Bakugou in My World

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⚠️A warning to the people that are reading! This will have a lot of spoilers to the movie My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising! ⚠️

Bakugou POV
I finally proposed to her. And I'm so glad she said yes! Once we got back to the hero base me and Sonya made our way to our room and Sonya grabbed some clothes making her way towards the shower. "I'll be finished in a few minutes." "Ok." She walks into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. I lay down on the bed after taking my shirt off. I didn't think she would say yes. What if I'm dreaming? Did she really say yes? I sit up and put my head in my hands. "Baby? Are you ok?" I look up her. "You said yes right?" "Baby. Yes I said yes. I love you Katsuki. I'll always say yes." She pulls me into a hug and I nuzzle into her neck. "I love you too Sonya." She pulls back from the hug and lays on the bed, patting her lap. I look at her confused. "Lay your head on my lap." "Ok?" I crawl over to her and lay my head on her lap, after getting comfortable. She starts messing with my hair and I start to relax under her gentle touch. "Do you feel better?" "Yeah. It's helping me calm down." "That's good... Hey Katsuki?" "Mm?" "Why did you think it wasn't true?" "I just didn't think you would say yes, so I started to doubt it had happened." "Katsuki... All of it was true. I promise you." "I know. And I'm sorry for doubting..." "Don't apologise. I may not be you but I understand. I'm pretty sure every guy that asks that one question, has had the exact same feeling your having right now." "You think so?" "Yeah." I get up and sit in front of her I  then scoot closer to her and lean on her shoulder, softly nuzzling into her neck. "You smell nice." She laughs softly and puts her hand on my head. Combing through my hair. I feel myself fall asleep slowly, shortly after falling into a deep sleep.
I could hear soft snors from Katsuki. I hear a knock at the door and see the door open. Kirishima began to speak, "Katsuki I-" "Shhh!" I point at Katsuki and put my hand on one side of my head, signaling that Katsuki is asleep. "Oh sorry." He walks slowly over to me. "How has he been since you know. The big question." "He was stressed and scared that it might have been a dream. But I reassured him that it wasn't a dream and that it did happen." "That's good. How did you feel after he proposed to you?" "Well I was so happy. And so glad that he asked. I really thought he'd never ask. But he did and it makes me very happy." I look a Kirishima and see a single tear fall from his eye. "That's so manly." "Boi Bye." He left and I got comfortable with Katsuki and fell asleep shortly after. The next morning I wake up feeling replenished and relaxed. Katsuki is still on top me. "Baby. You gotta wake up, our hero work starts today." "5 more minutes." "No Baby. Wake up." He shifts in his spot on top of me. "Katsuki if you don't wake up I'm gonna toss you off the bed." "Nooo. I don't wanna get up." "You asked for it." I grab his shoulders pushing him off the top of me earning a thump as he hit the floor. "Ow! What the hell woman!?" "You wouldn't get up, so I made you get up." "Oh." " Are you mad at me?" "No. I can't get mad at you." I get up from my spot and walk towards him. "Good morning Baby." "Good morning." "Let's go eat." We walk down stairs and I start some coffee, beginning to cook breakfast for everyone, since me and Katsuki were the first people awake. Katsuki walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder, beginning to nuzzle into my neck. "Breakfast smells amazing as usual." "Your welcome." "He kisses my neck and after awhile I finish breakfast for everyone. "Katsuki if you don't want your ears to hurt, I suggest stepping away." "Ok?" I suck in a big breath. "EVERYONE WAKE THE HELL UP! I MADE BREAKFAST!!!" Shortly after I see everyone making there way to the kitchen. "Thankyou for making breakfast for everyone." Iida said while bowing. "Sure thing! Hey and you don't have to be so formal about it!" "Ok." After everyone finished eating, everyone went to there rooms and changed into there hero suits. Iida began, "Since we are the only heroes here, we will treat everything as if it is extremely important!" "Yes Sir!"
Time Skip to after a few weeks after being there
"Help! I can't find my brother anywhere!" "Ok. Stay calm, Ill send a few people to find him as fast as possible!" "I need help finding a girls brother who's up?" "I'm up!" I heard Deku say. "Missing child. Looks like I'm up!" I heard Jiro say. Ochako stood up and said, "I'll help to!" We made our way outside. Jiro and Ochako grabbed onto the the thing. "One for all, full couling, 20%!" He darted off. "Transportation Jutsu." I thought of Deku and quickly transported to them. "Sorry we left you!" "Your okay!" Jiro put her earphone thing in the ground and pointed in that direction. Me and Deku quickly made our way over there. Deku yelled, "Katsuma! Are you Katsuma!?" "A Hero." "Hey there little guy." Me and Deku said as we both squated in front of him. "There you are! It took you guys a whole hour to find him! What took you guys so long?!" "You must be his older sister. Maharo." "Yeah. So why did it take so long!?" "Well we have to take the footsteps of everyone, to figure who is who and we found his footsteps here, so we ran over as fast as possible." "If you feel we took too long, then next time we will try to be faster." "Yeah! You better! Who know what could have happened to my brother!" Did that kid just completely ignore me?! "Come on Katsuma! Let's go home!" His sister begins to walk off. Katsuma walks up to me and Deku. "Thankyou for your help." "Anytime!" "Katsuma, there's no need to thank them, let's go!" After a little while, we make our way back to the base. After a long day, everyone in the town, cooked us food and gave us all something to drink for all the help we have done over the few weeks we have been here. "Thankyou for the food!!!" "Could you at least be civilized about it!!" Iida said. After we all eat, Denki and a few other boys walk over to me and Katsuki, "Kacchan of the Bakugou's, we decided that you do night watch!" "Why me!?" He asked, sounding a little irritated. "Because you didn't do anything during the day." Katsuki leans back slowly. "Don't worry. I'll do night patrol with you." "Fine!" We changed quickly and began night patrol. We were walking around the perimeter when we saw Deku, "Oi Deku! Hurry up and make one for all your quirk!" (I can't remember everything, that they said to each other so.) *After wholesomeness* Me and Katsuki went inside and made out way to our room. I begin to change and Katsuki looked at me. "What?" "Why are you changing infront of me?" "Well aren't we engaged, gotta get used to it anyway." "O-Ok." "I finish changing, and lay on the bed getting comfortable, I wrap myself in all of the covers around me and curl into a ball. Katsuki did the same and layed down next to me, "Hey are you okay?" "I'm c-cold." "Let get under the covers with you and I can warm you up." "O-Ok. *Shiver*"
Bakugou POV
She in covers her self and I quickly get under the cover with her. "Are you in a ball?" "Y-Yea. I-Im r-really cold." She snuggles up close to me and I wrap my arms around her. "Your so warm." She snuggles closer. I laugh softly at her words, "well of course." I kiss her forehead softly. "You warm now?" "Yes. I claim you as my personal heater." "Aww. Thank you baby!" "S-Shut up." I smirk at her and knew she was blushing. "Your so fucking cute, that's why I can't wait to marry you." "I can't wait to marry you too." "Well we should go to bed." "Gn Baby." "Gn."

Hope you guys liked this part and sorry for the ones who are reading, that haven't watched the movie! Thank you for reading! And see you next time!!!

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