Chapter 29: Goodbye Bob.

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A kid. He looks maybe 16 or 17 years old. But why is he here and where is Carol!? I thought to myslef. Rick walked up to Daryl. The room was quiet. And everyone had there eyes on Daryl and the kid.

"Nice to see you're back." Rick said smiling. Daryl nodded. "Who's you're friend here?" Rick asked looking at the kid behind Daryl.

"This is Noah, we ran into him in Atlanta. Carol and I saw the car that took Beth." I froze. Did he just say Beth? I haven't seen her since the day we all got split up in that town. I thought she was dead. Daryl continued.

"We followed the car too Atlanta. We had a few close calls with walkers but we managed to make it into a building safely. Beth is at a hospital. Run by a bunch of cops, she helped Noah escape."

"Wait so Beth is alive?" I asked.

"Yeah. And we know where she is." Daryl replied.

"Where is Carol?" Rick asked.

"She got hit by a car. One of the hospitals car. They took her in. Didn't see Noah or me." Daryl replied. I was so taken back by everything. We found Beth but now Carol is gone. Well not completely gone, knowing Rick we will make a plan to get her and Beth back.

"You know which hospital?" Rick asked.

"Grady memorial." The kid Noah spoke up.

"He says they got people and weapons. But I figured, so do we." Daryl added on. Rick nodded.

"Okay. Don't panic. We will get a group together, and in a couple days we will go." Everyone nodded. I kind of want to go and help get Beth and Carol back. But I know that I will probably end up staying here with Carl and Judith. I don't have a problem with it it's just, I would like to go with them once in a while and feel like more then a babysitter.

Rick,Daryl and the new kid Noah went to the front of the room, while Rick told Daryl everything he missed. Like Maggie, Glenn, and Tara going with Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita to Washington. Terminus attacking the church, oh and Bob... Which reminds me, it was almost time to say goodbye.

I don't want to because it will be difficult to say goodbye. But I have too. Abraham,Eugene, Maggie, Glenn, and Tara said goodbye before they left. Saying goodbye is hard, but at least we have the chance to. Most people dont't get that.

It got late at night and I was really tired. But for some reason I didn't want to sleep. So I just laid on my back staring at the church ceiling. I heard a slight scraping noise. I sat up and looked around. There was very little light. I tried to see what was making that noise. On the other side of the church I saw Carl, scraping his knife on the ground. I stood up. Everyone else was sleeping.

"Hey." I said sitting down next to Carl.

"Hi." He replied still scraping his knife on the ground.

"Whacha doing?" I asked glancing at the scrape marks on the floor.

"I'm just bored, don't feel like going to sleep." He replied. But I knew that wasn't the case, I could tell he was upset about something. It was quiet for a few seconds. You could hear the knife scratch echo throught the church.

"So whats really bothering you?" I asked. Carl stopped scraping his knife and glanced over at me. Then he looked at the ground.

"I talked to my dad about the hospital plan. I asked him if we could come along to help. He said we have to stay here.. Like always. I just.. wish my dad wouldnt always stick us here. I wish sometimes we could go out and help and not just sit here."

"I know, I get bored here sometimes too, but we are still helping. We are watching Judith and keeping an eye on the church. Besides, your dad just wants too make sure you are safe." I replied.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I could help a little more." Carl said before scraping his knife again. I just sat there for a few seconds.

"I'm going to get some sleep. You should too." I said before kissing Carl on the cheek. He smiled at me and nodded and then continued his knife scraping. I walked back over too the small bed I made on the other side of the room. I layed down and closed my eyes. Then slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, I was woke up by a loud banging. I sat up and looked around too see what was happening. At the front of the church I saw Sasha bashing one of the church benches up. Everyone else was already up. Except for Carl, he was still sleeping. I walked over too Daryl and Michonne who were taking apart the pipes from the organ.

"Can I help with anything?" I aksed.

"Yeah, you can load some of the guns on the table over there." Daryl replied well picking up one of organ pipes.

"Okay." I replied. I grabbed the bag of guns and bullets and started too load some pistols. Rick was taking a group out to Atlanta tomorrow to get Beth and Carol back. So everyone was pre-paring.

A few hours later. Everyone went into the back room, too say goodbye too Bob. It was devestating, but like I said, at least we get to say goodbye. There was a line, and when it was my turn, I sat next too him on the couch.

"Thank you. For everything you have done for us." I said. Everything was blurry from water filling my eyes. Bob just smiled and said,

"It's my plessure." I just smiled and gave him a hug. I walked out of the room and leaned up agansit the wall. I wiped my eyes and took a couple breaths. I looked down at my hope ring. I smiled and then walked over to Carl who was holding Judith. I sat next to him. I looked at Judith who was sleeping in his arms. It was moments like this where I wish I had a camera to take a picture. Instead I just smiled.

A few hours later after Rick finsihed digging a hole, Tyreese walked through the church carrying Bob wrapped in a sheet. I just looked down at the ground. You'd think i'd be used to seeing stuff like this, but when it's someone you knew, I dont think I ever want to get used to that.

Later that day we had a small funeral. We all had chance to place a rock on his grave. After it was over everyone went inside except for Sasha. She stayed out a while longer. Once it got dark outside, I layed down at the back of the church where I did last night. I couldn't sleep though. All I could think about was Beth and Carol. If they were okay, if they were going to get them back, and the fact that Maggie may never know that her sister is still alive. All I can do is hope I guess. Thats all I can do and thats what I will do.

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