Chapter 10: Truth.

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  We were on our way out, when Rick stopped us.

"Here." He said handing some extra ammo to Carl. "You two be careful, got it?" We both nodded and walked out of the cell block.

"Have you ever been on watch before?" I asked Carl.

"Oh yeah lots of times." He replied. "What about you?" He asked.

"With my old group yeah, I stood watch almost all the time." I answered. Then we got to the guard tower. We climbed up to the top and sat on the edges with our legs hanging over the side. The sun was just beginning to set leaving an orange coloured sky. All you could see from up here was the forest, and walkers roaming around it.

"So.." Carl began. "You never really told me about yourself. Like your old group and stuff."

"Oh yeah.." I said. But the truth was I didn't really want to talk about it. But Carl was my friend and I guess it would be nice to talk to him about it. He just looked at me with a look like he was waiting for me to talk.

"When this all started, it was just my mom, dad, sister, and I. We lived in the city. When the disease first broke out, we knew we had to leave. We went to relatives houses to see if they wanted to come with us, but they had already left. So to be away from all the chaos happening in the city, we drove to a small town about 70 kilometres away. We were staying at a family friends house with about five other people. We were watching the news to see what was going on, but then the tv networks got shut down, and that's when we knew things were serious.

Eventually, the town started to get overrun, so all 9 of us took as much supplies as we could and left. We didn't know where we were going, but we had to go. So we just drove and drove for about three or four hours on the highway. Until we ran into a campsite. We pulled up and there was a camp, with about 10 people. We asked if we could join them and they didn't mind. They told us help was on the way and that all this was just temporary. They were wrong. About three weeks later a herd came threw, and we lost people. Including ... My parents.." I said holding back tears.

"So it was me and my sister, and 6 other people with us. Food was low, and and we had no place to stay. We kept losing more and more people until it was just me and my sister Amber. We were staying in a old apartment. She got sick. Nothing serious, just a small cold. We went in the woods to find medicine or any food we could find. And as we were walking I heard a sudden scream. So I turn around and before I could do anything......... A walker was already half way through her shoulder."

I was trying so hard to hold back my tears, it was hard. But I continued my story...

"I shot the walker and took Amber back to the apartment, I told her I would do whatever I had to do, to make her heal. But she told me it wasn't possible. She gave me her gun and told me to end it for her. I didn't want to do it but I had to! I couldn't stand seeing my sister suffer. I hugged and told her I loved her and then ........... I ended it." At this point I couldn't control my tears and a few rolled down my cheek.

Carl hugged me. "I know how you feel." He said. I glanced up at him and furrowed my eyebrows together.

"I had to do it too. My mom, she was pregnant with Judith. A prisoner lead a bunch of walkers in the prison. The baby was coming and we were running from walkers. It was just me, her and Maggie. We were trapped in a room and Maggie had to do a  C- section using just my knife. She bled out and, I didn't want her to turn so, I ended it." Carl explained. I didn't know how to respond.

I was just relieved to get that story off my chest and actually tell someone. And the fact that Carl can relate, made me feel even better.

  We sat there for a few more minutes. All of a sudden I felt something touch my hand. It was Carls hand. I looked down at our hands and then looked up at him. He was slowly leaning in for a kiss. I didn't know what to do! Do I flinch, do I turn away, do I look away and pretend I don't notice him, I don't know!  I never had my first kiss yet. But I felt so close to him. Even though we've only known each other for a few days. I couldn't help but also lean into the kiss.

Our lips met and it wasn't like the movies were fire works go off. But it was definitely something special. It was nice and it made me feel happy. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. And every second the kissed lasted, the more relieved I was from this world. I almost wanted it to last forever. Once we opened our eyes and pulled apart. We just looked at each other. Before smiling. My cheeks flushed.

His eyes were what got me. My eyes are blue to, but not as blue as his. My eyes are more of a greenish blue. But Carl's were pure ocean blue. We both shyly looked away but still holding hands. I can honestly say for the first time in a while, I felt truly happy. And the entire time I was kissing him, it helped me forget everything going in around us.

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