Chapter 46: Please save him.

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  My whole body tensed. Shut up Sam. Thankfully, he became quiet and we weren't noticed. We continued to make our way through the crowd. After a good 10 minutes, Rick brought us near a bush away from the walkers. The sun was beginning to set. It will be night soon. I hope we make this quick. We stood in a small circle.

  "Alright, new plan. Flares and guns aren't enough. Too many walkers too spread out. We need our vehicles back at the quarry. We all drive, round em up. We leave, we come back." Rick quietly explained. The whole time Rick was giving his speech, I was standing with Carl facing outwards to make sure no walkers were coming our way.

"Okay." Jessie said. "But Judith, to the quarry and back?" It is risky. What if she starts crying? It dangerous. And Rick new that.

"I'll take her." I heard Gabriel's voice say. What? Did he really just offer to help? Carl and I both turned around to look at him. "Keep her safe in my church while you lead the walkers away." We were all silent for a minute.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Michonne questioned.

"I'm suppose to. I will." Gabriel confirmed. Carl looked at Rick. Rick nodded. Carl carefully slipped Judith under Gabriel's poncho. I had a very unsettling feeling about this. But what are else are we suppose to do. Besides, Gabriel is finally stepping up. Maybe he's changing for the better.

"Take sam." Jessie said. Good idea. I thought.

"No." Sam protested.

"Yes Sam, it'll be safer." Jessie told him.

"I'm not leaving you. I can keep going." Sam argued. Jessie looked at him.


"I can keep going. Please." Sam pleaded. After a long pause, Jessie gave in.

"Okay." She said. If Sam says he can do it, he better not mess this up.

"I'm going to keep her safe." Gabriel told Rick.

"Thank you." Rick replied. And Gabriel walked off. My heart was racing watching him disappear into the crowd of walkers with Judith. I hope they make it. No, I know they'll make it.

We all joined hands again. This time I was behind Carl, and Ron was behind me. We continued to move. I kept my head down.

Nightfall came. It was dark out and we only had a little more to go before we were home safe. We're almost there. All of a sudden we stopped. Why are we stopping!? I glanced up. Of course. Sam. My heart sped up as he stopped and started to let out a small cry.

"Come on Sam. You have to be brave." Jessie and Ron were trying to convince him to keep moving. He was frozen. I started looking around and walkers were starting to head our way. He's drawing attention. Come on Sam! Just then, walkers came from the darkness and took a huge chunk out of his face as Jessie screamed in terror. The walkers took Sam. I was shocked. We all were but the walkers will notice us next if we don't keep moving. But Jessie was in shock. She was devastated. She wasn't moving.

"Jessie come on, you have to come with us. Jessie come on!" Carl loudly whispered while pulling on Jessie's hand.

"Jessie!" I said trying to get her attention. But it was no use. She drew too much attention. They got her too. I turned my head away as the walkers took her down and tore into her flesh. Then I realized she was still holding onto Carl's hand. She wouldn't let go. Oh no.

"Dad." Carl said with fear as he tried pulling out of Jessie's grip. Rick wasn't all there.

"Rick!" I slightly shouted to get his attention. Rick snapped out of it pulling out his hatchet and cutting Jessie arm off to free Carl. Carl tumbled backwards onto the ground in front of me. I quickly helped him up. I heard a click of a gun. Carl and I turned around. Just a few feet away from me, Ron was pointing his gun at Rick. I tensed up.

"You." Ron said with hatred in his eyes. Oh shit. I have to do something fast.

  "NO!" I screamed before pushing his arm away. A gunshot went off making me jump. I turned around too see if it hit Rick. He was fine. I was relieved. Until I looked over at Carl.

  I froze. My eyes widened and filled with tears, as my heart dropped to my stomach and my legs became weak. My stomach was in knots and I couldn't breath.

"Dad?" Carl let out. He was shot in the eye. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion as I watched Carl fall to the ground.

I slowly looked back at Ron who was starring at Carl with no guilt. Without even thinking I pulled out my knife, and stabbed Ron in the throat. Again, and again, and again. His body fell to the ground and was immediately attacked by walkers. I began to run. We have to get Carl to the infirmary.

Rick quickly picked Carl up. He's not dying. He's not allowed to die. Rage built up in me. I had my knife out and helped Michonne fight our way through the walkers. I was screaming and slaughtering every walker in my path. I wasn't scared. Everything was a blur.

We made our way towards the infirmary. It took a good 10 minutes to get there. But we finally got there. They saw us coming through the window and opened the door for us as Rick ran in first, followed by Michonne and I. Once we got in Rick set him down on one of the beds. Denise was acting quickly.

"Please save him. Please." Rick pleaded  stepping back. A bright light came on. Seeing Carl laying there like this. That's when it all set in. I felt a lump in my throat as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I felt so small and defeated. There was nothing I could do but watch Denise try and save him. My heart was broken. It felt like something was pushing down on my chest making it hard for me to breath. I haven't felt this much pain since my sister died.

I heard the door open. Rick had his hatchet out and began walking outside.

"Rick!" I said through tears but we couldn't stop him. He was ready to fight.

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