Bakugou In My World

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I was talking to my friend on the phone when out of now where I hear screaming from outside. I run outside immediately to see my favorite anime character Katsuki Bakugou. Outside screaming,"Where the hell am I!?" I run up to him and say your in my world. Get inside before anyone sees you. He follows me inside and I take him to my room. Your room is very small and cramped. I know. I blushed a little. "Why the hell are you blushing idiot." He said "Cause I can! Dammit!" I said. What's your name by the way? He asked "O-oh my name's Sonya. " I say flushed. "That's a cute name." He says after grabbing my chin and lifting it up to see my face. "You are so cute." I say "S-stop teasing me!" Well I need to go to bed so um where do you wanna sleep. "With you on the bed." He says. "W-what!? No!" I say flustered and confused. "Were not even together." "I don't care", he says. Then he pulls me in the bed with him and shortly after, a storm starts. A lighting bolt strikes and I scream in horror. Bakugou freaks out and asks, "Are you okay? What's wrong?", in a worried tone. "I-I don't like thunder storms." "Oh." He starts to comfort me by rubbing my shoulder with his huge hand. "T-thank you Bakugou." "Call me Katsuki." "Ok Ba- I mean Katsuki." I lean on his chest and fall asleep shortly after.
Bakugous Pov
Why am I doing this? I just now met her and I'm already claiming her as mine. Why do I like this girl so much? I can't believe I was able to comfort her so easily. She's so cute when she sleeps. I hear someone scream Sonya we're home! That must be her parents. HER PARENTS!!! What am I going to do. Shit!  Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! They walk in before I can hide. Who the hell are you!? You might not believe this but I'm Katsuki Bakugou. You are because I know what you look like. Says her mom. Well I'm actually her boyfriend as of today. Ok. "Well keep her safe otherwise I'll kill you!" Says her dad. I will trust me.
My Pov
The next day. I wake up to see me laying on Katsuki's chest. I turn really flustered when Bakugou wraps one of his arms around me. "Katsuki! I need to get up and go to school!"  "Okay! okay! fine. I'm going with you." He says. "What? No you are not." "I am going wether you like it or not." He says. "Ok fine!" Once we get there I walk around to the front of the library and all my anime friends are. They all freak out. "How is he here in real life!" they said "I don't know." I said. One of my friends hug me and Katsuki pulled me in to his arms and said "Don't touch her! " "What's up with him!" They asked "He's my-"I said before I was interrupted. When Bakugou said "  I'm her boyfriend! So don't fucking touch her!" We went to class he made Joann move he sat next to me and put his arm around me. Everybody in the class looked at us and Bakugou said,"What the hell are all of you looking at!? Fuck off!" Mrs.Liggin sent me and Bakugou to the principal's office. "He's new here. He doesn't know how things are around here." Okay ill let him slide. Thank you. When lunch time hits Bakugou sat next to me in front of my friends Nikki and Lilly. He didn't like the fact that Mac was next to me so he sat on the other side of me where Mac was. Bakugou started playing with my hair. So I started playing with his. Then he just put his arm around my shoulder and we walked outside. We sat at one of the bench like things and talked. Then out of no where he kissed me on my lips. I blush a lot and try to get up and run. But he grabbed my arm and hugged me tightly and said "I'll never let anyone hurt you." I blushed and we walked back inside. While we walk inside he kissed my neck and said "I love you so damn much." "I love you too Katsuki." He seemed flustered after I said that.
Bakugou POV
I didn't expect her to say it back. I got so flustered and when her friends saw me, they ran towards us and snatched me away from Sonya. Then they said "If you ever hurt Sonya's feelings we will hurt you!" Lilly silently glares menacingly, "No, I will make you suffer infantly and then watch as you slowly bleed to death while smiling the entire time! ^w^" "Tch okay." I say. We walk back inside and I see some one have Sonya pinned against a wall. I scream and say "get off my girl asshole!" After that I try to attack but Sonya stopped me and said "Don't worry about it. It's okay I can deal with him myself." I didn't know what she meant by that but after so she nailed him right in the gut with her knee grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and popped his shoulder out of place. After that she told me "have one good blow and we are outta here!" I did as she said and punched him in the face to where I broke his nose. After so we ran as fast as we could back to class.
Bakugou sat behind me in class and started messing with my hair again and I grabbed his hand and said please stop I'm trying to do my work. He grabbed my chin and kissed me again and said "Okay. I'll stop." I turned around flustered by the touch. After class Ms.Williams stopped me and Katsuki and said "please don't do that again in my classroom thankyou." We both said "Okay" and left. The bell was about to ring so I was running and I almost fell to the floor but Katsuki caught me and carried me to class while running. I blushed as he put me down in front of Mrs. Richmond. She said "I see you have a boyfriend now don't you." "Yes ma'am. I do." She lets Katsuki sit next to me. One of the male chorus members walked up and asked him to sing a 1 3 5 in bass octive. He did so. His voice was so amazing. I blushed a little. I think he saw me blushing and he turned to look at me. Then said "Is my voice that great." He was teasing me obviously. I say "Yeah. Is it bad to think that." "N-No." He said. He turned away with his hand over his mouth flustered.
Bakugou's POV
She liked my voice. I-I haven't sung in so long. I teased her just to see her blushing. She's so strong. I don't think her friend likes me. I look over to see Sonya talking to her friend. Then we started to sing some songs. I figured out how to sing the songs easily. I was impressed by Sonya's voice. I could tell she loved singing. I didn't want to interrupt her. So I waited. After we were done we got a five minute break. Me and Sonya went to the hall. I waited for Sonya to come out of the bathroom and when she did. I grabbed her hand and intertwined my finger with hers. I never noticed how soft her hands were until now. She blushed with shock from the touch. I kissed her on the lips again. Knowing that it would fluster her more. She squizzed my hand a little then lifted it and kissed it. I was surprised she would do something like that. We walk back to the chorus room hand in hand. I couldn't believe how our relationship is going so well. This is the first day of dating. We walk to the truck and a boy is in the front. "Who is he?" I asked "That's my brother." She said. "Oh" I said feeling bad about thinking that he was someone else.
We are sitting in the truck going home. I get out my sketch book and open it up to todoriki's picture I drew. Katsuki says "why the hell is todoroki in this sketch book?!" I say "Because I drew him before you came into my world." "Oh. Sorry I went off" He says. "It's okay Katsuki." I say. I think to myself so he is the badboy but protective type. Didn't expect that. We get home and I go put my things in my room and start cooking. Bakugou wrapping his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder and said "what are we eating for supper?" I say "you'll see." "Dammit I don't like surprises." He says. After a while the food gets done, Katsuki eats it without hesitation and says "Wow your food is really fucking good Sonya!" Surprised by what he said I say "Thankyou Katsuki." Once food is done. We go to my room and I change when I'm done Katsuki walks in Shirtless his body build is so totally like in the picture I saved. I start to turn a very bright pink and red color. He noticed me blushing and he laid down behind me and said "You like what you see?". In a teasing manner. Not long after, me and Katsuki got in comfortable positions and started watching a movie. During the movie Katsuki wrapped one of his arms around me and I instantly giggle a little. He looked down at me and said "What so funny?" "Oh nothing. It's just so amazing to know that I have a relationship after 3 years without dating." I say. "Who in the damn hell would not date someone as amazing and beautiful as you." He said. He covered his mouth embarrassed by what he just said.
Bakugou's POV
I can't believe I just said that! I'm so much of a fool I can't think straight so instead I wrapped both my arms around her and just layed there embarrassed by that. She giggled and looked up at me. And smiled. Her smile was so cute I turned more red than I thought I would ever be. I let go of her and then she turned around to face me and moved her body to have her face right in front of mine. We stared for a good minute and then she said "Katsuki I hope that I can stay with you forever and I don't ever have to loose someone like you. Your are the best, most amazing person in the world." At that she kissed me deeply and to my surprise I did the same. We stopped after a little while both flushed a very large amount. She turned back to the TV and said "S-sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that but i-it just felt l-like the right time to k-kiss you." "Hey. It's okay. I really liked that kiss anyway. Plus now I know how you like to be kissed." I said. She turned around to face me and said "S-Stop teasing me!" I said "I'll stop teasing you for today if you kiss me the way you just did." "Do I really have to do that?" She asked. "Yep." I said in a relaxed tone. "Ok. Fine." We kissed again and then I stopped teasing her for the rest of the night. She snuggled up closer to my chest for more comfort. She so cute when she sleeps. I so badly wanted to kill that boy who did that too her. But she had it covered. I wrapped my arms around her small body and put my head on top of her's and soon after fell asleep.
I wake up to feel Katsuki's arms around me and his head on top of mine. I didn't want to move and wake him up. I tried to move slowly so he didn't wake up. But his arms tightened a little and he said "Don't go please." I say to him "I'm not going anywhere. I promise and I put my arms around his massive muscular build." At that he woke up and kissed me on the lips. "Your so damn adorable." "Ok well we are going to town wanna come" I asked. He said "Sure I don't mind." When we are walking around and alot of people walk up to me and Katsuki and say that's good cosplay. I say "It not cosplay." He says "She's right so, fuck off! And leave me and my girl alone." Sparks start to come out of his hands. I grab his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. He calmed down easily. One of my friends I knew walked up to me and ask me if I wanted to go to her house. I said "I can't sorry." But Katsuki said "sure let's go." We go to her house with them. We go to her room and me and Bakugou lay on the floor together. My friend says "Sonya. Wanna look at some pictures of Bakugou?" I said "I don't need to but sure why not. Plus I wanna see his reaction to pictures of himself." We start looking at picture and then a picture with him Shirtless showed up and I remembered the insident at home. And I grabbed Lilly and told her about it she said "Oh. Bet you blushed alot." *Lilly wiggled her eyebrows smirking* "Yeah I did. But stop teasing me. " I said. We started playing truth or dare. Lilly asked Katsuki "Truth or Dare? Bakugou." He said "Dare." Lilly dared him to kiss me passionately. So he did and and when he kissed me he put his huge hand around my neck and ear. After so me and Katsuki were both flustered. Lilly was totally fan girling over what just happened. She said "That was way more pationate than I thought it would be." "SHUT UP!" We both yelled very flustered.
Bakugou's POV
After we kissed like that her friend started freaking out. I knew exactly why. After her friend said "That was more pationate than I thought it would be" Me and  Sonya yelled "SHUT UP!" It was so strange. Then Sonya dared Lilly, her friend to run around the house screaming reeeeee. It was the first time I actually laughed. Sonya heard me laugh and said "Aww! Your laugh is so cute!" So I decided to say "Not as cute as yours." She blushed so much it was so adorable. She tried to run away from me outside but I used my Quirk to catch up to her. I accidentally fell on top of her and had her arms pinned down and she started blushing alot and said "C-Can you please g-get off of me Ka-Katsuki." I jumped up quickly and said "I'm s-sorry." Rubbing my head slightly embarrassed. "I-It's okay Katsuki." I watched her run back inside were her friend was. I thought to myself it was so embarrassing. I didn't think that would happen.
I ran back inside knowing he was watching me. "Lilly I need to tell you something." I said. Really embarrassed. She asked "What is it?" I said "Bakugou was running after me and he made me fall and in the process pinned me down on the ground." "Oh. No wonder you are blushing alot." She said. "I know right." After so Bakugou walked in and said "S-Sorry for that. I-I didn't think that would happen." I said "It's okay." I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips. He turn so red after so. We laid down on the floor and started to get ready to go to bed. Lilly had already fell asleep so me and Bakugou continued watching a movie. I then asked him "So about the thing that happened." He said "I really didn't mean for that to happen. It was not suppose to happen." He then kissed me on the forehead. "It's okay." After so we both fell asleep.
Bakugou's POV
I woke up too see Sonya right there in my arms asleep. She was so cute. I kissed her on the back of the head and I hear Lilly her friend says "You must really care about her don't you." I say "I do. I really do. She is the most amazing person in the world. Nobody in my world is like her." Her friend Lilly says "Well maybe we can find a spell that can make it to where you stay in this world forever. with her." I say "Is that really possible in this world!?" "Yes. With the correct spell." She said. "Then lets do!" After Sonya wakes up we do the spell and it worked! I was so happy. Sonya was also happy. After so we go in the woods Lilly go's ahead to give us privacy. I say "I'm glad I'll be with you forever." "Me too." She said. I lean her up against a tree and lift her head up by her chin and kiss her. I put both my hands next to her ears and kiss her more passionately. We both release for air. We both look away very flushed. Lilly calls for us to follow her and we do so. They don't know however Lilly had taken multiple photos for her scrapbook. After a while we walk back to the house to see my dad's truck parked outside. We said our goodbyes and leave back for Sonyas house. When we get there we go to her room.
I wish I had one of your jackets I say. He says "I'm so sorry. I wish I was wearing one when I came into your world." "It's okay.  I have you don't I." I say. "Y-Yes you do." He turned away with his hand over his mouth flushed. I go up to him from behind and hug him. He says "Your so fucking cute. I love you to fucking death. Don't ever forget that! " I say "I'll never forget. I promise." After so we lay down on my bed and after a long while. I fall asleep unknowing. We go to the school. And I see All-Might with LILLY. I run up to her and say "how did Toshinori get here." She whispered quietly, "I d-don't know? B-but I l-like him, and I think h-he does t-too." Bakugou freaks out and says "I guess there are two characters here." All-Might says "Why the hell are you here? Bakugou." "Same as you. I don't know." Says Bakugou. They look at each other menacingly. Sparks start to come out of Katsuki hands. I grab his hand quickly and say please don't fight only anime people know about your quirks. I look at them both. Please I ask. Bakugou looks at All-Might and then grabs my chin and then kissed me again and said ok. Lilly was taking another photo hiding behind All-Might giggling. All-Might looked in confusion and asked. "You two together?" Pointing at me and Katsuki.  "Y-Yeah!" I say flushed. "Seems to me someone's flushed!" All-Might says teasingly. "Leave her alone! Jack Ass!" Katsuki Says. "It's okay Katsuki. He's just messing with me." Class passes by quickly and it time to go to lunch. Me, Lilly, All-Might, and Katsuki walk to lunch. I hold Katsuki's hand on the way there. Me and my friends had to go to the bathroom. When me and my friends walk out of the bathroom I see Katsuki and All-Might glaring at each other. I creep up behind Katsuki and scare him. He jumped to my reaction.
Bakugou's POV
She scared me really bad. I turn around so fast. She and her friends ran so fast into the lunchroom it was ridiculous. I chased after them and they were holding the doors making it hard for us to get into the lunchroom. They let go and ran. All-Might chuckled and said "She really is a wonder. So is Lilly. I can already tell that Lilly and her friends have gone threw bad things." I said "Sonya hasn't been threw anything." "That's what you think Katsuki." Sonya said walking up to me. Tears started to appear. "I've been through so much shit I thought of things Deku probably thinks about all the time. I was so happy to know that you are able to be here with me forever. " "What do you mean? What Deku thinks." I asked. "I've wanted to die before!! Katsuki it's so hard not to want that!" Before her tears broke through. Her two friends wrap there's arms around her. I struggled not to interrupt them. So I waited. They both say "I apologize. I didn't know you were going through that." "Hey it's okay. I made it through this before I can do it again." She said, reassuring them. We start to walk back to class slowly. All-Might accidentally tripped Sonya. I run and attack All-Might. He turns to his Quirk form and picks me off the floor by the neck.  Sonya runs towards me and All-Might and says "Katsuki are you okay!?" She then jumps up super high and grabs All-Might's ear. He let go of me and then She grabbed my ear. Then suddenly she grabbed both of our heads and bumped them together really hard and says "KNOCK IT OFF YOU TOO!! YOUR GOING TO MAKE A DAMN SEEN!" Lilly then walks up to us and tells All-Might to turn back to his original form. Then Lilly hits All-Might in the head and says. "Why the h-hell did you do that!? What i-if they s-see your power!?" He looks at her and says "S-Sorry. I just got mad when he did that."
After so they kept glaring at each other and me and Lilly grabbed there ear and said at the same time "If you don't stop glaring at each other. We will tie you to two chairs and tie the chairs together and let you stay there for a whole day. Now stop." They instantly stopped we both said "Thankyou in cheerful, cute voices." They both looked away with very flushed yet scared faces. Me and Lilly giggled. We got to class and then me and Savannah almost got in a fight. Katsuki, me, Lilly, and All-Might went into the hall and I just started cussing and I was saying stuff like "She better not say shit to me other wise I'm gonna break her damn face." We went out the door and Trae said "that I was funny". Then I said "Open the god damn door." He didn't so Katsuki got mad and kicked the door open and everyone looked over and I said "Fuck off!" to the people that started looking at me and Katsuki. I sat down with Lilly and All-Might and Katsuki. And laid my head down. Savannah started.saying stuff again and Katsuki and All-Might got up and went to where she was and said "If you don't stop talking about her. We will personally deal with you ourselves." She said,"Like what?" In a sarcastic voice. Sparks started coming out of Katsuki's hand and. I got up and grabbed his hand and said "There's no need to use that on someone has pathetic as her." In a whisper voice. We walk back to our desks and sat down. Her eyes widen in fear. As I stared at her with a go to hell look. Also I didn't care if it scared her. Class finally ended. I went to my last class and Katsuki grabbed my hand and said "It's okay. Don't worry about her." After awhile class ended in chorus. I went home and took a shower after eating. Soon after I went to bed with Katsuki.
Bakugou's POV
I layed there watching her sleep. I so badly wanted to break that girl's face. But Sonya stopped me. And it fucking sucks that All-Might is in Sonya's world. And in Lilly's world. The next day we go to school and when we walk in , Sonya see's Lilly sitting on the floor drawing. She asked her what's up? Lilly says my dad kicked me out of my own home. Sonya says come live with me. After  school, we go to her house and go inside. Her room can barely fit 4 people in it. Me and Sonya lay on the bed. Lilly and All-Might lay on the floor. We start playing truth or Dare. Lilly asked Sonya "Truth or Dare?" She said "Truth." Scared for what Lilly was going to say. Lilly then said "Is it true that y'all frenched kissed?" Sonya turns to me and looks at Lilly very flustered and says "N-n-n-no! We have not! Why would you ask something like that!?" She gets up and runs away blushing. I chased after her and she sits on the ground blushing. I squat in front of her and lift her chin and said "Are you okay?" She said quickly "I'm fine. Just embarrassed a little." I didn't know what to do, so I kissed her on the lips, and gently brushed my hands threw her hair. I then leaned back and winked at her, watching her blush a soft pink. Lilly leans out of the doorway with All-Might, "Ooooh~" They both laugh and I angrily jumped up! I started running after them and All-Might grabbed me and said "Look at your girlfriend." He put me down and I saw her start to chuckle and burst into laughter. We all went back inside and continued playing.
I ask All-Might "Truth or Dare?" He says "Dare." I say "I dare you to passionately kiss Lilly on the lips." All-Might looked over at Lilly and I start to laugh. After I stopped laughing Lilly and All-Might say "Fine!" They kiss passionately and I literally freak out. After they finished. All of a sudden Katsuki wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the lips then he entered with his tongue. I blushed an incredible amount and returned the kiss. After a little we released for breathe. Lilly and All-Might was watching us the whole time. I turned so damn flushed. I turned away knowing that they were looking. Katsuki said "Sonya it's okay." Between breathes. I say "S-sorry g-guys y-ya'll had t-to s-see that." They look at each other and say "It's fine!" Lilly started to giggle. After a while me and Lilly fall asleep.
Bakugou's POV
They both fell asleep and it was cute how Sonya looked asleep on my chest. I start rubbing her shoulder with my hand. All-Might asked "So you must really love her? Right Bakugou?" "Yes. I do. And I'll never let anyone hurt her and after what she told me today during lunch. I'm going to support her through all of it. No matter what it takes." I say. "You know she's strong in her own mind and body. She has that capability. That's what makes her strong." Says All-Might. After awhile me and All-Might fall asleep. In the morning. Sonya and Lilly are gone. We both are wondering where they went.  We go into the Kitchen to see them cooking. They look at us confused. I" didn't know they could cook." All-Might says surprised. "I did." I say. They both looked at us and giggled, we both looked away and sat down on the couch. After the food was done we went to go walking.
After food was done. We went walking. Lilly was holding All-Might hand and I said "Oooooooh~" She said shut up. Then Katsuki grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers together. A truck pulled up and I heard familiar voices. The front window rolled down and it was the twins. "SHIT!" I said in a whisper voice. Katsuki looked at them with a menasing glare and said "Fuck off! She's my girlfriend!" After that they said "Hey Sonya." I exchanged a wave and they left. We continued walking we started playing truth or dare. I dared Katsuki to run in the field really fast that we were passing and come back. He did so. Me and Lilly busted out laughing. It was so funny. Lilly dared All-Might to say I am here really loud. He did so. Me and Lilly walked a little further up and I asked her "Did you here what they were talking about while we were fake sleeping?" She said "Yeah what they said about us were so sweet!" I asked her "Wanna do something?" She asked "What? " "Let's prank them!" I said in a whisper voice. Yeah. We set a plan and We ran in to the woods down the road. We hid behind two trees. They started freaking out. They walked past us and we scared them so much. They jumped so hard. They turned around and looked at both of us. Then just kissed us on the lips. Me and Lilly bolted down the road. Knowing they were right behind us. We ran further and then I fell. Lilly tried to help me up but they caught up to us and she ran. Then Bakugou got on top of me and said "Guess I caught you." In a flirtatious way. I blushed an extreme amount and said "C-Can y-you g-get o-off o-of m-me." He got up and handed me his hand so I could get up. I took his hand and when I got up he pulled me into a kiss. Let's go and get with Lilly and All-Might. Once we caught up to them. I see Lilly in All-Might's arms and then I ran up to them and said"Put her down All-Might!" I was getting ready to hit him and then he said "Ok." and put her down.
Bakugou's POV
We then walked back to Sonya's house. She seemed so flushed the next day we woke up extremely earlier by Sonya's parents and said we are going to the beach. We got everything ready and headed that way. Me and Sonya were in her dad's truck. So there was alot of tension. Sonya fell asleep on the way there and her dad started talking to me and said "I have never seen her so happy. With a man like you. But if you ever hurt her. I won't have to do anything." "What do you mean by that?" I ask confused. "If her mom gets to you before me your done for." He says. "Oh." I say scared a little. After awhile Sonya wakes up and I kiss her on the forehead by the time she actually wakes up we were already at the hotel. We walk in and to me, Sonya, All-Might and Lilly surprise we got a room to our selves and Her mom, Dad and brother got a room. We started talking and then her parents walked in and said we're going to walk down the beach. Get a bathing suit on. "Ok!" Lilly and Sonya say and they walk into the bathroom and silently scream. They walk out the bathroom red faced. One look at her and I turned so red. She slipped a tank top on and some short blue jean shorts. She walked out and so did Lilly. Toshinori walked up to me and said "You are so red!" Laughing. "Shut up  Toshinori! You are too!" I said. He didn't notice till I said something and looked away in embarrassment. After me and Toshinori finished we walked out and Sonya and Lilly turned our way and started blushing. It was so strange.
I looked a Katsuki and saw him SHIRTLESS AGAIN. I knew I was flushed and ran down the hall. Lilly ran after me knowing exactly why I ran. We finally got to the beach. And I took my shorts and tank top off. We started walking down the beach and people were starring. I knew Katsuki was getting irritated. But I kissed him on the hand and said don't worry it's fine. They all finally turned away after I did that. Most of the people staring were girls. I bet they thought Katsuki was Hot. But see they now know he has someone. And that someone is me. After awhile Lilly grabs me from Katsuki and takes me to the water to go threw it. And I see a girl walk up to him. She had a string bikini on. I think the girl was asking him if he wanted to date. Katsuki was about to answer but I walked over there grabbed his hand and interwined my fingers with his and said "He's already taken. Sorry. Lets go in the water Katsuki!" "I had it covered Sonya." He said. "I don't care. If you lay them off easy they ain't gonna learn. So I broke it off to her hard." I say. I look back and she shot a bird at me. "You Bitch!" I yelled. Katsuki looked back and we both shot her a bird. It was funny. We caught up to Lilly and Toshinori. And continued walking. Katsuki moved my hair out of my face and then kissed me on the lips. I returned the kiss. After awhile we got back to the hotel and went to bed. We started playing truth or dare. I asked, "Toshinori. Truth or Dare?" He said "Truth" I asked, "Is it true that you love Lilly?" "Ummmmm. Ye-Yes!" All-Might said. Lilly looked very stunted at these words. I said "All righty then. You have my approval. To date Lilly. As long as you don't hurt her feelings. If you do that. I'll will break every bone in your body and then cut your throat and watch you bleed to death "*Giving him a menacing glare and a smile in a creepy way. Lilly looks over and says "You got that from me." "I had it hidden for awhile. Was waiting for the right moment to say it." I say in a joyful tone. All-Might looks over in surprise and says, "I won't ever hurt her feelings. Ever."
Bakugou's POV
After she said that I grabbed her chin and kissed her with my tongue. She was surprised. I then grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. After a little while we released for air and she was very red and I layed her down and let her sleep. Not knowing the whole time that happened Lilly had got multiple shots for her scrapbook. That is for Me and Sonya's relationship. Lilly silently giggles. After a while the rest of us fell asleep. In the morning we went shopping and Sonya got a shirt and some shorts from one of the stores. She tried it on and she looked really cute. I turned away flushed. She walked up to me and said "Do I look cute Katsuki-Kun?"

Bakugou In My WorldWhere stories live. Discover now