Bakugou in my World.

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Katsuki's POV
After me and Sonya yelled at Lilly. Toshinori laughed and said y'all are extremely good friends. After a little while. Sonya's parents walked in and said pack-up everything you brought. We are leaving in the morning. "Ok!" We all say in unison. We start to pack up. The girls already finished so they were waiting on us. Sonya got her sketch book out and started drawing. Her and Lilly started screaming like fangirls and I over heard Sonya say, "What if I drew it without a shirt! But I'm horrible at drawing that. I tried once it was horrible. After I finished I walked over to her and asked watch a drawing. She seemed shock and surprised. She said, "N-Nothing!" I asked, "Come on Sonya what are you drawing." I tried to snatch the sketch book away but she was able to hide it. I grabbed one of her hands and said, "If you won't tell me then I'm going to have to find out myself. I grabbed both of her hands with one of my hand and found the sketch book under the covers. I flipped it to where the picture she was drawing and it was Kirishima. "Why are you drawing Kirishima?" I asked a little confused. "I'm drawing it for my friend. Her favorite character is Kirishima. So I was going to give it to her. When I see her again.
He still had my hands above my head, after he asked me the questions. I looked over to see Lilly taking a picture of what was happening. "Why you little!" I was trying to get out of Katsuki's grasp but he wouldn't let go. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Right when that happened I heard another click of Lilly's camera. This time Katsuki heard it and right when that happened. Katsuki turned to look at her and turned a bright vibrant red. Katsuki finally let go of me. I chased after Lilly and she said, "What it's for my scrapbook." "Really!" After the short problem. We went back to the hotel room and went to sleep. In the morning we got all of our things together and went back home. We went to my room once we got home. My brother offered to play Mario kart. Lilly and All-Might played with him but I plugged up my game system and started playing The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Katsuki watched me play. I got mad at some parts and just paused the game to let off some steam.
Katsuki's POV
Everytime she would die in the game she would pause the game and walk away. It was strange, yet funny. She came back in the room and was fixen to start playing again when I grabbed her waist to pull her into a kiss. She returned the kiss just as much. She then said, "Thankyou. That helped me calm down alot. She got back on and started playing she finally beat the last and final boss.( Dark Aura: If you know the game then you know the final boss.) She tossed the remote aside and gave a victory scream. She looked so happy.

Dark Aura: Comment and Like if you liked it if not please don't be mean.

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