Chapter 50: Return.

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  We walked back into Alexandria. My face was even worse than before from those assholes. The sun was setting by the time we got back. Carl took me straight to Denise.

"Carl, I don't need help it barley hurts!" I tried to tell him.

"You're bleeding. Denise can stitch you up." Carl told me before knocking on her door. Denise opened the door. When she saw my face she looked concerned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We ran into some saviours outside the walls." Carl explained. Denise looked panicked.

"They're dead. Don't worry." I assured her. She raised her eyebrows.

"Uh, Come on in." She said.

A few minutes later, I was sitting on a chair as she stitched my cheek. I held back my urge to flinch at the stings. Carl was sitting next to me.

"You said those men were dead?" Denise asked me. I nodded. "Did you guys kill them?" She added.

"We had too." Carl replied. Denise looked slightly surprised.

"How many were there?" She asked again.

"Only two." I answered. She nodded as she continued stitching my face.

  "You know you guys aren't suppose to leave without telling anyone. Especially when Rick and everyone are gone." Denise said.

  "They think we're just kids. They would never let us leave alone." Carl told her. She glanced at Carl.

  "Still. It's dangerous. This could have been much worse." She does have a point, I thought.

  It took a good 10 minutes for her to stitch my cheek.

  "All done." She said putting the tools down.

  "Thanks." I replied. There was a knock on Denise's door. It was Enid.

  "Hey." Enid froze when she saw Carl and I. "Oh. I'll come back later." Enid said as she turned around.

  "No. It's fine." I began. Enid stopped and looked at me. "We were just leaving." I flatly said grabbing my sweater and making my way out the door, Carl followed.

When I walked past her, I felt her stare. I just ignored her. She's not worth my time. Carl and I walked down the street, back to the house. The cold night breeze hit the wound on my cheek. Carl looked at me.

  "You okay?" He asked.

  "I'm fine." I replied. I glanced at him. "Are you?" He shrugged before nodding. I could tell he was a little shaken. I mean who wouldn't be after what happened out there.

The next morning, I was woken up by Judith crying. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before getting up stumbling to her room. Carl was already in her room when I walked in.

"I got it." He said picking her up. I nodded before going back to my room to change.

I wore dark jeans and a white tank top with a blue flannel, and my hair in a braid like usual. I walked downstairs and Carl was already sitting on the couch feeding Judith. I smiled at the sight. He cares about her a lot. I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboards and joined him on the couch. I offered him a piece, he just shook his head no. I shrugged as I took a bite out of my breakfast. We both just sat there in silence for a couple minutes.

We need eachother! *the walking dead fan fiction*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt