We need eachother! *the walking dead fan fiction*

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I was running through the woods, with two walkers right behind me and no weapon. I couldn't stay in that abandoned apartment anymore, it was starting to get over run and I have no guns or ammo. So I snuck out through the back and made it into the woods where I ran into these two walkers!

With no weapon, all I could so was run. So I have been running for about 15 minutes now and I was starting to get tired. I had to find some place to rest, a cabin or anything! All of sudden I tripped over some stupid tree root and hit the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. I looked behind me and seen the walkers just steps away, I got up and tried running, but I couldn't on my left foot.

I limped as fast as I could breathing heavily. Then finally I found some sticks and rocks on the ground. I grabbed a thick, sharp stick and stabbed one walker in the eye with it. It fell to the ground and I fell on top of it. Quickly picking myself up, I grabbed a big rock and smashed the other walkers head.

Once I knew for sure that they were dead, I fell back and just laid there for a few minutes, catching my breath. I couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the woods, but it was a struggle to stay awake. I was slowly drifting off, but was suddenly woken up by the faded sound of distant gun shots.

I looked around, but I didn't see anything. I got up, pulled the stick out of the walkers eye, and tried to follow the noise. I heard soft yelling, but as I followed the voices, they got louder. Then I finally seen movement in the distance. I jumped behind a tree and sat there, just listening.

I heard footsteps. They were getting closer and closer to the tree I was hiding behind. I held my breath and grasped the stick in my hand, but then the steps started to fade away. I breathed with relief. Then I felt something scurry across my hand and let out a small scream.

*Stupid squirrel! * I thought to myself. Then the footsteps stopped, and started getting closer again. I could hear each step get louder and louder. I looked to my side and seen a man with a crossbow approach me. Once he seen I me, he lowered his crossbow.

"Rick!" He called.

"What is it?" The man called back.

"It's just a kid!"

When the man came, he just looked at me for a few seconds. I looked back in shock, I couldn't move and could barley talk. I didn't know if these people would kill me or what they would do. So I just sat there and starred. The man with the revolver crouched beside me and said,

"Are you alone?" He has a very strong American accent. I slowly nodded my head yes.

"You're out here by yourself? No group or anything?" The man asked seeming unconvinced. I nodded again.

"How old are you?"

"Four- four teen." I studdered. The men both glanced at each other. My eyelids were getting heavy and I could barley stay awake. Before I blacked out.

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