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various C!mcyt x gender neutral reader
(Quackity, Fundy, and Eret)

 --Takes place before Dream blows up Logstedshire, shortly after Tommy's exile--

 I had never felt worse; I let Tommy be exiled. Nobody told me where he was, and I would never ask Dream. All I could think about was that sick look on Dream's face as he watched me drown beneath the ice he stood on.

 Dream had taken my ring and thrown them in a lake. Once I had dived into the water to get it, he walked over the water, freezing it. When I tried to swim away he just continued to freeze the water above me. I was so terrified to breathe in water, as I slammed my hands against the thick layer of ice from underneath. I went so long without breathing, until I grew exhausted, finally letting the dark consume me as I blacked out. The final thing I saw was Dream's sickening smile from under his mask.

 That look was etched into my mind, and everytime someone mentioned him it terrified me. Most people were told that it was an accident, that Dream had no idea I was under the ice. I had been too scared to tell anyone other than Eret, Quackity, and Fundy, I didn't have the heart to tell anyone else.

 My focus returned to Eret once she put a hand on my shoulder, gathering my attention. He didn't have their sunglasses on, and I could see the concern etched into her face.

  "[Y/N], what are you thinking about?" She asked, unballing my fist with his hand.

 I hadn't even noticed I had done that again. I considered telling them nothing was wrong, but soon went back on the thought. Eret has known me for long enough to know when I lie. I guess Eret had known, because she pulled me into a hug shortly after.

 "I'm so scared for Tommy, and what he must be going through. He's been through so much, I can't imagine how bad exile must be for him, especially with Dream around." I vented, feeling much better afterwards.

 "Better?" Eret asked.

 "Yes, thank you Eret." I gave them a smile and we continued to hang out for the rest of the day.

 However, I wish I hadn't refused Eret's offer to walk me home. It was late, and I had to walk all the way to where my home was in L'Manburg. I was close to L'Manburg's wall when I heard Dream's voice from behind me, and I froze.

 "Still scared?"

 "Leave me alone." I stuttered out, hating myself for seeming scared.

 "[Y/N], either you come with me, or I make you." He spoke and I heard the quiet drawing of a bow, so I quickly ran toward L'Manburg.

 I felt an arrow lodge itself into my arm, and I stumbled. Looking back to see Dream chasing me, I started running faster. However, an arrow straight to my knee made me collapse to the ground. I look to the man in complete terror as he picks me up, frozen in complete terror, carrying me to the nearest nether portal. I was to scared to scream, so I stayed silent until Dream held me over the lava pool.

 "Dream, please, please don't kill me." I cried out, gripping onto his sleeves so hard my knuckles turned white.

 "You aren't useful alive, [Y/N]." Dream said in a monotone voice, one that scared me.

 "I'll do anything, Dream! Anything you want, please!" I pleaded, however my voice grew weaker with the more blood i've lost.

 "Dream? [Y/N]?" I heard the voice of Tommy, and my head shot to him, and I saw Fundy and Ranboo alongside him.

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