Chapter 9: Guard tower!!

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  I was woken up at dinner time by Rick.

"There is some food downstairs if you're hungry." He said then left my cell.

I sat up and stretched. I didn't mean to sleep that long. I stuck my hair up in a quick pony tail and made my way downstairs. When I got down there, Carl was sitting in the same spot like always. I went up to get some food. Potatoes, corn, and some owl Daryl hunted down earlier. I brought my plate over and sat down next to Carl.

Once everyone was finished their supper, I was heading back to my cell, when Daryl called my name. I turned around. Him and Rick were sitting at a table together.

"Yeah?" I asked as I was walking toward him and Rick.

"Look, from what have seen so far, you're a pretty good shot. I was wondering if you would like to take watch with Carl later up on the guard tower." Rick asked me.

"Uh sure, when?" I asked.

"Be ready in about a hour." Rick replied.

I just nodded and went back up to my cell. Ok so mine as well change into something a little warmer. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans and t-shirt with a black hoodie over it. Then I tied my hair up, but for some reason I spent extra time on it so it looked really nice. But when ever a put my hair up my side bangs always stayed down, but that's ok, I kind of liked it... I was sitting on the bed reading and waiting. Finally carl came and knocked on my cell. Well since all we have is curtains hung up at the door he knocked on the wall.

"Come in" I said. He came threw the curtains with a big bag on his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied standing up and following him out the door and down the stairs.

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