Chapter 53: The Very Best One,

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I was in my room packing my bag getting ready to go. Since Densie is.. Gone. We have to bring Maggie to the hilltops doctor. So Rick is taking the RV and a group of people to get her there. I've never been to hilltop before, I want to go see what it's like, but I also want to be there for Maggie. I was putting a box of bullets in my bag when my bedroom door opened. It was Carl.

"Hey." I said.

"What are you doing?" Carl asked me looking almost angry.

"Uh, I'm packing." I replied as I threw a water bottle into my bag.

"Why? You aren't coming." Carl said. I stopped what I was doing and raised my eyebrows at him. Excuse me?

"Uh, yes I am." I sternly shot back.

"No you're not. Okay it's too dangerous. I don't want you getting killed. What happened to Denise, I'm not letting that happen to anyone else. Especially you." Carl said sounding slightly frustrated. I knitted my eyebrows together studying his face.

  "You want them to show up. Don't you?" I asked Carl. He stayed silent. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his behaviour. "This isn't about the saviours! Carl this is about getting Maggie to hilltop! To a doctor!" I told him raising my voice.

  "What if they show up?" Carl asked me. It took me a few moments to reply.

  "Then we'll handle it." I said. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked toward the door. Carl gently grabbed my arm stopping me.

  "Just wait." He said.

  "Carl. Let go." I flatly said. He can't stop me from going. If I want to go, then I'll go.

  "Wait." Carl repeated.

"No, you can't tell me what to do. I'm going." I said pushing Carl's arm away.

"Please just stay here!" Carl pleaded. I glared my eyes at him.

"Why do you want me to stay so bad?" I loudly questioned him.

"Because! I- I love you."


I froze. We both did. The room fell silent. My face went from a look of anger to a look of confusion. Did he really just say that? Maybe he said it in all the chaos. Maybe he said it by accident. I was waiting for him to take it back. Or apologize. Or at least say something. Anything. But he didn't. I was looking at him, waiting for him to speak. He stayed quiet. And he glanced down. We both stood there for a few moments. Without saying a word. I just walked out of the room. Expecting Carl to follow me, but he didn't. He stood there. I went downstairs and outside. I had to process everything that just happened. The last person to say they love me was my sister. Did he really mean it? He seemed like he did. My thoughts were scattered.

I have to get to the RV before they leave. I walked down the street. And once I got there Rick was waiting just outside the door.

"You joining us?" Rick asked me with a shotgun in his arms. I nodded with a small smile before stepping into the RV. I looked around and saw Abraham, Sasha, Eugene, and Aaron. Maggie must be in the back bedroom. I took a seat at the table. Still comprehending what happened just minutes ago.

"Okay that's everyone." Rick said as Carl stepped into the RV. I looked up at him. He sat on the opposite side of the table. Not a word from either of us.

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