Bakugou in my World

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Bakugou's POV
I wake up to another day with her. I got up and get changed into some sweatpants and black top. I went ahead and started cooking us some breakfast. Sonya walks in with one of my jackets on. I turned back and continued to cook for us. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I see that they are Sonyas, she then grogaly said, "Good morning Katsuki." "Good morning Sunshine." "So what are we having for breakfast." "We are having egg omlets and bacon." "Oh. sounds good. I'll start up some coffee." "Ok." She walked over to the coffee maker and started up some coffee. She went and sat on the couch waiting for food and coffee to get done. "Food is done." She walks in the kitchen slowly and gets her food. She waits for me to sit down and then starts eating. After she finished she got dressed and sat on the couch and drunk her coffee. I sat down next to her and turned on the TV. "You okay Sonya?" I asked. "Yeah just really tired since while I was dreaming I was training with Kuruma." "Oh. How close are you too mastering Chakra mode." "Pretty close maybe a couple more weeks but i don't know." "Oh that's good." I'm going to go play the game, it'll probably be like 3 or 4 hours before I stop wanna get some of your friends to watch me play?" "Yeah sure!" I called my friends and they came over and we all headed to my room and watched as Sonya played the game for a couple of hours. Everyone started to fall asleep, as Sonya still played the game, she finished the game and yelled, "I beat the game! Again!" Everyone jumped and I snickered. "Did you just laugh at us!" Kirishima asked. "No! I-I didn't." "Yeah you did!" "Ok fine I did." "I knew it! She has changed you so much!" "Yeah I know. And I love her and I'll never let her go." "I love you too Katsuki!" She leaned down and kissed me on the lips. After awhile we went downstairs where everyone else is and started talking about stuff.
"Hey why don't we do some memes!" Everyone looked at me weird. "Everyone go to the living room!" We all head to the living room and I hook up my phone to the t.v and look up some of the really good memes and singing memes. I play alot of them and they finally understand what it is. The first one we did was the frozen 2 into the unknown. Where someone sings oo-oo and then someone screams it back. I made Katsuki go to the other end of the school and go to the furthest classroom and I sung the part and he yelled it back. It was really funny. Mr.Aizawa and Shinsou showed up and I said, "Y'all showed just in time." With a shit eating grin on my face. I showed them the meme and they agreed to do it. We finally got everything in place and we did it, everyone is laughing there asses off. Mr Aizawa said, "That was quiet enjoyable." We did alot more and it was alot of fun. Me and Katsuki sat on the couch and started to watch some movies. We basically had a movie night. It was fun. We cuddled most of the time. It was fun.

Sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. School is back in so. I haven't really had the time to update. I hope you all like this part so far. And I am kinda loosing ideas so please comment if you have ideas for this story. ( The ideas cannot be a lemon) Thankyou and see ya next time

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