Author's Note

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Lost in Paradise has come to an end.

It is now time to finally say goodbye to Adeline and Jayce.

I hope that through their story, you've been reminded that there are things in life that shouldn't be rushed because it will take their places at the right time. I hope that you could finally find that happiness within you. I hope that no one could ever take that away from you. Always remember that loving yourself should always be your priority.

Thank you so much for appreciating my work. Thank you for reading this story, for promoting my story on different social media platforms and most of all, thank you for supporting me in my passion.

With YOU, I was able to finish the very first book in the Morayta Series. YOU kept me going. YOU kept me motivated during those times when I felt so down because of countless doubts and fears if I could really do this... during those days when I kept on asking myself if the story was really worth reading.

As what I always say, never I have ever imagined that someone would actually read my story... but we're finally here! We made it! This is not just my success, but also YOUR success. We both made it possible and who knew that we would be able to come this far?

You can connect with me through my social media accounts:

Facebook: Ayeliina WP

Twitter: ayeliiina

IG: ayeliiina

Again, words aren't enough to show how grateful I am.

We may have countless breakdowns, but I assure you that we will be having our breakthrough at the right time... at our very own time.



kitakits sa book 2! *winks*

Lost in Paradise (Morayta Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now