodka." I said, looking around for the drunkin Niall. 

The man came back with my shot and a little smirk. 

"Have fun." He smirked as I drank the little thing. 

A sensational buzzing went through my neck. The little burn hurt, but as I swallowed hard, it disappeared. 

"Give me one more." I say as I picked up at the glass. He nodded as he came back with one more. 

"For Audrey!" I cheered as I took down my last shot. 

The burning wasn't there. It felt really good just to drink that. It was a combination of buzz and a little taste of alcohol.

"Watch it homo!" Yells someone, shoving past me, making me fall off my stool. 

"The fuck is your problem!?" I yelled back, getting back up to my feet. The man stopped, and looked at me. 

"What did you say to me?!" He yells back, turning back to me. 

"What the fuck is your problem you tacky, old, man?!" I yelled back. A hand went to my side and I saw Niall. He shook his head in terror, pulling me to go home. 

"Is that your little homo buddy?" The man teases. 

"Is that what your mum calls your face?" I smirked. His eyes turned into rage, and pinned me to the ground. 

"You take that back!" He yells in my face, holding up a fist.

"Why? So your mum can call you beautiful again? Bet you the first time she saw you, she thought you were a fucking big foot!" I smirked. His fist went to my sides a couple of times until someone pulled him off me. 

"Louis!!!" I hear the irish accent call. I looked to my side and saw him shaking his head vigorously. 

"Come on!" He yells as he picked me up from the ground. 

Niall carried me to the car and letted me rest onto the driver's seat. 

"Do you think you can drive?" He asks. I just shook my head. 

"I barely drank yet. I can drive us back to your flat and I'll just crash there." He says as he helps me onto the passenger's seat. 

"Are you sure Niall?" I asked as I hit my head onto the interior of the car. 

"I'm sure." He laughs as he started switched spots with me. 


Niall turned the engine off and helped me out of the car. 

"Where's your keys?" He asks. I sloppily looked for my keys in my pockets with all the strength I had left in me. I handed him my keys, and he tore it away from me.

"Gosh Niall!" I laughed as he helped inside the flat. 

"You are in no state of walking Lou! What the hell do you expect?!" He laughs as he putted me down to the couch.

"Do your sides hurt like hell or like hell?" He smirks. 

"You're stupid." I laughed as he went towards the kitchen. 

"Well that man did hit you pretty hard!" He says as he came back with ice packs. 

"Fucking retard." I muttered under my breathe as I looked at my newly bruises. 

"Please tell me you aren't going to tell anyone." I said as I slowly took the ice packs and put them against the bruise. 

"Depends. You'll never know." He smirks as he turned on the tele. 

I quietly looked at my bruises and cuts. Shit. There's no way I can hide this from any of the lads! 

"Louis!!!!" I hear Harry and Audrey yell, coming in through the door. 

Niall looked at me. 

"Shit." I said as I shook my head.

"Louis William Tomlinson!!!" Audrey laughs as she came into the living room. 

"Louis?!" She squeals shockingly. 

"Fuck my life." I muttered as she her little figure ran towards me. 

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