Bakugou in My World

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Bakugou's POV
I'm glad Sonya is here. As we walked to school she said, "Wait don't I need a hero suit?" I looked over at her as a long silence went between us. I then said, "Yeah. But what would your look like?" She pulled out her phone and started to scroll through pictures on Pinterest, "Maybe something like this?" She showed me a photo of an outfit."

"I think this would be good because of the Quirk I have

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"I think this would be good because of the Quirk I have. I need to have breathable suit. That allows me to move more freely and relaxed." I took in the details and said, "It looks good but isn't it a little revealing?" She looked at me and said, "It not as revealing as Momo's so." I agreed and we continued walking. We finally got to class and Sonya sat down and put he legs on the desk. Laying back. Iida then starting says, "Don't put your feet on the desk! That's not a proper way for a lady to sit!" She looked over at him with a pop sound coming from her neck, "Does it look like I am a lady that sits proper. The only time I'll ever sit proper is for things like prom, homecoming or a funeral. Don't tell me to sit proper at school. Yes it is U.A. a school where you become a hero afterwards but I just don't sit proper and places like these. Sorry to put you down Iida." Everyone seemed shocked, even Iida he just walked away stunned by everything that just happened.
Mr.Aizawa walked in and called for me to go to the principal's office. I went and the principal said, "You are going to need to design a suit." I showed him the photo and he said, "It will be made very soon!" I leave and head back to class. Everyone asked why were you called up there. I said, "So I could get a hero suit made." I showed them the photo and said that super cool! I just said, "Thankyou. I'm excited to wear it." I went and sat down at the back. Shortly after I fell asleep. I wasn't asleep for long when I felt a book hit my head. I sat up and yelled, "OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR! THAT FUCKING HURT!" He said, "Don't sleep in class!" "I MAY HAVE BEEN ASLEEP! BUT DAMN DID YOU HAVE TO HIT ME IN THE FUCKING HEAD!" I sat there and just leaned back in the chair and said, "Sorry. I didn't mean -." I started to scream as I felt pain dart through my body. I open my eyes to see a red and black mass around me. "Kuruma! I-I thought I told you not to t-take control of me!" I yelled with words no one could understand except Kuruma. "That's not me! It's the darker side of me!" "Damn it!" I run quickly to the window and open it not wanting to break anything. I jump and run as far as I can to the country side. I start punching trees. Trying to control what is happening to me. "Stop! I don't want to hurt anyone!" I scream again. I gain alittle more control and sream extremely loud, "PLEASE HELP ME KATSUKI!" I start punching the tree more and more. It falls over as I scream incoherently over and over again trying to get the rage of Kuruma to calm down. The pain I felt in my back hurt more than anyone could ever feel. It felt as if my back, arms and my legs were going to break in ways that would bring extreme pain to my body. Pains that I didn't want to feel, but am feeling right now. I scream more as a wave of pain went through my head. I look around trying to find something to release rage on and find a extremely large rock. I run towards it and punch it over and over again, not caring if my fingers in my hands broke. I wanted to release this rage taking over me. I then feel a pain go through my finger and they broke with every punch I made. Yet my finger were broken I still punched the wall over and over again. I then hear someone yell, "SONYA STOP! YOUR HURTING YOURSELF!" I turn quickly to see Katsuki and my classmates all standing there in front of me. At that moment I feel things start to wrap my being as it binded my arms and legs. I look up in an inhuman way to see Mr.Aizawa. he makes contact with my eyes as his go red. Yet I didn't feel it go away. The pain was still there. I scream and struggle as I tried to break free losing my self control once again. I then here someone else yell, "RELEASE HER! BINDING HER IS JUST GONNA MAKE IT WORSE!" I look over to see Lilly and All-Might standing side by side. Aizawa releases me from his bind and I lung at the rock that I was punching at breaking it instantly. I stop as I feel someone around me. "Calm down Sonya. Everything is alright! I know that Kuruma is trying to take control! Don't let him! It's gonna be okay." I felt my heart begin to slow down steadily as I felt the rage start to dissipate. I calm down more and more. As the red and black mass that surrounded starts to also dissipate. I look down to see it was Lilly. She looks up at me and says, "You okay now?" I say, "Y-Yeah." Then I passed out. I heard everyone's voices. Just... Couldn't see them. I felt bad. Worrying everyone as I did. I couldn't open my eyes. Just Couldn't. I wanted to cry but couldn't. I layed there moveless, still breathing, but limp. I could here someone yell, "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" I knew it was Katsuki. I felt a sudden burn in my chest as I knew that the way I layed limp in his arms was breaking him. Hurting him in ways no one else could understand. I felt water on my face, I instantly knew he was crying. I want to lift my hand up to his cheek to reassure him but couldn't. It felt as if everything was numb. I felt as if I were lifted, as if I were being carried. I then heard Mr.Aizawa say, "She's still breathing. But we need to get her to recovery girl as fast as possible." I then heard Deku say, "I can do that! Hand her to me Kacchan, I promise that she will be safe." I could tell that Katsuki was reluctant. He then said, "You better get her to Recovery girl fast. I don't want to lose her." He puts me into Deku's arms, Deku ran as fast as lighting to the school where recovery girl was. After a little while I could feel me being placed down on a soft bed. I then felt as my bones started going back into place. I wanted to scream as the pain shot through me. After a while a felt no more pain as I still lay limp on the bed not waking. I then hear a door swing open and yelling, "IS SHE OK!? I WANT TO KNOW IF SHE IS OK!" Recovery Girl said in a very calm voice, "Katsuki calm down, she is ok. It might be alittle while before she wakes up. Whatever she went through was a very painful experience and she is very tired from it. Please calm down. I even let you stay in here with her. You can lay on the bed next to her if it makes you feel better." I felt movement next to me as Katsuki lay next me putting my head on his chest. I felt as a wave of guilt ran through me. He is so worried about me.
Bakugou's POV
I layed on the bed next to Sonya. I didn't care if I had classes. I wasn't going to leave her side. I'll ask Kirishima to bring me food everyday and I'll ask Deku to bring my school work. I am not leaving her side. I put my arm around her, Crying as I saw how she layed limp in my arms. Everyone else came into the room and saw her, I told them everything recovery girl said. I told them my plan and they agreed. They knew that I wasn't the type of person that would just leave Sonya alone. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I would be full of worry more than the worry I have right now. I asked Kiri if he would bring me some clothes I could change into and some food so I could eat. He did so and I changed quickly getting in to relaxed clothes. I put my black sweater around Sonya as to keep her warm. I felt so useless as she layed in my arms. I felt as if I could have maybe, just maybe helped more but I couldn't. I didn't have the strength to move my body when I saw her the way she was with that red and black mass around her. It had 4 tails, you couldn't see the regular Sonya behind this mass. I was actually horrified by it. But I knew that Sonya was still there and she wouldn't let that thing hurt me. After a while I fell asleep not realizing it. I must have got really tired from all the things that had happened. I had my arms around Sonya, my grip strong, but gently. I feel if I hold to tight I'll break her, as if she was a fragile glass. I feel if I hold her to soft I will lose her to the dark and evil abyss of pain and suffering. I stayed there with her. Wanting to see her in my dreams,wanting to see her beautiful eyes, knowing it will be a little while before I see them in reality again. I wanted to scream at myself. Wanted to know the pain that she had felt as she was that creature. I fell to deep sleep. Thinking of all those things. Worrying about her.
I look around to see I'm in my mind where Kuruma is. He said, "I was not the one controlling you. That was my darker side. When I make a promise, I always keep it." "I know. I know. Well while Im asleep in reality. I am going to train in here okay. Could you possibly make it to where a day is like 2 months while I'm training." He then said, "If you think that way of course it'll be that way." So I did. I trained and trained with no break. I knew that my hair was going to be longer when I wake up. After a while I finally got my Mangekeyo Sharingan. ( It can be anyone of the Sharingan except for the third stage Sharingan. That is the original one.) I continued training. It was about six months. So three days have passed in reality. I woke up in reality. To see Katsuki still laying next to me. I say, "K-Katsuki?" He looks over at me and starts to smile very big. He hugs me tightly and says, "Your finally awake! I've been so worried about you! I-I thought I l-lost you." I could hear his voice cracking. Before he could say anything else, I kissed him not releasing for a while until he calmed down. I released and said, "I'm sorry for worrying you. Im still here. I'll never lose you and you will never lose me. I gave him another hug. He said, let me run to my class and get everyone. He did so and came back quickly. Everyone behind him. Everyone seemed very happy to know I'm okay. I just sat there. I saw Lilly come in she teared up when she saw me. She ran and gave me a hug, I said, "You know I heard everyone talking when I was limp. I'm so sorry for worrying everyone." Katsuki then asked, "What did the pain feel like? I know I shouldn't ask but I want to know what you went through." I explained the pain and everyone was shocked by everything. I just looked down and said, "It was the type of pain that know one else would ever be able to feel. It was excruciating pain. It felt as if everything was breaking." They all just looked at me. I know it scared them. But then Kirishima said, "Is it just me or did Sonya grow a hell of a lot more feminine." I looked at my self and realized oh shit I need to tell them what I did for 3 days or 6 months. I said, "I know why. I was training where Kuruma lives inside me and and I made a day in reality 2 months in my head. I have also gained my Mangekeyo, which is my final form for my Sharingan. I have also learned many to fighting techniques." I closed my eyes and flashed them open as my eyes turned to the mangekeyo. They all said cool and just looked at them. After awhile of talking. I got up and we all headed to the dorms to celebrate my awakining. We had a party as I spoke with my friends about it. I was happy to be back with everyone.

I hope you all enjoyed this one! This one is a hell of a lot longer than the others! Which was not supposed to happen, but did anyways!" I loved this one even tho there is sadness and pain in it put those are two things I feel often so! XD. Thankyou for reading and Author-Chan out!

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