Bakugou in My World

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Katsuki finally figured out that Toshinori is All-Might. I calmed there nerves and we continued shopping. After a while it starts to turn night. Everyone was leaving except us. We were in a very large store. So we were just shopping. Me and Lilly were looking at clothes. The lights turned of and me and Lilly freaked a little and then we heard a click. At that moment we knew that we were locked in that store. Katsuki  told us to stay in that spot so he could look for a way out. All-Might stayed with us to make sure no one hurt us. Katsuki found one and went to where we were and guided us to the exit. Surprisingly it wasn't locked we went out of it and it went out side so it took us a little while to get to Lilly's truck. After we did that we went home. Once we got home my parents hugged me and asked if they did anything to us. I reassured them and told them everything. There faces changed to calm and relieved faces. They asked Lilly, All-Might and Katsuki to leave. So they could talk to me. I knew that I was going to get argued at. The last words I said we're, "I'm done! I'm tired of getting argued at because of being who I am! I'm packing my shit and leaving tomorrow! I don't care what you think!" Before the argument was over. I went to my room and just sat on the bed.
Bakugou's POV
She was so irritated, she didn't even want to talk to me. She just wanted me to hold her. So that's what I did. She was crying. She even cried herself to sleep in my arms. I layed her down and layed down myself and we all drifted to sleep. The next morning she asked all of us to help her pack her more important things. We finished at she got the stuff she wanted to bring and she gave her parents goodbye hugs and we left in her Jeep and Lilly and All-Might in Lilly's truck. Lilly said, "We can stay at my Grandma's house she wont mind."
"First we need to go to my grandparents houses and tell them and introduce them to Katsuki. " I said. We first headed to my mama's house. (For the ones who want to know I call my grandmother's mama and mema. It's just tradition in my family.)
We got there and went inside. My grandmother said, "Who is this young man?" I said, "Well mama, he is my boyfriend. We have dated for a while now." My grandmother said to him, "Well introduce yourself." He said, "My name is Katsuki Bakugou and I will take care of your granddaughter. She is more precious to me than anything I have ever cared for." My grandmother said "No need to be so up tight. Im a very loose person. Gotta question for you Katsuki. Can you shoot a gun?" "A gun? I don't need a gun." Katsuki said. "What's he mean by that Sonya?" My grandmother asked. I said a little nervous, "Well Katsuki as a unique ablility that allows him to make explosions from his hands. His sweat is what powers them. The more sweat he has the more powerful his quirk will be." My grandmother said, "I need to see it to believe it." We go outside and she get a wooden Target ready and said, "Hit that target." He lunges towards the target and Sparks start to come out of his hand. He hit the target and distroys it. "Mama can I shoot your gun." I asked. She said sure, "She went and got her gun and handed to me. She also got another target out and put down. I aimed at it and shot it. When I did that I hit it dead in the middle. My grandmother then said, "I'm telling you this now Katsuki. What ever you do don't piss her off. She won't miss and she sure as hell won't hesitate to shoot." Katsuki said, "Yes Ma'am." We head on our way to Lilly's grandmother's house. We told her what had happened and she let us stay. After unloaded everything from the truck we started to unpack and finally finished.

I hope you all liked it! And also sorry I didn't update after a while. I was kinda busy doing stuff.  Also Lilly I had alot of fun righting this one as always. Ha! Lol! You have a lot of ketching up to do! Have fun trying to! Author-Chan: thanks you all so very much for reading my story! It makes me very happy to know people actually read my stuff you know!

Thank you all so very much!

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