Chapter 58: Empty.

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I stood in my room that night. My empty room. I still had a few shelves, and clothing. But my bed was gone. My comfy reading chair was gone. The few pictures I had of Carl and Judith were shredded and crumpled on the floor. And my sketch book had a giant hole through the cover, that rotten teeth saviour had done with his knife. My books were torn off my shelves and scattered across the room. Some books missing. I am guessing they took the ones that seemed interesting. Of course they would judge a book by its cover.

  "I'm sorry," I heard someone say. I turned to see Rick standing in my doorway. I shook my head.

"You don't have a reason to be sorry Rick. Negan did all this."

"Olivia almost died," He mentioned.

"But she didn't. Because you found the guns Spencer hid. You saved her," I reminded him. He nodded even though I could see that he was still blaming his choices. After taking a few moments to collect himself, he walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said,

"I need you to talk to Carl."

"Okay.. Why?" I asked, kind of nervous to hear the answer.

"He seems very, upset or angry. I'm scared he's going to do something stupid. And you are the only one who he'll really listen too," Rick told me. "He really cares about you. What you have to say."

I caught myself smiling. "Yeah sure thing. I'll talk to him," I assured Rick. He gave me a nod before exiting my room. I looked around and took a deep breath before cleaning the mess in what was left of my room. 

A few hours later after I cleaned everything up, I made my way to Carl's room to talk to him. I knocked on the door before slowly opening it. There was blankets laid out on the floor where the bed used to be, Carl was sitting on them leaning against the wall. I made my way over and sat beside him. Neither of us said a word for a few moments, until I broke the silence.

"I don't see why they needed that many mattresses," I pointed out.

"They didn't need them. Michonne found them all burnt a few miles away," Carl blankly said. I scoffed.

"Assholes," I muttered. Carl stayed quiet. I studied his face for a couple seconds. Trying to see what he was thinking. I could tell he had something on his mind, but I couldn't figure out what.

"You know you can tell me anything," I finally said. Carl glanced over at me.

"I know," He replied. "Look it's really late. I think we both should get some sleep," He began standing up.

"Okay. Do you want me to sleep in here, that way you aren't alo-"

"It's fine," Carl interrupted. "I'm good."

I froze, taken back by the way he said it. He almost had a harsh tone. Not like he was angry, but like he was anxious. Anxious for me to leave. Hiding something from me. I got this feeling in my stomach that I didn't like.

"Oh.. Okay. Are you sure?" I asked slowly.

"Mhmm," Was all he managed to say before gesturing me toward the door to leave. I stood there for a second confused and slightly hurt. But I kept a straight face and headed out. Right as I was walking through the doorway, I felt Carl's hand pull on my shoulder. I turned around and was embraced by him. I was surprised, but didn't question it. I hugged back.

"Thank you," He softly said. Before I could ask why he pulled away and shut the door.

I felt a small sting in my heart. Why is he acting like this? Like he doesn't want to talk to me, or even look at me. He avoided eye contact the entire time I was in there. I debated knocking on the door again or just barging back in and asking what was up with him. I decided to just leave him be for now, and talk to him in the morning. No matter how badly worried I was about him. I kept telling myself that he just needs some space right now. I made my way back to my room and laid down on the bed I made using pillows. After twisting and turning for half an hour and trying not to let myself over think, I drifted off.


The next morning I was woken up by my alarm that goes off everyday at 10am. I sleepily smacked the snooze button, and turned to face the other way, when I felt something crinkle under my arm. I sat up and saw a folded piece of paper laying on my pillow-bed. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes to make myself more awake, before picking it up and unfolding it to find it was the drawing I had given Carl. The one he always carries around with him. Why the hell is it here? Why would Carl put it here? I thought.

And then it hit me.

When Carl was shot, before I went out to help fight the walkers, I gave Denise my hope ring to give to Carl because I knew there wasn't a guarantee that I would make it back. This must be the same thing. Carl is going to do something stupid. Probably something to do with going after Negan. Worry built up inside me and I shot straight up. I didn't even bother to change out of the outfit I was wearing yesterday and happened to fall asleep in. I grabbed my knife, and made my way straight to the wall we used to always sneak over, hoping he would be there.

Just as I expected, there he was standing on the ground getting ready to climb. I ran up to him and once he noticed me he, he stiffened.

"What are you doing?" I loudly questioned him. He didn't respond. "Carl!"

"Don't worry about it, just go home," He told me.

"No," I stated crossing my arms. "Where are you going?" Carl didn't answer."Are you going to try and kill Negan?" I persisted. He didn't reply. Which meant that's exactly what he was planning to do. I let my arms fall to my sides. "Carl, you don't even know where he is, or how to get there. You can't do this, not now. Let your dad handle things."

"I'm not going to kill Negan." Carl blurted. I leaned my head sideways showing I didn't believe him. "I'm not," he insisted.

"Then where are you going?"

"To help Enid." He said with hesitation. I blinked.

"Help Enid?" I questioned.

"Yeah. She left to hilltop to check on Maggie. I want to make sure she gets there safe. I don't want to see anymore people die." Carl explained. I glanced down taking everything in. "I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to try and convince me not to go," He went on. And he was right. I would've tried to talk him out of it. In fact that's what I was doing just now. "I know you two aren't fans of each other, but I don't want to see anymore of our people die." I stood there a few moments taking everything in.

"I'll come." I volunteered.

"Katie," Carl began.

"You aren't alone Carl. You don't have to be. Yeah I don't like Enid but that doesn't mean she deserves to die. Besides, I'd like to check on Maggie and Sasha too. See if the baby is okay. I'm coming with you." I strictly said. Carl stared at me for a few moments, before a small smile crept his face. Then he nodded.

"Okay," He said. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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