Chapter 32: Strangers.

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It was early. I sat up and looked around. Everyone was spread out on the ground sleeping. Except Daryl. He was on the other side of the barn, just sitting. Last night was a blur. The last thing I remember we were pushing the doors to keep walkers out when the wind got very powerful and then.. That's all I remember. But everyone is alive. And that's all that matters.

I nudged Carl too wake him up. And not much longer after, everyone was else woke up too. Maggie opened the barn doors, and I was shocked too see trees ripped over. Underneath the trees was some squished walkers. Some dead, and some still squirming and growling. Well guess that answers what happened last night. The storm saved us.

The sun rise was shining through the trees surrounding us, and thankfully we had a good amount of water from the storm. Maggie and Sasha stepped out for a bit. Rick was inside taking care of crying Judith. I was standing outside looking around. Even though the the storm made a huge mess, the sun rise was still beautiful. And the smell of rain is relaxing.

Carl came up too me with a knife. Without question I took it and braced myself. Carl, Glenn, Rosita, and I walked over to one of the trees with walkers trapped underneath, and took them out of there misery. I'm used to killing these things, but when they're trapped and struggling to escape, its different. It's kind of sad. But we can't feel bad for them, they aren't human.

Once we were done we went back inside the small barn we were staying in. I'm surprised the storm didn't knock the barn down on top of us. We had a decent amount of food and water which was good. And shelter which was great. Everyone seemed more calm then we were just the day before. When we were on the road with nothing. I saw Carl sitting down, leaning against one of the walls with Judith. Without a word, I sat down and smiled, he smiled back. It was quiet for a few minutes, until I finally spoke.

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" Carl just looked at me and nodded.

"You know how back at the prison, when I first got there, you didn't trust me. And you said you didn't like new people coming in because it could be dangerous?" I asked. Carl slightly smiled at the memory.

"Yeah." He simply replied. I continued.

"Well, when we were on our way to terminus, and that guy we didn't even know was getting attacked, you were so eager to help him. And after terminus, when father Gabriel was being attacked you were so determined to save him."

"Yeah, so?" Carl questioned.

"So, what made you trust all those people, but not me?" I asked. I wasn't mad I was just curious. Carl looked down before replying.

"I remember when I first saw you, you were sleeping. My dad and Daryl rushed into the the prison carrying you, before putting you on the bed in one of the cells. Hershel came in and looked at you. And then shut the cell and told me to keep an eye on you. I remember looking at you, and thinking to myself that you were so beautiful. But since my dad was always bringing new people in, I never let my guard down. So I didn't want to trust you. Or even be close to you. But look what happend. If my dad wasn't always helping people and bringing people in, I might have never met you, and if I never met you, well I don't know where I would be. I definitely wouldn't be as happy as I am. And I realized that sometimes, no matter how hard it may be, you have to trust people. And hope that they bring something good for you. And you defiantly brought happiness, and strength, to this group." Carl explained.

I had the biggest smile on my face. I didn't know what to say. To hear what he just said was heart warming. I just looked at him speechless. And he smiled at me.

"Carl that was-" I was cut off by Sasha and Maggie bursting through the door, making everyone jump to their feet. It took me a few seconds to realize, it wasn't just Sasha and Maggie, they brought a guest.

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