Chapter 47: Miracles.

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Everything was happening so fast. I was standing in the corner of the room. Watching in disbelief as Denise was stitching up Carls eye. Michonne was holding his eye in place for Denise.

"I have to go." Michonne said panicking.

"Hold on." Denise replied while stitching Carl's eye.

"But he's out there!" Michonne said eager to go and help Rick.

"This is his son. Give me a second." Denise sternly told Michonne.

"I got it." I said stepping to the bed. "I got it go." I told Michonne. She nodded to thank me before kissing Carl on the forehead, and rushing out the door, followed by Heath, Aaron, and Spencer.

I looked down at Carl and more tears filled my eyes. Seeing him like this was just...... So hard.

"Okay. Got it." Denise said. I stepped back and took a deep breath to control my tears.

"Okay. I have to go." I said. Denise looked up at me with wide eyes.

"What?" She asked.

"I have to go help them." I said pulling out my knife.

"Katie, you don't have to."

"I do. We all have something we have to do. And right now, you have to save Carl and I have to help save this place so when he wakes up, he will have something good to wake up too." I told Denise. She nodded. I took Carls hand and held it for a few seconds.

"If I don't make it back, make sure he gets this." I said as I took off the hope ring he gave me and set it down on the side table. Then I made my way outside.

Not many walkers were around, they all followed Rick and the others. But there was still a few I have to take care of. I stabbed about 5. I tried to follow the walker noises to find where everyone was so I could join them. As I was jogging trying to find the group, a walker came from behind me and grabbed both of my shoulders. I threw my arms above my head to hold the walker away from taking a chuck out of my neck. Another one started to make his way toward me. I was struggling. The walker came closer and closer. Before it was only 2 ft away. I kicked it in the chest as hard as I could, as it tumbled backwards, I quickly turned around and stabbed the one behind me in the eye. Just as I turned around to kill the other one, it was already too close. I took me down and I let out a scream.

  My knife fell and I was flat on my back holding the walker an inch away from my face. It was snapping at me as bloody drool dripped from its mouth. I tried to push it off but I couldn't. My arms became weak. And I couldn't hold on any longer. Everything was starting to go blurry. Just as I was about to give up, a blade drove into the walkers head, and the body fell lifeless beside me. I was breathing heavy and in shock. I looked up and I was surprised.

"Come on." Enid said holding out her hand. Slightly confused I took her hand and she helped me up. "Follow me." Still confused I followed her.

  She lead me to one of the guard posts. There was a big truck as Daryl, Abraham, Sasha were helping Maggie down. And....... Oh my god.

  "Glenn." I said in shock. Walkers were coming closer to us, we didn't have time for a reunion moment.

  "Come on!" Daryl yelled. We all jumped into the truck. And began to drive toward the pond.

  I couldn't stop wondering why Enid helped me. I wasn't expecting her out all people to come to my rescue.

  "Okay, I'm going to empty the gas tank into the water, make it one big fire, draw all of em too it." Daryl said.

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