Bakugou in My World

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Im in the kitchen and start cooking instant ramen. I feel of my ears to feel that they are very soft. I stop rubbing them and get the ramen out. I start eating it and finish it quickly. I quickly put it in the sink and ran to Katsuki's bedroom. I say, "I really hate this! God I shouldn't have agreed to letting them make me drink it! I'm so stupid!" "Your not stupid Sonya." I turned around to see it was Katsuki. My tail start to wag and I grab it harshly, which I deeply regret cause it hurt alot. "Ow!" I let go off my tail and sat down. Katsuki walked over and said, "Are you ok?" I nod my head telling him I'm fine. I lay down and Katsuki asks, "Can I touch you ears?" I look at him and say, "I don't think that a good idea cause wolves ears are there most sensitive spot." He said, "Ok." I layed there and then I got bored. I asked Katsuki, "Can we play your game system?" He nodded his head yes and turned it and the TV on. I started to play breath of the Wild. I beat it faster than I usually would and then I just started to run around in circles and went and kill things yelling, "DIE! DIE! DIE!" "She just like you Bakubro!" I growled at him and said, "I always say die when I'm killing things in a game. It's a habit." "Wow! That's funny!" Says Kirishima. "Whatever!" I say.
Bakugou's POV
I watched her as she finished the game easily. Kirishima came in here seeing Sonya yelling die repeatedly. "Well it's getting late you should all go to bed." They left after I said that and Sonya turned the game off and layed on the bed. She then said, "I hope that my tail and ears go away by tomorrow. Cause we have school tomorrow." I layed down next to her and said, "It'll be the first day of you being in U.A. to become a hero." She laughed, "Yeah I guess so!" After a while, we got comfortable and went to sleep. In the morning I woke up first and then woke her up. "Hey your ear and tail are gone!" "Really!?" "Yeah!" She checked her head and tailbone and they were gone. She ran to the bathroom, got dressed and came out. "How do I look?" I looked at her and said, "You look good! Let's hope Mineta doesn't try anything." "Oh he won't. Cause if he does I'll kick
him." "That's my girl!" I say. We walk in and everyone looks over and is surprised. "Sonya said, "Hi I'm going to school here!" They all just yelled Yeah. Mineta walked up and tried touching her leg but she kicked in and he flew to the other side of the classroom. "That's what you get for trying to touch me! You Perv!" "That's my Girl!" I walk over to her and kiss her. Everyone looked. "What? I'm proud of her!" We all sat down and Mr.Aizawa said, "You will be sparing with each other. I'll put you in teams of 3 since there are 21 students now." After he called all the group's, me, Sonya and Deku where put in a group. Sonya yelled, "Nice! Do we get to use our quirks?" "No." "Ok." Sonya says. We all go to the training grounds. Me and Sonya get into stance and start. I run up to her with a punch and she quickly blocks it and slides her leg under mine and punches me in the side. I quickly recover and kick her side but she doesn't give up yet. She kicks up in the air hitting my chin throwing me up in the air and hitting the floor. I get up and lunge at her, she slides to the left and punches me in the side. By this time everyone is watching us. I get up again and throw a punch and she catches it. She then grabs my shoulder flips herself over me and hits me in the back. I fall to the floor and say, "I give!" "Yay! I finally win against you!"
I finally won against Katsuki. Everyone was watching us. I said, "What? I have never won against Katsuki in a sparing match. We spar with each other all the time and I never win." They all just stood there shocked and then Urakaka said, "I didn't know you could fight like that Sonya." "Learned it from the best!" I said pointing to Katsuki." He walked over and said let's take a break. I agreed. We both walked to a bench and sat down. I drank my whole bottle of Gatorade with ease. Everyone looked shocked. I just sat there and relaxed. After that everyone went back to fighting. I leaned my head on his shoulder and took a little nap. After a while, I felt as if I was being carried. I wake up and see Katsuki carrying me. I turn a dark red. He looks down and says, "I see your finally awake. FireCracker." FireCracker. What the Hell! "Why are you calling me FireCracker?" "Cause I can." "O-Oh Ok. I love you!" "I love you too" I lean up and kiss him and he turned red. "Looks to me like someone's flushed!" We look up to see All-Might and Lilly. "Hi Lilly! Hows it going!" "I-Its going good! I l-live w-with All-Might!" "Awwwwww! Someone's blushing!" I yell. "Oh shut-up." "Let's go somewhere to eat!" I suggest. They all agree and we head to a restaurant. Me and Lilly told Katsuki and Toshi what we wanted and we waited outside. Two men show up and say, "What are two beautiful girls doing out here?" "We are waiting for our boyfriend's so I suggest you leave before they come out!" I yell seriously. They then say, "Let's ditch your boyfriend's and go somewhere and have fun." How about no!" My eyes turn into my shadingan and quickly kick the first one in the jaw, while punching the other one in the stomach. "NOW SCRAM ANNOYING ASS SHITHEAD'S!" They scurried away from us and ran. Katsuki came out and asked everything ok. I said, "Yeah everything's fine! I just had to punch and kick two boys who were trying to flirt. Haha! I hate boys that only want you for your body." I grab Katsuki's hand and intertwined our fingers and got my drink from him and started drinking it. After awhile of walking around. We says our good byes to Toshi and Lilly and head home. I'm exhausted! I say dramatically. "Yeah I know!" He says. I go and change into a tank top and shorts. He also changes into some sweatpants and takes his shirt off. I lay down on the bed and Katsuki lays on top of me, "Katsuki! Get off me!" "Fine!" He lifted himself up and looks down at me. He then leans down and kisses me, biting my bottom lip for instance. He forcefully pushes through, exploring everywhere. He breaks free get a short breath before he goes down for another kiss. He lifts himself up again and see that I'm a blushing mess. He lays down beside me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to his chest. He then kisses my neck. Nuzzling into my neck. He then just lays there and we both eventually fall asleep.
Time Skip to the morning
I wake up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror to see that I have a red mark on my neck. I didn't notice Katsuki behind me, as then he wraps his arms around my waist and I let out a small yelp. He laughed alittle and said, "I have marked you as mine." Pointing to the red mark. I then yell, "You gave me a hickey!" He said, "Yep!" He then walked out of the bathroom as I hurriedly got dresses I walked out and looked at him. Just smiling. He looked at me and said, "What's up?" I say, "Oh it's nothing! Im just glad to have you!" He puts his arm around my shoulder and says, "You will have me forever. Remember that! FireCracker!" "I will! Katsuki-Kun!"

I hope you all liked it! It was fun to write as usual! I am thankful for the ones who have been reading my story! Well I gotta go so bye.

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