Chapter 42: Adventures.

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  The next day, Carl and I were sitting on the couch. Rick and Pete were put in separate houses. And they put Pete in a different house than Jessie thankfully. I looked at Carl who looked extremely tired.

  "You okay?" I asked taking his hand.

  "Yeah. I'm just tired I didn't sleep much last night." Carl replied.

  "Rick will be okay. He just wanted to protect people, and Jessie. Pete deserved what he got." I said trying to make Carl feel better. Carl nodded with a faded smile. I put my arm around him and my head on his shoulder for comfort.

A few hours later. I was sitting on the porch, when I overheard Deanna talking to Maggie and some others about a meeting. A meeting? Great they are probably going to discuss if Rick should be kicked out. I understand Rick was crazy yesterday and all, but these people have been sheltered for too long. A small reality check wouldn't hurt them. I saw Ron and Enid sitting on a bench. See, Enid has Ron. Why would she be after Carl? This place is just getting to my head. I need to relax and not worry too much. Let's think of something else.

  It's been days since I've been outside of these walls. I should go out into the woods for a while, I don't want to become weak. I walked inside and got my knife. I knocked on Carl's door. He opened it.

  "I'm going out. Wanna come?" I asked him.

  "Did you just ask me on a date?" Carl jokingly asked.

  "Guess so." I said with a smile.

  "Sure." He replied getting his knife. We climbed over the wall. We could use the front but I don't think Rick would like us to leave the walls alone. But we aren't going to far. We were walking around. No walkers in sight just yet.

  "So, you trust this place yet?" Carl asked to start conversation.

  "I was starting to. But after yesterday.. I think they see us as a threat. They would understand if they were out here like we were." I answered.

  "But they weren't. Most of them have never been out here." Carl said.

  "I know, that's what scares me. What if the walls fall, or a danger comes. They won't know what to do." I replied. Before Carl had the chance to reply the sound of a growl emerged from the trees. A couple feet away a walker came stumbling toward us.

  "Got it." I said taking out my knife. I walked up to it. It was a taller walker so I kicked the leg to break the bone. The walker fell to its knees. I stabbed the top of the head. Then I noticed something. I was studying the walker.

  "What are you looking at?" Carl asked coming to stand next to me.

  "Look, there is a W carved on its forehead." I said using the knife to point at the letter.

  "It's probably nothing." Carl suggested. I just looked at the walker again before continuing to walk.

"We probably shouldn't go any further. We are pretty far." Carl said. We stopped and had a seat on a log. It was weird we only saw one walker the whole time. I didn't think too much of it. It was silent.

"What do you and Enid do out here anyway?" I asked breaking the silence. "I know you guys are just friends, I'm just curious." I added on.

"Same thing. We kill walkers, and run." He answered.

"Run from what?" I questioned.

"We just run. For fun I guess." He replied. I nodded. Distant footsteps snapped us to attention. It sounded like someone was sprinting. We quickly ran behind a tree with a thick trunk. And had our knives out. We peeked from behind the tree and saw Nicholas not too far running into the woods. We exchanged confused looks.

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