Bakugou in My World

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While Katsuki talked to Aizawa,I made my way to me and Katsuki's room and started packing. Shortly after he showed up. We started talking and I finished packing shortly after. "And Finished!" "Well I think we should go to bed! "Okay." We lay down and shortly after fall asleep. Next Morning, we wake up and I give a kiss to Katsuki, on the cheek. "Wake up sleepyhead." "I don't wanna." "You have to, remember! We are going to Nabu Island to do hero work." "Oh Shit. Now I remember." He slowly got up and almost fell so I went to the front of him. He then fell on me. "Katsuki! Get off me Damnit!" I thump him in the pretty hard. "Ow! Why the hell did you thump me?!" "Because your laying on top of me Damnit!" He realizes that he's on top of me and quickly get up. "I'm sorry!" "Your fine!" We got dressed into some comfortable clothes. And headed to the boat that was suppose to take us to Nabu Island. Everyone eventually got to the boat and we headed out after being told what we were supposed to do. It was a few days before we got there. So we me and Katsuki fought each other and practices with our quirks. "You've definitely improved. Your fighting and your control over your quirk." "Thanks I have been practicing for awhile." He grabs my chin and quickly kisses my lips. "Bakugou! Can I steal Sonya for a minute?" "Why Mina?" "I wanted to talk to her." "Okay? Go ahead." "What is it Mina?" "How long have you and Bakugou been dating?" "Hm. I'd say about almost a year." "Really?!" "Yeah? Why?" "Wellll. I was thinking you could do something for him!" "Like what?" "Idk. Maybe. Take him somewhere to eat or something?" "Why would I do that? We gonna be doing hero work everyday. I could just hang out with him, while we on duty or what not." "That could work! But do you really want to do that?" "My hero work is important, and I love him, he knows that." "We both know that he would do anything to keep me safe. As I would do the same for him." "God. Your so weird." "What?" "Nothing. Well I'll just go." "Ok? That seemed like she was planning something." "What?" I jump out of fear. "Jesus! Katsuki you scared me!" "Sorry! Haha! Sorry! Let's go to my room." "Ok." He picks me up putting me on his back. "Katsuki!" "What!?" He looks back at me and I look at him. I laugh softly, "Nothing." I lean my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" "Yeah. Just tired." "Well after we take a shower we both take a shower we can take a nap." "Okay." I layed on the bed and Katsuki went into the shower.
Bakugou POV
I got the hit water running and got undressed. I made my way into the shower leaning my head on one of walls in the shower. "I'm gonna propose to her after we get settled in on Nabu Island." I let the water trickle down my back, allowing it to relax every muscle in my body. I finish showering and walk out. "I'm finished." "Yay! I can take a shower now!" I laugh softly, "Yeah. Go take a shower." I lay on the bed and look up at the ceiling, Thinking to myself, 'I can't wait till I propose to her. I hope she says yes.' I close my eyes. "Ummmmm. K-Katsuki!" My eyes jolt open. "What's wrong?!" "I uh f-forgot my c-clothes!" "You what?" "Yeah, um c-could you get me some clothes p-please." "You sure you don't just wanna come out here and get them so I'm not touching your undergarments." "Ah! Shit! Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" "Sonya!? Are you okay?!" "Um. I uh fell. I'll be okay." "Unlock the door! Now!"  "I-Im fine!" "Damnit! Open the fucking door!" "O-Okay!" I hear her shuffle over to the door, earning a groan come from her. She opened the door and I saw her on the floor. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." I help her stand up and I see her face turn red. "I'm not going to do anything to you, without your consent. I'm not that type of man." I pick her up bridal style and walk over to the bed, placing her softly on the bed. I grab one of the covers, and cover her up, "You stay." "O-Ok." "Good thing this boat as people with healing quirks." I quickly make my way to the nurse's. "I need one of you to come and check on Sonya, she fell while taking a shower and hurt her ankle, I would like for you to check on her please." "Right away Sir. Lead me to your room." I quickly tread my way back to me and Sonya's room. "Okay, I'm going to move your ankle, tell me if it hurts okay?" "Okay." She rotated Sonya's ankle and she yelled out in pain. "She definitely broke it. Let me just heal it real quick. And it'll be good as new!" "Okay, thankyou." I look at Sonya with a worried expression. "You okay?" "Y-Yeah." "All done! Should be good as new!" Sonya moves her ankle, "It feels alot better, thankyou!" "Your welcome dear!" The nurse got up and left and I walked over to Sonya, "You okay now?" "Y-Yeah. Sorry, I got hurt and made you worry." She looked down and I see a tear tread her face. "Baby. It's okay. You didn't mean to fall and get hurt. It's not your fault." "Okay." "Now get dressed." She turned a dark red and uncovers her self starting to change, when I hear the door open. "Bakubro is everything ok-" I quickly slam my hand into his face, pushing him out of the room and closing the door behind me. "What the Hell Bakubro!?" "You almost walked in on Sonya, you dumb fuck!" "Oh Shit! I'm sorry, Bakubro!" "Your fine! Just fucking knock next time!" "I'm finished you guys can come in now!" I open the door and walk in, Shitty Hair following behind. "So what happened, I saw the nurse walk out of your room. "Sonya broke her ankle, so I had to get a nurse to come and fix it." "How did she break her ankle?" "That is not your business to know! Shitty Hair!" "Ooohh! Ok! Let me guess, she fell in the shower and hurt her self in the process." "You fucking guessed right!" "Well, just wanted to make sure you guys were okay." "I'll leave you to alone." After Shitty Hair left, I layed down on the bed and grabbed Sonya's arm, pulling her on top of me. "Sorry I picked you up like that, when you were completely naked." "No no! It's okay! You wanted to make sure I was okay." "I still shouldn't have done that. It was rude." "Katsuki. It was not rude. You were making sure I was okay. If you say anything about this again, I'll get on to you." "Fine! I fucking love you." "I love you too Katsuki." I get on top of her and kiss her passionately. Making it more intense. I lay down next to her, wrapping my arms around her small form. She took a deep breath and breathed out, earning a yawn from her. "Have a good night's sleep." "I will. Good Night, Katsuki." I kiss her head softly, "Good Night, Sonya."

Sorry, I haven't updated! But I hope you guys liked this part! And thankyou to all the people who have been reading! I hope you enjoyed reading my story so far! See ya next time!

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